Labels:book | hakham | monitor | sky OCR: DOCUMENT WORKSHEETS and DAtABASeS The news in 1979 and 1980 The Shah of Iran flees into exile Apartial m eltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant horrifies environm entalist: . Mem bers of the U.S emb assy in Teh eran are taken hostage and vill ren ain U captivity for over year The : M ount St Helens voI- cano erupts, leveling 120 squ are miles of Washington State forest John Lennon murdered or microcomputer owners however the news in 1979 and 1980 more positive Three super software pack ages arrive on the m arket They becom e best sellers and form the bedrock i microcom puter soft ware C omputer users gladly tackle the com ple> interface of the word-proces: sing software 60 they can create profe ssional-looking documents VisiCalc, totally newinvention in cat tegory dub bed spr ...