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Text File | 1992-04-20 | 16.0 KB | 665 lines | [TEXT/PJMM] |
- unit Talks;
- { This program was written by Peter N Lewis, Mar 1992 in THINK Pascal 4.0.1 }
- interface
- uses
- OOStatus;
- procedure InitTalks;
- procedure FinishTalks;
- procedure HandleStatusCommand (data: longInt; sc: statusCommands; var s: string);
- procedure HandleEvents;
- const
- max_notify_display_time = longInt(1) * 60 * 60;
- implementation
- uses
- OOMainLoop, AppGlobals, Preferences, MyNotifier, MyInternetMenu, MyTranslate82728,{}
- TCPTypes, TCPStuff, TCPConnections, OOTalk, TalkUtils, TalkUDPPackets,{}
- PrefsGlobals, MyUtils, MyUtilities;
- type
- MyTalkObject = object(TalkObject)
- tcpc: TCPConnectionPtr;
- mtc: MyTalkConnection;
- procedure TransmitKey (ch: char);
- override;
- procedure TransmitBlock (h: handle; len: longInt);
- override;
- procedure Destroy;
- override;
- end;
- BaseTalkConnection = object
- procedure HandleEvent (cer: connectionEventRecord);
- procedure HandleStatusCommand (sc: statusCommands; var s: string);
- procedure GotResponse (var request, response: ctlMsg);
- end;
- DaemonTalkConnection = object(BaseTalkConnection)
- procedure Create;
- procedure Destroy;
- procedure GotResponse (var request, response: ctlMsg);
- override;
- end;
- MyTalkConnection = object(BaseTalkConnection)
- local_id, remote_id: longInt;
- mto: MyTalkObject;
- title: stringHandle;
- packet_state: (PS_None, PS_Verifying, PS_Connecting);
- lastresponse: ctlMsg;
- machname: str63;
- ourcontrolport: integer;
- ourtcpport: integer;
- remotecontrolhost: longInt;
- con: connectionIndex;
- waitingforeditchars: boolean;
- delchar: char;
- procedure Create;
- procedure Destroy;
- procedure SelfDestruct;
- procedure StartConnect (s: str255);
- procedure InitiateConnect (remoteIP: longInt);
- procedure DeletePackets;
- procedure PartialClose;
- procedure SendCloseMessage;
- procedure HandleEvent (cer: connectionEventRecord);
- override;
- procedure GotResponse (var request, response: ctlMsg);
- override;
- procedure HandleStatusCommand (sc: statusCommands; var s: string);
- override;
- end;
- { HandleEvent(closed) -> Destroy mto }
- { Window Close -> Destroy mto }
- { Destroy mto -> Destroy mtc }
- var
- daemon: DaemonTalkConnection;
- trans_in, trans_out: transTable;
- procedure InitTalks;
- var
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- GetTrans(translateOutResID, trans_out);
- GetTrans(translateInResID, trans_in);
- oe := InitUDPPackets;
- new(daemon);
- daemon.Create;
- end;
- procedure FinishTalks;
- begin
- daemon.Destroy;
- FinishUDPPackets;
- end;
- procedure BaseTalkConnection.HandleStatusCommand (sc: statusCommands; var s: string);
- begin
- SysBeep(1);
- end;
- procedure BaseTalkConnection.GotResponse (var request, response: ctlMsg);
- begin
- SysBeep(1);
- end;
- procedure BaseTalkConnection.HandleEvent (cer: connectionEventRecord);
- begin
- SysBeep(1);
- end;
- procedure SetupMessage (var m: ctlMsg);
- begin
- m.vers := talk_version;
- m.id_num := -1;
- m.addr.family := AF_INET;
- m.addr.ip := my_machine_addr;
- m.addr.port := 0;
- m.ctl_addr.family := AF_INET;
