Labels:book | daily | hakham | monitor | newspaper | person | plant | sky | tie | windowpane OCR: USING UT ENTIA CONCEPTS Computers: Mind Tools omputers have been called "mind tools" because they enhance our ability to perform tasks that require mental activ ity. Computers are adept al perfo rming activities such as making calculations sorting large lists and searching through information libraries Humans can do all these activi ities but computer can often accomplish them much faster and more accurately Our ability to UsE computer complements our mental capabilities and makes US more productive The Ke making effective use of the com- puter aS tool IS know what computer does how T works and how you can use That is the focus of this booR Yon Ne uma inn Definition What is computer? you Iook in dictionary printed before 1940, you might be sur- prised find computer defined person who perfo ...