Labels:cabinet | computer | crt screen | desk | earth | hakham | keyboard | laptop | monitor | mouse | plant | sky OCR: TE M 0-11 Let's look at a specific example of h ow the operating system works asa liaison between the computer hardware and application software Suppose you use application software write letter and then you want print The operating system helps the application software communicate with vour computer printer as shown in F Figure 2-9 Figure 2-9 The operating systerm helps the appl lication sotvare print a document The use tellsthe word -processing lication the docurnent The word- The operating processing systerm sends the application docurment to the signals the operating printer systerm that do curment must tbe sent to the printer Operating systems for micro mini, and mainframe co mputers perform many similar services These servi ices can be cla ssified either as - xternal" 0 "internal. Th ...