- m.ctl_addr.ip := my_machine_addr;
- m.ctl_addr.port := 0;
- end;
- procedure DaemonTalkConnection.Create;
- var
- m: ctlMsg;
- begin
- SetupMessage(m);
- if CreateUDPChannel(self, -1, m.ctl_addr.port) = noErr then begin
- m.typ := CT_Scan;
- m.id_num := 1;
- SendPacket(self, WT_Soon, m, my_machine_addr, talkd_port);
- end;
- end;
- procedure DaemonTalkConnection.Destroy;
- begin
- DestroyUDPChannel(self);
- end;
- procedure MyTalkConnection.GotResponse (var request, response: ctlMsg);
- var
- cp: connectionIndex;
- state, localport, remoteport: integer;
- localhost, remotehost, available: longInt;
- tcpc: TCPConnectionPtr;
- a: integer;
- begin
- case request.typ of
- CT_VerifyAnnounce: begin
- if response.answer = a_success then
- SendPacket(self, WT_Delayed, request, my_machine_addr, talkd_port)
- else
- SelfDestruct;
- end;
- CT_LookUp: begin
- if response.answer = a_success then begin
- remote_id := response.id_num;
- if NewActiveConnection(cp, Default_TCPBUFFERSIZE, response.addr.ip, response.addr.port, self) <> noErr then begin
- SelfDestruct;
- SysBeep(1);
- end
- else begin
- con := cp;
- end;
- end
- else if NewPassiveConnection(cp, Default_TCPBUFFERSIZE, 0, 0, 0, self) <> noErr then begin
- SelfDestruct;
- SysBeep(1);
- end
- else begin
- con := cp;
- GetConnectionTCPC(cp, tcpc);
- repeat
- TCPRawState(tcpc, state, localhost, localport, remotehost, remoteport, available);
- until (localport <> 0) or (TCPState(tcpc) = T_Closed);
- ourtcpport := localport;
- request.addr.port := localport;
- request.typ := CT_leave_invite;
- SendPacket(self, WT_Soon, request, my_machine_addr, talkd_port);
- end;
- end;
- CT_leave_invite: begin
- if response.answer = a_success then begin
- local_id := response.id_num;
- request.typ := CT_Announce;
- SendPacket(self, WT_Soon, request, remotecontrolhost, talkd_port);
- end
- else if response.answer = a_permission_denied then begin
- Paramtext(title^^, '', '', '');
- a := Alert(PermDeniedAlertID, nil);
- SelfDestruct;
- end
- else begin
- Paramtext(title^^, '', '', '');
- a := Alert(RefusedAlertID, nil);
- SelfDestruct;
- end;
- end;
- CT_Announce: begin
- if response.answer = a_success then begin
- remote_id := response.id_num;
- SetEntry(self, rd_whatever, rs_connecting, '');
- {Hmm, no more packets needed I guess}
- end
- else
- SelfDestruct;
- end;
- otherwise
- ;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DaemonTalkConnection.GotResponse (var request, response: ctlMsg);
- var
- mtc: MyTalkConnection;
- title: str255;
- sh: stringHandle;
- m: ctlMsg;
- cp: connectionIndex;
- when: whenType;
- begin
- when := WT_Delayed;
- if response.answer = a_success then begin
- if not FindRequest(response.id_num, mtc) then begin
- new(mtc);
- mtc.Create;
- mtc.local_id := response.id_num;
- mtc.con := no_connection;
- mtc.packet_state := PS_Verifying;
- mtc.lastresponse := response;
- mtc.remotecontrolhost := response.ctl_addr.ip;
- if FindName(cp, response.ctl_addr.ip, mtc) <> noErr then begin
- FindString(response.ctl_addr.ip, title);
- mtc.StartConnect(title);
- end;
- when := WT_Soon;
- end;
- request.id_num := request.id_num + 1
- end
- else
- request.id_num := 1;
