Labels:box | cabinet | crt screen | hakham | monitor | plant | plaything | seat | sky | stairs | tree | windowpane OCR: 8-10 THE INTERNET The official I description I of the World Wide Web sa area hypermedia information retrieval initiative aiming to aN6 universal access to tiree universe ot documents. The World Wide Web consists of documents called Web pages that contain information on particular topic Web page also include one or more links that point to other Web j pages Links make easy follow thread related information, even if the pages are stored on computers located n different countries Figure 8-9 shows conceptual model of linked Web pages Figure 8-9 Howthe World Wide Honolulu Community College HCC maintains an exhibit Web works containing images video clips, narration and text noqe dinosaur act image video and docurmen is a separate dinoseurs on the page stored as file UO the HCC com put er You can ...