|MC|A(n) _______________ is a set of detailed, step-by-step instructions that tell a computer how to solve a problem or carry out a task.|version number|computer program|copyright|user interface|2|2|2|2-2|
|MC|What is a computer program?|sequential data|a set of detailed, step-by-step instructions|random data|logically ordered, structured data|2|2|2|2-2|
|MC|If you use a computer to create a report for class, that report would be considered which one of the following?|computer software|a computer program|data|system software|3|3|3|2-3|
|MC|A legal form of protection that grants certain exclusive rights to the author or owner of a computer program is referred to as a(n):|copy protection.|copyright.|shrink wrapping.|public domain.|2|2|2|2-4|
|MC|Which one of the following statements is TRUE about copyrighted software?|The Copyright Act applies only to the files and data included as part of the original software.|It is physically impossible to make copies of copyrighted software.|You can legally sell or give away modified copies of software without the publishers' permission.|It is illegal to make an extra copy of copyrighted software for backup purposes.|1|1|1|2-4|
|MC|After you purchase computer software, you generally do NOT have the right to:|install the software on your hard disk drive.|make a backup copy of the software.|sell or give away copies of the software.|modify the software.|3|3|3|2-4|
|MC|________________ is/are illegal copies of commercially bought software.|Pirated software|Copy protection|Copyright|none of the above|1|1|1|2-4|
|MC|The legal right of the owner to copy, distribute, modify, or sell the software is called a(n):|copyright.|license.|ownership.|patent.|1|1|1|2-4|
|MC|The use of software is governed by:|copyright law and software licenses.|copyright law and patent law.|industry standards and practices.|none of the above.|1|1|1|2-5|
|MC|Software pirates routinely:|illegally create new software protection schemes.|illegally create new software applications.|illegally copy, distribute, modify, or sell software.|find legal loopholes in copyright laws.|3|3|3|2-4|
|MC|When you pay for licensed software:|you own the copyright of that software.|you buy permission to use that software.|you buy and own a copy of that software.|you buy the right to copy, distribute, and sell the software.|2|2|2|2-5|
|MC|A legal contract that defines the ways in which you may use a computer program is called a(n):|software license.|software scheme.|software patent.|none of the above.|1|1|1|2-5|
|TF|Some software licenses allow you to buy one copy of the software and install it on your home computer and your office computer as long as you are the primary user of both computers.||||||T||2-5|
|MC|The terms of a software license may include:|whether you may make copies of the software.|whether you may modify the software.|whether you may transfer the software to another party.|all of the above.|4|4|4|2-5|
|MC|Implicit in most software agreements is a clause that states:|that the manufacturer agrees to provide compensation to the user should the software fail to perform as anticipated.|that you may use the software freely.|that you use the software at your own risk.|none of the above.|3|3|3|2-5|
|MC|When you purchase software and you open the sealed plastic covering the disks or CD-ROM, you are automatically bound by the software license agreement. This type of agreement is called a(n):|copyright.|shrink-wrap license.|concurrent-use license.|site license.|2|2|2|2-6|
|MC|Computer software is often packaged so the license agreement is visible through the plastic shrink wrap. You signify your agreement to the terms of the license agreement when you:|install the software on your system.|purchase the software.|first use the software.|open the wrapping.|4|4|4|2-6|
|MC|Computer software is often packaged in plastic shrink wrapping with the software license agreement:|included electronically on the first distribution disk.|printed on each distribution disk.|shown on the first screen when you run the software.|clearly visible on the back of the package.|4|4|4|2-6|
|MC|Which one of the following statements is FALSE about public domain software?|It is fairly rare.|Public domain software may be freely copied, distributed, and resold.|It is sometimes confused with shareware because you can copy and distribute it.|You are allowed to apply for a copyright to be placed on public domain software.|4|4|4|2-8|
|MC|A(n) ________________ license allows a certain number of copies of the software to be used at the same time.|single-user|concurrent-use|multitasking|shrink-wrap|2|2|2|2-7|
|MC|____________________ is software that is not under copyright protection. It can be freely copied, distributed, and even resold.|Shareware|Public domain software|Copyrighted software|Multimedia software|2|2|2|2-8|
|MC|Most commercial software is distributed under a(n):|multiple-user license.|single-user license.|concurrent-use license.|none of the above.|2|1|1|2-6|
