Labels:box | bulletin board | chat room | crt screen | earth | grass | hakham | monitor | plant | reckoner | sky | stairs | tree | windowpane OCR: 4-23 COMPUTER FILS ES AND DATA STORAGE A file that does not fit into single cluster will spill over into the next adjacent or contiguous cluster unless that cluster already contains If the next cluster full, the opera ating system stores the file in anoncontiguous (non- adjacent) cluster pue Set up instructions called pointers These "point" each piece or the file shown in Fiqure 4-28 Figure 4-28 Howthe FAT works The directory is a file maintained by the operating systerm that contains Directory lis of file on the disk and the number or the cluster that contains the Filename Starting Cluster start of the file The direcory and FAT work together to keep track of the Bio txi files UO a disk Here the directory shows that a file called Jordan.wks begins custer Jordan. .wks Pick. wps 3. The file ...