Labels:box | chat room | dialog box | hakham | laptop | plaything | shelf | window OCR: 5-18 COM PUTER ARCHITECTU R.F Figure 5-19 Instruc tion Cycle Instruction 2 Interpret How does a computer process instructions? The term cycle 1 Fetch instruction instruction cycle refers the process The which instruction instruction computer executes single instruction. cycle repeated each time the computer executes an 3Exeaute instruction. The steps in this cycle are summarized in instruction Figure You have all the pieces you need to understand the details of the instruction cycle You know how the ALU 4Increment instruc tion pointer performs arithmetic and logical oper ations and how the control unit retrieves data from RAM and tells the ALU which operation to perform Figure 5-20 shows how the ALU control unit, and RAM work together process instructions F igure 5-20 Processing an instruc ...