|MC|A(n) ________ generally allows a piece of software to be used on any and all computers at a specific location.|registration license|site license|concurrent-use license|none of the above|2|2|2|2-7|
|MC|Public domain software is often confused with:|hostware.|firmware.|giftware.|shareware.|4|4|4|2-8|
|MC|A(n) ____________ allows a certain number of copies of the software to be used at the same time.|single-user license|multiple-user license|concurrent-use license|site license|3|3|3|2-7|
|MC|A(n) ___________ allows more than one person to use a particular software package.|single-user license|multiple-user license|concurrent-use license|site license|2|2|2|2-6|
|MC|____________________ is software distributed under the honor system. The author of the software grants you the right to use the software for a limited period of time. The author also typically grants you the right to give away copies of the software to |Shareware|Public domain software|Copyrighted software|Multimedia software|1|1|1|2-7|
|MC|Shareware cannot be:|copyrighted.|distributed.|copied.|resold for profit.|4|4|4|2-7|
|MC|The downside to developing shareware is that:|you frequently do not receive payments from users|you are liable for all uses, abuses, and misuses stemming from the application.|you frequently have excessive marketing costs.|none of the above.|1|1|1|2-7|
|MC|System software includes all of the following EXCEPT:|device drivers.|presentation software.|programming languages.|operating systems.|2|2|2|2-8|
|MC|The two major categories of software are:|tutorial and application.|system and application.|tutorial and system.|none of the above.|2|2|2|2-8|
|MC|Utilities and ________ are considered to fall under the category of system software.|application software|business software|device drivers|productivity software|3|3|3|2-8|
|MC|Software categorized as ______________ helps the computer carry out its basic operating tasks.|system software|application software|licensed software|copyrighted software|1|1|1|2-8|
|MC|Which one of the following activities is NOT typical of system software?|displaying information on the screen.|sending data to output devices.|managing financial information.|storing data on disks.|3|3|3|2-10|
|MC|Which one of the following activities is NOT performed by the operating system?|allocating resources.|maintaining security.|database management.|detecting equipment failure.|3|3|3|2-12|
|MC|Which one of the following is NOT an operating system?|OS/2.|Word Perfect for Windows word processor.|UNIX.|DOS.|2|2|2|2-10|
|MC|An operating system works like a(n) ________ to coordinate the activities within the computer.|magnet|sieve|air traffic controller|logic unit|3|3|3|2-10|
|MC|The operating system works ________ to ensure that the computer system functions efficiently.|on odd clock cycles|in the forefront|behind the scenes|on even clock cycles|3|3|3|2-11|
|MC|DOS, Windows, MacOS, and UNIX are examples of:|programming languages.|operating systems.|device drivers.|utilities.|2|2|2|2-13|
|MC|Which one of the following statements about application software is NOT true?|Application software controls the basic input and output of data to the computer.|Application software assists you in the creation of documents and reports.|Application software may specialize in complex calculations|Application software can creates graphical images.|1|1|1|2-18|
|MC|The operating system usually handles all of the following EXCEPT:|allocating resources for multiple programs and/or users.|managing storage space.|detecting equipment failure.|creating charts and graphs.|4|4|4|2-10|
|MC|________ allows the user to run two or more programs at the same time.|Threading|Multiuser|Multitasking|none of the above|3|3|3|2-12|
|MC|Multiuser operating systems are typically found on either:|PCs or minicomputers.|mainframes or PIMs.|PIMs or minicomputers.|mainframes or minicomputers.|4|4|4|2-12|
|MC|To accommodate more than one user at a time, an operating system must have ________ capabilities.|multi spooling|multitasking|multiuser|none of the above|3|3|3|2-12|
|MC|Operating systems can be helpful in terms of maintaining:|formatting of spreadsheet data.|security of the data on the computer system.|spell check on a word processing document.|none of the above.|2|2|2|2-12|
|MC|Which of the following is NOT a task that operating systems do?|basic input/output.|resource allocation.|maintaining security.|creating graphs or 3-D animations.|4|4|4|2-12|
|MC|The ____________ act(s) as a liaison between the computer hardware and the application software.|utilities|device drivers|operating system|none of the above|3|3|3|2-11|
|MC|DOS, OS/2, ________, and ________ are all examples of operating systems.|Windows 95, AT&T|Spreadsheets, Word processing|Windows 95, UNIX|none of the above|3|3|3|2-13|
|MC|A(n) _____________ is a distinguishing feature of MS-DOS and PC-DOS.|pull-down menu|icon|Start button|DOS prompt|4|||2-13|
|MC|DOS stands for:|Device Operating System.|Dedicated Operating System.|Disk Operating System.|none of the above.|3|3|3|2-13|
