Labels:bulletin board | earth | fence | hakham | reckoner | road | shelf | sky | windowpane OCR: 4.24 COM PUTER FIL ES AND DATA STORAGE Ta pe Storage Do they still use those biq tape drives on computers that vou see in old movies? In the 1960 s magnetic tape was the most popular form of mainframe computer storage. When IBM introduced its s first microcomputer in 1981 . the legacy tape storage continued in the form cassette tape drive similar to those used for audio recording and playback. Using tape as primary storage device instead ot a hard would be slow and incon- venient because tape requires sequential rather than random access. With sequential access data is stored and read sequence of bytes the length of the tape Study the diagram Figure 4-25 to learn how computers store data on tape Figure 4-25 Sequential file access OD magnetic tape Insects File Animals File Heade Ant Beete F ...