- SendPacket(self, when, request, my_machine_addr, talkd_port);
- end;
- procedure HandleStatusCommand (data: longInt; sc: statusCommands; var s: string);
- begin
- if data <> 0 then
- BaseTalkConnection(data).HandleStatusCommand(sc, s);
- end;
- {$Z+}
- procedure TalkTo (s: str255);
- var
- mtc: MyTalkConnection;
- name, mach: str255;
- sh: stringHandle;
- oe: OSErr;
- cp: connectionIndex;
- begin
- UnPackName(s, name, mach);
- new(mtc);
- mtc.Create;
- mtc.con := no_connection;
- mtc.packet_state := PS_Connecting;
- mtc.lastresponse.l_name := PStrToUser(name);
- mtc.machname := mach;
- sh := NewString(s);
- mtc.title := sh;
- SetEntry(mtc, rd_outgoing, rs_request, s);
- oe := FindAddress(cp, mach, mtc);
- if oe <> noErr then begin
- FailAlert('FindAddress failed with', oe);
- end;
- end;
- {$Z-}
- procedure MyTalkConnection.Create;
- var
- sh: stringHandle;
- begin
- mto := nil;
- title := nil;
- packet_state := PS_None;
- local_id := -1;
- remote_id := -1;
- end;
- procedure MyTalkConnection.PartialClose;
- begin
- if con <> no_connection then begin
- CloseConnection(con);
- SetDataPtr(con, nil); { ignore all future events }
- con := no_connection;
- if mto <> nil then
- mto.tcpc := nil;
- end;
- end;
- procedure MyTalkConnection.SendCloseMessage;
- var
- s: str255;
- i: integer;
- begin
- s := concat(cr, '[Connection Closed]', cr);
- for i := 1 to length(s) do
- mto.ReceiveKey(s[i]);
- end;
- procedure MyTalkConnection.Destroy;
- begin
- if title <> nil then
- DisposHandle(handle(title));
- RemoveEntry(self);
- PartialClose;
- DeletePackets;
- DestroyUDPChannel(self);
- dispose(self);
- end;
- procedure MyTalkConnection.SelfDestruct;
- begin
- if mto = nil then
- Destroy
- else
- mto.Destroy;
- end;
- procedure MyTalkObject.Destroy;
- begin
- if mtc <> nil then
- mtc.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- function TranslateChar (ch: char): char;
- begin
- case ch of
- cr:
- ch := lf;
- bs:
- ch := del;
- otherwise
- ;
- end;
- TranslateChar := chr(BAND(trans_out[ord(ch)], $FF));
- end;
- procedure MyTalkObject.TransmitKey (ch: char);
- var
- s: string[1];
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- if tcpc <> nil then begin
- s := TranslateChar(ch);
- oe := TCPSendAsync(tcpc, @s[1], 1, nil);
- end;
- end;
- procedure MyTalkObject.TransmitBlock (h: handle; len: longInt);
- var
- buffer: buf255;
- l, i: integer;
- pos: longInt;
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- pos := 0;
- while len > 0 do begin
- l := SizeOf(buffer);
- if l > len then
- l := len;
- BlockMove(ptr(longInt(h^) + pos), @buffer, l);
- for i := 0 to l - 1 do
- buffer[i] := TranslateChar(buffer[i]);
- oe := TCPSendAsync(tcpc, @buffer, l, nil);
- pos := pos + l;
- len := len - l;
- end;
- end;
- procedure MyTalkConnection.HandleStatusCommand (sc: statusCommands; var s: string);
- var
- m: ctlMsg;
- tname: userStr;
- begin
- case sc of
- SC_Abort: begin
- if mto <> nil then begin
- SetEntry(self, rd_whatever, rs_disconnected, '');
- PartialClose;
- SendCloseMessage;
- end
- else begin
- SetEntry(self, rd_whatever, rs_failed, '');
- SelfDestruct;
- end;
- end;
- SC_Connect: begin
- if packet_state = PS_Verifying then begin