|TF|The 1984 Apple Mona computer with it's graphical user interface was the model for the Mac OS operating system.||||||F||2-15|
|MC|Applications you use with Microsoft Windows all have:|similar release numbers.|similar names.|a consistent look and feel.|all the above.|3|3|3|2-14|
|MC|Which one of the following operating systems has a command-line user interface and has an option for the user to buy the additional graphical user interface for it?|UNIX.|Windows 3.1.|OS/2.|System 7.|1|1|1|2-15|
|MC|UNIX was originally designed for:|mainframes.|microcomputers.|minicomputers.|portable computers.|3|3|3|2-15|
|MC|What type of software would you use to format a disk?|device drivers.|application.|utility.|spreadsheet.|3|3|3|2-16|
|MC|A(n) ___________ is a type of system software that tells your computer how to use a particular peripheral device.|utility program|device driver|application|database management software|2|2|2|2-17|
|MC|When a scanner, a printer, or a modem is connected, the user has to tell the computer how to control this new piece of equipment by installing a(n) __________.|utility.|operating system.|device driver.|programming language.|3|3|3|2-17|
|MC|A(n) _______________ allows a software developer to write programs using English-like instructions.|software productivity tool|word processing software|business application|programming language|4|4|4|2-17|
|MC|Which one of the following statements is FALSE about system software?|System software includes programs that direct fundamental operations of your computer.|It assists application software to communicate with computer's peripheral devices.|It is designed to help you accomplish specific tasks using the computer.|Operating systems such as DOS and Windows are considered system software.|3|3|3|2-10|
|MC|Which one of the following is NOT an example of application software?|graphics software.|utility software.|number analysis software.|entertainment software.|2|2|2|2-8|
|MC|Which one of the following types of software is NOT an example of productivity software?|word processing.|database management.|OS/2.|spreadsheet.|3|3|3|2-18|
|MC|Word processing software, a computerized golf game, and accounting software are all examples of:|application software.|utility software.|operating systems.|personal productivity software.|1|1|1|2-18|
|MC|Application software is designed to:|compile programs.|configure hardware peripherals.|diagnose hardware operations and/or failures.|accomplish a specific task using the computer.|4|4|4|2-18|
|TF|Creating a Web page is a fairly technical task that is not recommended for amateurs because it requires knowledge of hypertext markup language (HTML).||||||F||2-19|
|MC|Productivity software includes:|spreadsheet.|word-processing.|scheduling.|all the above.|4|4|4|2-18|
|SA|The process of converting videos into a format that can be stored on a computer disk is called __________________.|||||||digitizing|2-20|
|SA|________ creates a 3-D solid image by covering the wireframe and applying computer-generated highlights and shadows.|||||||Rendering~rendering|2-20|
|MC|Which type of productivity software would you use to create, spell check, edit, and format a document on the screen before you commit it to paper?|spreadsheet.|accounting.|database.|word processing.|4|4|4|2-19|
|MC|Which type of productivity software would you use to perform complex calculations and to create graphical views of your data?|spreadsheet.|accounting.|database.|word processing.|1|1|1|2-22|
|MC|For the following scenario, what would be the BEST type of software to purchase? An instructor wants to create assignment instruction sheets and a course syllabus for a college class.|database.|word processor.|spreadsheet.|desktop publisher.|2|2|2|2-19|
|MC|For the following scenario, what would be the BEST type of software to purchase? A political advisor to a state senator needs to present a collection of numeric facts in a clearly understood form.|database.|spreadsheet.|word processor.|accounting software.|2|2|2|2-22|
|MC|Which type of productivity software would you use to help store, find, update, organize, and report information?|spreadsheet.|accounting.|database.|word processing.|3|3|3|2-23|
|MC|Graphics software helps you to draw:|pictures, 3-D images, and animations.|pictures, 3-D images, and pie charts.|pictures, 3-D images, and bar charts.|none of the above.|1|1|1|2-20|
|MC|Accounting, invoicing, inventory, and payroll software are examples of:|vertical-market software.|utility software.|horizontal-market software.|entertainment software.|3|3|3|2-29|
|MC|Software designed for specific types of business, such as construction companies or dentists' offices, is known as:|application software.|vertical-market software.|horizontal-market software.|specialty software.|2|2|2|2-29|
|MC|Business software is generally divided into two categories:|accounting and payroll.|horizontal and vertical.|database and spreadsheet.|word processing and spreadsheet.|2|2|2|2-29|
