Labels:chat room | crt screen | earth | grass | hakham | laptop | monitor | plant | road | sky | stairs | tree OCR: 9-19 DATA SECURITY AND CONTRO AvO da nce and Detection Can I protect mv computer from viruses and other types of attacks? Computer viruses and other types malicious software typically Iiurk on disks containing shareware or pirat- ed software ir files downloaded from the Internet and mail attachments virus can- not however hitch ride plain e-mail message The graph in Figure 9-9 illustrates the sources of most infected files Figure 9-9 Sources of infected iles Don't know Other Browsing Www E-mail attachment Download Distribution CD-ROM Disk: other 27 Disk: from home Shrink -wrapped software Repair Data source NCSA 1997 Virus Prevalence Survey You can generally avoid computer virus if you do not use files from high-l -risk sources. It you need to use that you suspect might be infected, you ca ...