Labels:chat room | crt screen | hakham | monitor | plant | sky | stairs OCR: SY STEM FTW 2-17 De. ice Drivers How do use device driver? In Chapter 1 you leamed that when you purchase new peripheral device such as a CD-ROM drive or mouse yoU often need to install software that tells your computer how to use the device The systerm software that helps the computer con- trol peripheral device IS s called a device driver. When you purchase new peripheral device its installation instructions usually tell you how to install both the device and the nece ssary device drivers. The you "use' device driver tc install it according to the instructions Once the device driver installed correctly the computer uses 'behind the scenes communicate with the device Comp ute Prog ra mm in8 en8u ge Is a computer programming lanquaqe included with a basic computer system? A You know, compu ...