|MC|Horizontal market software refers to _______ that can be used by many different kinds of businesses.|application specific packages|generic software packages|application marketing tools|none of the above|2|2|2|2-29|
|MC|Which type of software helps a user deliver business information using screen-based slide shows of bulleted lists, graphs, and charts?|graphics software.|flowcharting software.|project management software.|presentation graphics software.|4|4|4|2-21|
|MC|_________________ connects your computer to a local computer network or the Internet and provides you with tools to take advantage of the information and communications they offer.|Graphics software|Connectivity software|Spreadsheet software|Presentation software|2|||2-25|
|MC|What type of software has advanced features in producing professional-quality output for newspapers, newsletters, and brochures by combining text and graphics in a page layout?|word processing software.|text editors.|desktop publishing software.|typeset editors.|3|3|3|2-19|
|MC|A software publisher sometimes combines several types of application software into a single package called:|database management software.|bonus software.|combination software.|suite or office suite.|4|4|4|2-18|
|MC| _____________ is application software that is used to organize facts and figures such as those that would be stored in a card file.|word processing software|database management software|spreadsheet software|graphics software|2|2|2|2-23|
|MC|What type of software is designed to help you learn how to type, fix a car, use a word processor, speak French, or prepare for your GMAT exam?|spreadsheet software.|education and training software.|database software.|all of the above.|2|2|2|2-26|
|MC|Which one of the following statements is FALSE about multimedia software?|Multimedia software requires a fast computer system with large amounts of storage space and lots of memory.|It can be freely copied, modified, and resold.|It integrates text, graphics, sound, animation, and video.|It usually requires a CD-ROM, speakers, and a high resolution monitor.|2|2|2|2-34|
|MC|Encyclopedia software that allows you to view pictures, listen to recorded sounds, and watch video clips is an example of :|utility software.|public domain software.|multimedia software.|shareware.|3|3|3|2-30|
|MC|Merging new technologies like video tapes, audio, CDs, and photos with a computer has led to ________ computing.|parallel processing|multimedia|multiuser|concurrent processing|2|2|2|2-30|
|MC|An integrated collection of computer-based media including text, graphics, sound, animations, photo images, and video is called a(n):|CD-ROM.|audio visual.|multimedia.|hypermedia.|3|3|3|2-30|
|MC|A multimedia presentation for a new product line could possibly make use of:|a short video from the president.|graphs of projected sales.|sound effects of cheering crowds.|all of the above.|4|4|4|2-30|
|MC|Multimedia computer-aided instruction:|will be available commercially within the 90s decade.|is available commercially now and can help you to learn a foreign language.|will only work on Macintosh computers.|none of the above.|2|2|2|2-31|
|MC|To run multimedia software, you typically need:|a CD-ROM drive.|a sound card.|a fast computer.|all of the above.|4|4|4|2-34|
|MC|Multimedia computers can:|display graphic images, run video clips, and play sounds.|print color images, run video clips, and play sounds.|display graphic images, print color images, and play sounds.|display graphic images, run video clips, and print color images.|1|1|1|2-34|
|MC|To effectively use multimedia, your computer should have a(n):|color printer and lots of memory.|fast processor and color printer.|fast processor and lots of memory.|fast processor and modem.|3|3|3|2-34|
|MC|The _____________ identifies software that has special multimedia enhancements for Pentium processor technology.|version number|Intel MMX logo|shrink-wrap license|licensing|2|2|2|2-35|
|MC| ________________ will make most computers multimedia ready.|A CD-ROM drive|A sound card|none of the above|both (a) and (b)|4|3|3|2-34|
|MC|When purchasing software for your computer, you should consider:|Is the software compatible with my computer system?|Will the software work with my computer's operating system?|Does my computer meet the hardware requirements specified by the software?|all of the above.|4|4|4|2-36|
|MC|A setup procedure that allows you to select the features you want to install is referred to as a(n):|distributed installation.|full installation.|customized installation.|CD-ROM installation.|3|3|3|2-38|
|MC|A(n) ______________ copies the necessary files from the distribution disk to your hard disk drive in order to use the application.|utility program|horizontal market software|application program|setup program|4|4|4|2-38|
|MC|By selecting a(n) ____________________ you can install selected portions of the software application and save space on your hard disk drive.|full installation|customized installation|default installation|public domain program|2|2|2|2-38|
