Labels:bulletin board | earth | grass | hakham | house | keyboard | sidewalk | sky | windowpane OCR: 3-18 DOCUMENTS WORKSHEETS A N D DATABASES You're interested in the total cost of the trip Using spreadsheet software you can enter the cost itransport: ation, food and fu!6poi Then, you can tell the computer to add these num- bers together to give you total. Does this sound like job you can do with vour trusty handheld calculator? You can but spreadsheet software has advantages your calculator just can't provide handheld calculator r might be useful for simple calculations bnt it become : le ss conv e- nient as you deal with more numbers pue as your calculations get more complex. For example the food and lodging calculation for the Mexico trip requires several steps as shown Figure Figure 3-20 Calculations for the Mexico Trip Using handheld calculator, you must 2.For each calculation, you ...