Labels:book | comic book | daily | earth | plant | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: 015 S SARYYINDEX displayed by computer monitor the greater the RAID (redundant array of independent disks) of dots the higher the resolution 1-26 hard disk storage fo m at used by m ainfram es and resolution, monitors -26 to provide microcomputers data in redundancy which m for any faster data platters access are used and revising. retrieving See files 4-28 m odi fying 4-3 incre ased protection from m edia failure 4-23 Revision An updated form (indicated by xofa soft- RAM See Random access memory 5-4 5- ware program incorporating minor enhancem ents and RAM address An identifying value associated with elim inating bugs found in the most recen version, 6-18 each of capacitors that holds inform ation in RAM Richards Jeff, 9-25 5-9 RAM cache See Cache 5-20 Right in order -click to m anipulate ...