- SetEntry(self, rd_whatever, rs_connecting, '');
- packet_state := PS_Connecting;
- m := lastresponse;
- SetupMessage(m);
- m.typ := CT_LookUp;
- m.ctl_addr.port := ourcontrolport;
- m.id_num := 0;
- tname := m.l_name;
- m.l_name := m.r_name;
- m.r_name := tname;
- SendPacket(self, WT_Soon, m, lastresponse.ctl_addr.ip, talkd_port);
- end
- else if packet_state = PS_Connecting then begin
- SetEntry(self, rd_whatever, rs_request, '');
- m := lastresponse;
- SetupMessage(m);
- m.typ := CT_Announce;
- m.ctl_addr.port := ourcontrolport;
- m.addr.port := ourtcpport;
- m.id_num := remote_id + 1;
- m.r_name := lastresponse.l_name;
- m.r_tty[1] := nul;
- m.l_name := PStrToUser(GetMyUserName(prefs));
- SendPacket(self, WT_Soon, m, remotecontrolhost, talkd_port);
- end
- end;
- SC_BringToFront:
- if mto <> nil then
- SelectWindow(mto.us.window);
- otherwise
- ;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DoNotify (s: str255; user: str31);
- const
- sicn_size = 32;
- var
- sicnH, nmSicn, snd: handle;
- sh: stringPtr;
- time: str255;
- secs: longInt;
- begin
- if prefs.allowconnect <> AC_Never then
- if not in_foreground then begin
- if prefs.notify_flash then begin
- nmSicn := NewHandle(sicn_size);
- sicnH := GetResource('SICN', sicn_id);
- if (sicnH <> nil) and (nmSicn <> nil) then
- BlockMove(sicnH^, nmSicn^, sicn_size)
- else if nmSicn <> nil then begin
- DisposHandle(nmSicn);
- nmSicn := nil;
- end;
- HPurge(sicnH);
- end
- else
- nmSicn := nil;
- if prefs.notify_beep then
- snd := handle(-1)
- else
- snd := nil;
- if prefs.notify_alert then begin
- GetDateTime(secs);
- IUTimeString(secs, false, time);
- SPrintS5(s, GetGlobalString(notify_str), s, user, time, '', '');
- sh := stringPtr(NewPtr(length(s) + 1));
- sh^ := s;
- end
- else
- sh := nil;
- NotifyH(mark_app, snd, nmSicn, sh, max_notify_display_time);
- end
- else if prefs.notify_beep then
- SysBeep(3);
- end;
- procedure MyTalkConnection.StartConnect (s: str255);
- var
- sh: stringHandle;
- m: ctlMsg;
- begin
- PackName(s, UserToPStr(lastresponse.l_name), s);
- sh := NewString(s);
- title := sh;
- SetEntry(self, rd_incoming, rs_request, s);
- if prefs.show_status then
- ShowStatus;
- m := lastresponse;
- SetupMessage(m);
- DoNotify(s, m.l_name);
- if CreateUDPChannel(self, lastresponse.id_num, m.ctl_addr.port) = noErr then begin
- ourcontrolport := m.ctl_addr.port;
- m.typ := CT_VerifyAnnounce;
- m.id_num := lastresponse.id_num;
- SendPacket(self, WT_Soon, m, my_machine_addr, talkd_port);
- end;
- end;
- procedure MyTalkConnection.InitiateConnect (remoteIP: longInt);
- var
- m: ctlMsg;
- i: integer;
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- remotecontrolhost := remoteIP;
- SetupMessage(m);
- oe := CreateUDPChannel(self, lastresponse.id_num, m.ctl_addr.port);
- if oe = noErr then begin
- ourcontrolport := m.ctl_addr.port;
- m.typ := CT_LookUp;
- m.id_num := -1;
- m.r_name := lastresponse.l_name;
- m.l_name := PStrToUser(GetMyUserName(prefs));
- m.r_tty[1] := nul;
- SendPacket(self, WT_Soon, m, remoteIP, talkd_port);
- end
- else
- FailAlert('Failed to open UDP Channel (cryptic error ain''t it?)', oe);
- end;
- procedure MyTalkConnection.DeletePackets;
