Labels:bulletin board | chat room | earth | monitor | person | poster | reckoner | sky | web site | window | windowpane OCR: STS-- Day Atlantis' six astronauts wrapped up another busy Aep on activ: ating experiments in the Spacehab module while attending to final preparations for tonight's docking to the Mir Space Station The crew moved into it ren dezvous timeline this evening as : the Shuttle neared the Russian outpost The crew was scheduled to go to sleep about rr Central time and would wake up about for the final hours of rendezvous and docking which should occur about 10 I'- tonight. The hatches between the joined spacecraft are sch eduled to be opened shortly after 12:30 AM Thursday morni ing. After initial safety briefing s, astronauts Shannon Spacehah Tour Lucid and John Blaha will officially trade places as Mir crew members when their cus tom -fitted Soyuz capsule seat liners are swapped. That activity ...