17430 Standard U.S. phone number with optional area code.
17431 A string of letters, first letter capitalized.
17432 Capitalized words. Drop first characters if not letters.
17433 Either a 5-digit or a 9-digit U.S. zip code.
17434 Either Yes or No.
17435 A list of colors (with automatic fill-in).
17436 A list of colors. You must enter whole color name.
17437 The valid Paradox field types.
17438 Signed integer number.
17439 Unsigned integer number.
17440 dBASE integer number.
17441 Timestamp without Era
17442 Timestamp with Era
17443 Floating point number.
17444 International floating point number.
17445 International floating point number.
17450 Field Name
17451 Type
17452 Size
17453 Dec
17454 Key
17455 &*[{#,&,_}]
17456 {C,D,L,M,N}
17457 {C,D,F,L,M,N}
17458 !*@
17459 {A,D,N,S,$}
17460 {A,B,D,F,G,M,N,O,S,$}
17461 {A,B,D,F,G,I,L,M,N,O,Y,S,T,$,;#,;@,+}
17462 {B,C,D,F,L,M,N,O}
17463 _Invariant Field ID
17464 _Required Value
17465 _Min Value
17466 _Max Value
17467 _Default Value
17468 _Picture Value
17469 _Table Lookup
17470 _Table Lookup Type
17500 The table type must be upgraded from %s.
17501 Any 3.5 "Family" objects for this table will be orphaned ! Continue?
17502 Continue?
17503 The table required %s features and has been upgraded.
17504 Since no %s features were used, the table is also %s compatible.
17505 Changing language drivers does not cause existing data to be converted to the new character set.
17506 Restructure anyway?
17507 It also does not revalidate your data against any unchanged valchecks.
17508 The table you are borrowing uses a different language driver than the one you are creating. Borrowed lookup tables or referential integrity may fail as a result.
17513 Possible data loss in the field %s. Do you want to trim it?
17514 Do you really want to delete the field %s?
17515 Field %s: existing field type cannot be converted to requested type.
17516 You do not have table rights to perform the restructure operation.
17517 You do not have rights to perform the restructure operation.
17518 Cannot restructure in a read-only directory.
17519 Cannot restructure in a read-only database.
17522 Chosen alias is not of type %s.
17523 Could not find any database drivers.
17524 Cannot create a field of type %s.
17525 Cannot create STRUCT table.
17527 Could not open database.
17528 Cannot Borrow Field %s.
17529 You do not have rights to restructure %s.
17530 Paradox requires a new table name.
17531 Cannot copy: fieldtypes cannot be converted.
17532 The extension "%s" is invalid. Replace with the correct one "%s"?
17533 Invalid table-name extension.
17534 Composite indexes are not allowed on dBASE tables.
17535 Subset Conditions and Expression indexes are only allowed on dBASE tables.
17536 A table cannot borrow a structure from itself.
17537 No field has been specified.
17538 You can only subtract records from a Paradox table.
17539 Field name is missing.
17540 The field type is missing.
17541 The field size is missing.
17542 The field name and type are missing.
17543 The field name and size are missing.
17544 The field type and size are missing.
17545 The field name, type, and size are missing.
17546 The maximum number of fields for this table has been reached, no more may be added.
17547 Field name already exists. Rename one of the fields.
17548 Invalid field size.
17549 You cannot specify a size for a field of this type.
17550 Field No. %i:
17551 Invalid field type.
17552 Invalid entry in key field.
17553 Invalid entry in validity check field.
17554 One or more validity check data types are different than the field types.
17555 Key fields must be consecutive, starting with the first field in the Field Roster.
17556 Keys are not allowed on logical, bytes, memo, formatted memo, binary, graphic, or OLE field types.
17557 The number of key fields is limited to 16.
17558 The number of digits after the decimal on BCD must be between 0 and 32.
17559 Validity checks are not allowed on this field type.
17560 Default value must be between the minimum and maximum.
17561 Index name contains invalid characters.
17562 This operation requires at least one field having a sortable type.
17563 Cannot specify a number of digits for this field type.
17564 The number of digits after the decimal is out of range (from 0 to Field Size - 2).
17565 The parent table must be keyed.
17566 Field types do not match.
17567 A field of this type cannot have referential integrity.
17568 A referential integrity relationship named\n%s\nalready exists.\nOverwrite?
17569 There are no more fields to specify. To make a change, use the Remove button.
17570 Lookup is not listed.
17571 A table lookup matching this referential integrity relationship already exists.
17572 Table lookup for field %s does not completely match the lookup table.
17573 A name is required for the referential integrity relationship.
17574 Could not find the referential integrity target table.
17575 This table lookup enforces referential integrity. It must be located in the same directory as the lookup table.
17576 Changing the strict referential integrity rule affects all referential integrity definitions.
17577 A table named %s already exists. Overwrite it?
17578 Table %s and related files will be deleted. All data will be lost. Continue?
17579 Table %s will be emptied. All data will be lost. Continue?
17580 Records will be deleted from table %s. Data will be lost. Continue?
17581 Internal error: Wrong table operation.
17582 Could not get field value.
17583 Could not place value in field.
17584 Internal error: Could not get field value.
17585 Could not get language driver information.
17586 Could not get dBASE lock information record length.
17587 Could not find the specified lookup table.
17588 Field types do not match.
17589 Invalid source field type.
17590 An index named\n%s\nalready exists.\nOverwrite?
17591 Field names are reserved for automatically named single-field indexes.
17592 Index contains no fields.
17593 An index was not specified.
17594 The index was not named.
17595 Index cannot contain more than 16 fields.
17596 The maximum number of fields per index (16) has been reached.
17597 A primary index is required when maintained indexes or referential integrity are used.
17598 The primary key can include only the first 16 fields.
17599 A tag name is required for an index with a subset condition (filter).
17600 The limit of 15 composite secondary indexes has been reached.
17601 The limit of 47 indexes has been reached.
17602 Could not add the table to the folder.
17603 Could not include an associated file in the operation.
17604 Could not remove an associated file.
17605 Could not sort the table.
17606 Select a field for sorting.
17607 Select only one index.
17608 Could not sort the view.
17609 Cannot perform the selected operation on a SQL table.
17610 Invalid character(s) in table name.
17611 Table already has that name.
17612 At least one table has not been specified.
17613 Specify the table's extension.
17614 The new table's name cannot match the source table's name.
17615 Both %s and %s exist. Enter extension to specify which one to use.
17616 The specified source table was not found.
17617 The only valid table extensions are .DB and .DBF.
17618 Invalid password.
17619 Confirmation and master passwords do not match.
17620 No password has been specified.
17621 No field is selected.
17622 Password already exists.
17623 Enter new master and confirmation passwords.
17624 Delete master password and all auxiliary passwords.
17625 Define a new password and specify its access rights.
17626 Modify the current password or its access rights.
17627 Choose New to define a password, or choose a password from the list.
17628 You do not have rights to perform this operation.
17629 Invalid password.
17630 Change canceled. Reverting to the original password.
17631 The selected database or directory is read-only.
17632 Converting an OEM string to an ANSI string may cause data loss. Continue?
17633 Converting an ANSI string to an OEM string may cause data loss. Continue?