|MC|To install only some of the features of a piece of software you would select:|full installation.|custom installation.|reinstallation.|none of the above.|2|2|2|2-38|
|MC|The perks of being a registered user of software may include:|receiving free product information.|receiving free technical support.|discounts on new versions of the software.|all of the above.|4|4|4|2-38|
|TF|When you purchase copyrighted software you become the owner of the copyright.||||||F|F|2-4|
|TF|It is legal to copy the software from the distribution disks to your hard disk so that you can access the software directly from your hard drive.||||||T|T|2-4|
|TF|Pirated software is an illegal copy of software.||||||T|T|2-4|
|TF|A software license is a legal contract that defines the ways in which you may use a computer program.||||||T|T|2-5|
|TF|Most people use multiuser operating systems on their personal microcomputers.||||||F|F|2-6|
|TF|A single-user license allows the software to be used on any or all computers at a specific location.||||||F|F|2-6|
|TF|You can legally give away copies of public domain software.||||||T|T|2-8|
|TF|A concurrent-use license allows you to purchase one copy of a program and use it on your desktop and notebook computer at the same time.||||||F|F|2-7|
|TF|The operating system monitors the status of critical computer components to detect failures that affect processing.||||||T|T|2-12|
|TF|Experienced users avoid formatting disks because of the danger of formatting the wrong disk and losing important information.||||||F|F|2-16|
|TF|Online banking is supported in some personal finance software packages.||||||T||2-28|
|TF|Application software helps the computer carry out its basic operational tasks.||||||F|F|2-18|
|TF|Graphics software, electronic mail software, and desktop publishing software are examples of vertical market software.||||||F|F|2-29|
|TF|You can only run software that is compatible with your computer system.||||||T|T|2-36|
|TF|Operating systems such as DOS are usually downwardly compatible.||||||T|T|2-37|
|TF|Running application software directly from the multiple distribution disks each time you want to use that application is the best practice because it saves storage space on your hard drive.||||||F|F|2-37|
|TF|The installation process for Microsoft Windows applications is more consistent and much easier than the installation process for command-line software applications.||||||T|T|2-38|
|TF|Data on a CD-ROM is generally installed on your hard disk drive before you can access it.||||||F|F|2-39|
|SA|Software _________ are people who illegally copy, distribute, or modify software.||||||pirates|pirates|2-4|
|SA|A software license agreement stating that opening the wrapping signifies your agreement to the terms of the license is referred to as a(n) ________________ license.||||||shrink-wrap~shrink wrap|shrink-wrap~shrink wrap|2-6|
|SA|A(n) ____________________ license allows a certain number of copies of the software to be used at the same time.||||||concurrent-user~concurrent user~concurrent use~concurrent-use|concurrent-user~concurrent user~concurrent use~concurrent-use|2-7|
|SA|The _________________ controls the basic input and output of data between the computer and peripheral devices.||||||operating system~OS|operating system~OS|2-12|
|SA|The process of running two or more programs at the same time is referred to as _________________.||||||multitasking|multitasking|2-12|
|SA|When you prepare a disk to store data you are __________ the disk.||||||formatting|formatting|2-16|
|SA|_________________ software is the software category that includes document production, business, education and training, and entertainment.||||||application|application|2-8|
|SA|_________________ software is designed for specialized tasks in a specific market or business.||||||vertical market~vertical|vertical market~vertical|2-29|
|SA| _________________ software allows you to fly a plane, play 18 holes of golf, play against chess grand masters, and explore new worlds.||||||entertainment~Entertainment|entertainment~Entertainment|2-27|
|SA|The term ________________ refers to the integrated collection of computer-based text, graphics, sound, animation, photo images, and video.||||||multimedia|multimedia|2-30|
|SA|The term _____________ describes the idea that documents can be linked to each other in such a way that a reader can jump from a passage in one document to a related passage in another document.||||||hypertext|hypertext|2-32|
|SA|Operating systems are usually _________________ compatible, so you can use software designed for earlier versions, but not later versions.||||||downward~downwardly|downward~downwardly|2-37|
|SA|A(n) __________________ program displays messages on the screen to guide you through the process of putting a Windows application onto your computer.||||||setup~install~installation|setup~install~installation|2-38|