Labels:book | crt screen | hakham | laptop | monitor | person OCR: INFO E -35 Artificial Int elligence In the film 2001 A Space Odyssey the computer HAL beca ime oper ational on January 2 1997 At the film's 1968 release computer scientists were not altogether uncomfortable with the prediction that computer like HAL might be achiev able in 30 or so years Th e science of artificial intelligence (AI) was in t infancy but technology and software were dev eloping ata dizzying pace. The question "Can computers think?" S still Japur debate Alan Turing pue Marvin Minsky argue "Yes!" Alan Turing's paper Computing Machinery and Intelligence (Mind 59 1950 got the discussion rolling and describes the famous Turing Test of machine intelligence. FOr an papuedxa perspective on the arqument read Minsky's paper, "Why People Think Computers Cant mit. edu/people/mins ...