- var
- m: ctlMsg;
- begin
- SetupMessage(m);
- m.typ := CT_Delete;
- m.ctl_addr.port := ourcontrolport;
- if local_id <> -1 then begin
- m.id_num := local_id;
- local_id := -1;
- SendOnePacket(m, my_machine_addr, talkd_port);
- end;
- if remote_id <> -1 then begin
- m.id_num := remote_id;
- remote_id := -1;
- SendOnePacket(m, remotecontrolhost, talkd_port);
- end;
- end;
- procedure DebugChar (dc, ch: char);
- begin
- { Delete this routine! It does nothing, its for debugging the values of delchar and ch }
- dc := ch;
- end;
- procedure MyTalkConnection.HandleEvent (cer: connectionEventRecord);
- var
- tmto: MyTalkObject;
- s: str255;
- oe: OSErr;
- i: integer;
- ch: char;
- begin
- with cer do
- case event of
- C_Found: begin
- InitiateConnect(value);
- end;
- C_SearchFailed: begin
- FailAlert(concat('Unknown machine "', machname, '"'), 0);
- SelfDestruct;
- end;
- C_NameFound: begin
- StartConnect(stringHandle(value)^^);
- DisposHandle(handle(value));
- end;
- C_NameSearchFailed: begin
- FindString(lastresponse.ctl_addr.ip, s);
- StartConnect(s);
- end;
- C_FailedToOpen: begin
- if timedout then
- FailAlert(concat('Timed out connecting to ', title^^), 0)
- else
- FailAlert(concat('Machine "', title^^, '" doesn''t answer'), 0);
- SetEntry(self, rd_whatever, rs_failed, '');
- con := no_connection;
- SelfDestruct;
- end;
- C_Established: begin
- new(tmto);
- mto := tmto; { don't you hate handles? }
- mto.mtc := self;
- mto.Create(talk_output_dialog_id);
- delchar := del;
- s := title^^;
- AddInternetCommand(title^^);
- SetWTitle(mto.us.window, s);
- SetEntry(self, rd_whatever, rs_connected, title^^);
- ShowWindow(mto.us.window);
- mto.tcpc := tcpc;
- waitingforeditchars := true;
- { Send three edit chars, whatever they might be... }
- s := concat(del, chr($15), chr($17));
- oe := TCPSendAsync(tcpc, @s[1], length(s), nil);
- DeletePackets;
- end;
- C_CharsAvailable: begin
- if waitingforeditchars then begin
- {$PUSH}
- {$R-}
- if value >= 3 then begin
- waitingforeditchars := false;
- oe := TCPReceiveChars(tcpc, @s[1], 3);
- delchar := s[1];
- end;
- end
- else begin
- if value > 255 then
- value := 255;
- oe := TCPReceiveChars(tcpc, @s[1], value);
- if oe = noErr then
- for i := 1 to value do begin
- DebugChar(delchar, s[i]);
- if s[i] = delchar then begin
- mto.ReceiveKey(del);
- end
- else begin
- ch := chr(trans_in[ord(s[i])]);
- if ch = del then
- mto.ReceiveKey(spc)
- else if ch = bs then begin
- mto.ReceiveKey('^');
- mto.ReceiveKey('H');
- end
- else
- mto.ReceiveKey(ch);
- end;
- end;
- {$R+}
- end;
- end;
- C_Closing: begin
- SetEntry(self, rd_whatever, rs_disconnected, '');
- PartialClose;
- SendCloseMessage;
- end;
- C_Closed: begin
- SetEntry(self, rd_whatever, rs_failed, '');
- PartialClose;
- SendCloseMessage;
- end;
- otherwise
- ;
- end;{case}
- end;
- procedure HandleEvents;
- var
- btc: BaseTalkConnection;
- cer: connectionEventRecord;
- var
- request, response: ctlMsg;
- begin
- if ReceivePacket(btc, request, response) then
- btc.GotResponse(request, response);
- if GetConnectionEvent(any_connection, cer) then
- if cer.dataptr <> nil then
- BaseTalkConnection(cer.dataptr).HandleEvent(cer);
- end;
- end.