Labels:book | cushion | earth | fence | grass | hakham | mountain | person | plant | plaything | sky | stairs | tie | tree | windowpane OCR: 7.20 LOCAL AREA NETWO RKS AND E-M AIL InfoWeb Workflow software, also referred to as document routing software automates the process electronically routing documents from one person to another in specified sequence and time Workflow software facilitates process 0 series steps Fot exam- ple suppose you apply for lo an The bank has specific procedure for processing the Work So tware flow joan application. First, credit officer checks your credit rating and makes recommen- dation whether to accept or reject your application. EXaN the bank loan committee must approy the application Finally. the approv ed application processed by your loan offi- cer To facilitate this process, workflow software would ro ute the loan application to th e first bank officer, sp ecify the due date for action, colle ...