Labels:daily | fence | grass | hakham | monitor | mountain | plant | sky | tree | tv | windowpane OCR: 6-18 TH F. CO MPUTER MARKETPLACE So ftwa re duct ife Cycle What's the difference between aversion and a revision? Companies that produce com- puter software are referred to as software publis shers Software like hardware begins with ar idea that is then shaped by design team and marketing experts For some soft- ware products, such as Windows 95. the software publis cher orchestrates glitzy rollout as descr ibed in Figure 6-11 Figure 6-16 The qlitzy roll-out of Microso tWindows 95included full- -page ads in national newspaper television ads and produdt rallies The Rolling Stones blast out theit ersion of Start me during the produd rollout The Start button, promi- nent new rfeature of Window 95 supposed to make the ttware easier touse Micro soft released Windows 95 uo August 24 1995 Mic ...