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Text File | 1989-02-05 | 11.3 KB | 243 lines | [TEXT/QED1] |
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --
- -- Docs for CTOOLS
- --
- -- A Collection of C Programming File Utilities for the Macintosh
- --
- -- by G. Haddock
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Copyright 1988, 1989 by G. Haddock.
- Portions of this program are copyright by Think Technologies.
- In the spirit of the public domain source of the original source code for
- most of the "C" tools, this program is released for personal, non-commercial
- use as a productivity tool.
- General:
- This program is a collection of C file tools and utilities that are useful
- for formatting and reading C source files, particularly some of the stuff
- that you obtain from the public domain sources. These tools and utilities
- have been wrapped inside a Macintosh(TM) shell that includes a rudimentary
- editor function. The editor is not intended for major programming
- activities, but it is useful for viewing and making small modifications to
- files.
- Since the editor uses TextEdit, the files are limited in size to 32K after
- tab expansion. (This is about 20 printed pages of source code.) If you
- attempt to read a file into the application which is longer, you will receive
- an Error message. Of course, you are never supposed to let your C source files
- get that long anyway. If you find one longer than that somewhere, you may have
- to break it into smaller segments using a different text editor before
- processing.
- Because TextEdit does not handle tabs, an input filter expands out any tabs
- to the appropriate number of spaces upon reading the file, or entering text, and
- will re-convert any spaces (which are not inside " or ' quotes) back into tabs
- upon saving the file back to disk. This will generally clean up files where
- spaces and tabs were originally used interchangeably. The tabs settings in
- this version are FIXED at an equal separation of 4 spaces.
- In the interests of encouraging the user to not overwrite the original
- unprocessed source file until you are sure that you have what you want, the
- program will not do a simple "SAVE" command upon closing a file, but will
- always force the user back through the "SAVE AS" procedure, which will ask
- permission before overwriting any pre-existing files.
- Source Formatter:
- A "C" Source Formatter or "Pretty Printer" which operates on files. This
- utility will operate on any file which ends in the suffix ".c". It will
- re-indent a file according to the nesting level of the segments of the program.
- Multiple statements per line will be reformatted to have one statement per line.
- The logic flow of a program (as viewed by a C compiler) should not be disturbed,
- but you will generally find the program much easier to read if it was not
- originally indented according to nesting levels.
- Modified to run in a Macintosh shell environment from public domain source
- obtained from the C Users Group. Numerous changes were made to improve
- handling of "if()" statements which are nested without brackets.
- Original author credit: W. C. Colley, III and J. W. Kindschi, Jr.
- Abstracts C function calls and declarations from a C source file and
- produces a listing of the program's calling hierarchy. This utility will
- operate on any file which ends in the suffix ".c". It will generate a new file
- with the original file name plus the suffix ".flw" which contains a sequential
- indented list of all functions called from each function declaration.
- It is a useful utility for understanding the overall flow and calling
- structure of a program, particularly one that has insufficient or no
- documentation or commenting.
- Modified to run in a Macintosh shell environment, plus multiple minor bugs
- fixed, from public domain source obtained from the C Users Group.
- Original author credit: W. C. Colley, III and Mark Ellington.
- A program to find and report all badly matched openers and closers plus
- assignment/equality confusions in a C source file. This utility will operate
- on any file which ends in the suffix ".c". It will generate a new file with
- the original file name plus the suffix ".check" which contains the output
- comments from the utility. It specifically comments on unbalanced openings
- and closings of brackets, braces, etc., and specifically looks for the use
- of "=" rather than "==" inside decision statements. If the "Verbose" option is
- selected, the utility will comment on the placement of opening and closing
- braces which are not vertically aligned in the source code.
- Modified to run in a Macintosh shell environment from public domain source
- dated March 1987. Original author credit: Steve Draper, expanding on "cnest"
- by Tom Anderson.
- Cross Reference:
- This is a concordance or cross-reference utility for 'C' programs. This
- utility will operate on any file which ends in the suffix ".c". It will
- generate a new file with the original file name plus the suffix ".xref" which
- contains the cross referenced output from the utility. It will generate a list
- of all variable and function names in the source code, along with the line
- number in which they appear. In accordance with the operation of
- Think/Lightspeed C (TM), this program does not recognise nested comments, but it
- will properly deal with comments or quoted items which are inside single
- or double quotes.
- Options support the following features:
- - Cross-referencing of Think/Lightspeed C reserved words.
- - Generation of line numbered listing only.
- - Generation of cross-reference only.
- If the file is large, that is, over 20K bytes, and swells in size when you try
- to save both the line numbered listing and cross reference listing inside
- the same .xref file such that it swells beyond 32K, you may have to break up
- the file or save the numbered listing and cross-reference listing in separate
- files. If you have a programmer's editor like QUED (TM), then you really won't
- need the numbered listing anyway.
