Labels:book | booth | bulletin board | chat room | hakham | poster | reckoner | windowpane OCR: STORAG HNOLOGIE Ma gn - tic or Optical Sto rage? Will the metal detector in an airport erase the data on my disks? Magnetic and cal storage technologies are used for the majority 10 today's micro mini pue mainframe computers Each of these technologies has ady antages and disadvantages With magnetic storate the computer stores data on diis and tape by magnetizing selected particles of an oxide- based surface coating The particles retain their magnetic orientation i until that orientation IS changed thereby making pue tape fairly pemanent modifiable storage media Fiqure 4-13 shows how computer stores data on magnetic media Figure 4-13 Storina dlata on macnetic media Magnetic surface Read wiite head Mylar disk Before data stored the partides in the magnetic surface of the disk are scattered i ...