Labels:book | chat room | curtain | cushion | hakham | lodestone | windowpane OCR: 6-40 THE COMPUTEI MARKETPLACE computer, IS useful to be able tc Internet resources to research the history differentiate between the st at e- -of-the-art of the company pue trace the events that microprocessors and previous models led to the company's current status in the Browse through sev eral computer maga- computer in dustry Write report that zines to dete rmine which microprocessor summa rizes your research. Follow your most popular and I which microprocessor instructor's requirements for the length ot IS currently state-of- -the -art Write brief your report description your findings Include the The Latest "Scoop" Different industry following information: analysts tend to their readers the The clock speed, processor model scoop on many of the sarme "hot topics. name or number and wor ...