- Modified to run in a Macintosh shell environment from public domain source
- provided by the C Users Group. Keywords, reserved words, and comment
- processing were aligned with Think/Lightspeed C usage. The program will now
- only deal with a single level of comments, not comments nested within comments.
- Original author credit: Phillip N. Hisley, W. H. Rauser, W. C. Colley, III.
- Strip File:
- This tool is useful for cleaning up and converting files that you have
- imported from other sources such as IBM-PC based files, or Unix systems.
- Text files obtained from IBM-PC based sources as viewed on a Macintosh
- usually have a row of "boxes" down the left edge of the screen, and a
- horizontal row of boxes at the bottom of the file. These are actually control
- characters which are present in the file, but are not used by the Macintosh.
- To convert and clean up this kind of file, just click "OK" at the Stripper
- dialog, which will remove all control characters not recognized by the
- Macintosh, as well as any characters with values above $7F.
- If the file does not appear to have any carriage returns, and the file just
- wraps around and around with little "boxes" where you think the start of each
- line should be, then the file is probably a Unix type file, and the additional
- "Convert Unix File" option should also be checked. Unix type text files use
- "LineFeed" ($0A) rather than "CarriageReturn" ($0D) as the Mac does to mark
- a new line. The "Convert Unix File" option will substitute a CarriageReturn
- for each LineFeed before stripping. If you check this box on an IBM-PC type
- file, then you will end up with everything double spaced, but no other harm done.
- Although most Macintosh programs will not recognise them, there are some
- text editors like QUED which will respond to imbedded "Form Feeds" for
- page break control. If these exist in the program, and you want to save
- them, activate the "Save FormFeed" option.
- Pascal to C:
- This utility will translate Pascal keywords and operators to their
- C equivalent. This utility will operate on any file which DOES NOT end in the
- suffix ".c". It will generate a new file with the original file name plus
- the suffix ".P2.c" which contains the translated output from the utility.
- This program is an aid in translating a Pascal program to C. It will do
- much of the repetitive mechanical conversion. HOWEVER, the programmer will
- need a working knowledge of both Pascal and C to manually convert some Pascal
- features which this program can not handle, or for which there is no direct
- C equivalent.
- The output will generally not be legal C code. This program provides a
- simple mechanical translation of those Pascal keywords and structures that have
- a direct equivalent in "C". Structures such as "WITH" in Pascal which have no
- direct equivalent in C will have to be manually re-coded. In particular,
- beware of the differences between Pascal and C in the way that the languages
- pass variables as parameters to procedures. Pascal passes a pointer to a
- variable, such that operations inside a procedure will change the original
- variable. In C, a copy of the parameter is passed, (even when the name is the
- same), and any operations on the parameter only occur on the copy, and not the
- original, so that there can be significant differences in the logic of a
- program, even if they appear "identical" in both Pascal and "C". If you are
- translating a Pascal program into "C", this utility will save you significant
- time by doing the majority of the translation for you.
- The Pascal source can be in upper, lower, or mixed case. Case is preserved
- during translation. Structures translated properly include simple assignment
- and comparison statments, variable, type, and label declarations, enumerated
- types, and procedure and function declarations and instances.
- Structures NOT always completely translated properly include sets,
- constant declarations, variant records, files, subrange types, VAR parameters,
- CASE, FOR, UNTIL, WITH, READ, and WRITE statements, and nested procedures.
- The translator will generally provides hints or warnings about untranslatable
- regions by inserting UPPERCASE messages enclosed with /* and */ into the
- translated source. Error messages are of the form /***# Expected ... ***/.
- Error recovery is poor- the first error in translation may result in a
- very long stream of error messages. If a particular area of the Pascal
- program is creating errors, it may be prudent to just comment it out, and
- translate it manually after the program translates the rest of the file.
- The translated source can be cleaned up considerably by running it
- through the "Source Formatter" after translation.
- Public domain source modified to run in a Macintosh shell environment with
- keyword translation aligned with Think/Lightspeed C reserved words.
- This program was reportedly inspired by a program in February 1985 Byte
- Magazine which did a C TO PASCAL conversion.
- Original author credit for this version's source: James A. Mullens and
- Dan Kegel.
- Prototype Generator:
- This utility will generate C type prototypes from a C source file.
- This utility will operate on any file which ends in the suffix ".c". It will
- generate a new file with the original file name plus the suffix ".pr" which
- contains the list of prototypes output by the utility.
- Any correspondence may be directed to Graham Haddock on
- CompuServe: 70611,1530
- G. Haddock February 4, 1989.