Labels:car | crt screen | earth | fence | flower | hakham | laptop | monitor | plant | plaything | road | sky | television receiver | windowpane OCR: NETW RK RD -13 Network Servers When. use network is my data processed locally oron the network server? You have already learned the general functions 01 network server However, there are different kinds of network servers They are explained in this section When you use standalone computer, all your dat processed bv vour computer microprocessor. The device that processes your data awhen you are to a network depends on the type servers included on your network dedicated file server is dev oted only to the task of delivering prrrr ams pue data files to workstations As you can see in Figure 13 dedicated file server does not process data or run progra 'ams for the wor kst ations Instead programs run using the memory and processor of the workstation Figure 7-13 A dedicated file server I've 10101 ...