Labels:book | daily | grass | hakham | person | plant | reckoner | road | sky | tree OCR: 9-38 DATA SECURITY AND CONTRO Macro Viruses Macro viruses are some o the most prolific By attachin g themselv es to macros in documents or spreadsheets, these viruses are tran smitted over networks and with e-mail attachments by users who are not aware that their documents are infected For up- to-date information on combatting macro viruses, your first stop should be Microsoft's site Use the Search button to locate their list of articles for "macro virus good explanation of the Word Concept virus .com msword/freestuff/rmvto ol/mvto o 2 .htm. TechWeb at www.t techwel com IS another good source of informa tion if yo u search for "macro virus _ook for information on the ShareFun virus that automat ically cre eates and mails infe cted e-mail attachments While ai the TechWeb site ...