Labels:crt screen | earth | hakham | monitor | plant | reckoner | sky | stairs | web site OCR: NFOW EB Groupware The 1996 issue of LAN Times on the Web at www.lantimes .com/97 /97jul707 a051a.html contains an excellent report on groupware including case studies. otus Notes is one of the most pop ular groupw: are packages Connect t0 the Lotus Notes site www2 lotus .com to find out how the product works For an insightful look at groupware from the perspectiv e of management. look for the boot Groupware: Collaborative Strategies for Corporate LANS and Intranets hy Dav id Coleman (Prentice Hall, 1997 Workflow Software On the Web you can take t tutorial on workflow systerms at cne qmu. edu/modules/workflow For more information check your library for The Workflow Imper ative by homas Koulopolous Man Nostrand Reinhold 1995) F -mail For basic instruction on using e-mail connect to the U-Wan ...