PC Expert 29
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
739 lines
unit graphsv3;
{ This file contains pascal declarations imported from a type library.
This file will be written during each import or refresh of the type
library editor. Changes to this file will be discarded during the
refresh process. }
{ Pinnacle-BPS Graph Control }
{ Version 1.0 }
{ Conversion log:
Warning: 'Label' is a reserved word. _DGraph.Label changed to Label_
uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, OleCtrls, StdVCL;
LIBID_GraphLib: TGUID = '{0842D103-1E19-101B-9AAF-1A1626551E7C}';
{ AutoInc constants. }
{ AutoIncConstants }
gphOff = 0;
gphOn = 1;
{ Background constants. }
{ BackgroundConstants }
gphBlack = 0;
gphBlue = 1;
gphGreen = 2;
gphCyan = 3;
gphRed = 4;
gphMagenta = 5;
gphBrown = 6;
gphLightGray = 7;
gphDarkGray = 8;
gphLightBlue = 9;
gphLightGreen = 10;
gphLightCyan = 11;
gphLightRed = 12;
gphLightMagenta = 13;
gphYellow = 14;
gphWhite = 15;
{ ColorData constants. }
{ ColorDataConstants }
//gphBlack = 0;
//gphBlue = 1;
//gphGreen = 2;
//gphCyan = 3;
//gphRed = 4;
//gphMagenta = 5;
//gphBrown = 6;
//gphLightGray = 7;
//gphDarkGray = 8;
//gphLightBlue = 9;
//gphLightGreen = 10;
//gphLightCyan = 11;
//gphLightRed = 12;
//gphLightMagenta = 13;
//gphYellow = 14;
//gphWhite = 15;
{ DataReset constants. }
{ DataResetConstants }
gphNone = 0;
gphGraphData = 1;
gphColorData = 2;
gphExtraData = 3;
gphLabelText = 4;
gphLegendText = 5;
gphPatternData = 6;
gphSymbolData = 7;
gphXPosData = 8;
gphAllData = 9;
gphFontInfo = 10;
{ DrawMode constants. }
{ DrawModeConstants }
gphNoAction = 0;
gphClear = 1;
gphDraw = 2;
gphBlit = 3;
gphCopy = 4;
gphPrint = 5;
gphWrite = 6;
{ DrawStyle constants. }
{ DrawStyleConstants }
gphMonochrome = 0;
gphColor = 1;
{ FontFamily constants. }
{ FontFamilyConstants }
gphRoman = 0;
gphSwiss = 1;
gphModern = 2;
{ FontStyle constants. }
{ FontStyleConstants }
gphDefault = 0;
gphItalic = 1;
gphBold = 2;
gphBoldItalic = 3;
gphUnderlined = 4;
gphUnderlinedItalic = 5;
gphUnderlinedBold = 6;
gphUnderlinedBoldItalic = 7;
{ FontUse constants. }
{ FontUseConstants }
gphGraphTitle = 0;
gphOtherTitles = 1;
gphLabels = 2;
gphLegend = 3;
gphAllText = 4;
{ Foreground constants. }
{ ForegroundConstants }
//gphBlack = 0;
//gphBlue = 1;
//gphGreen = 2;
//gphCyan = 3;
//gphRed = 4;
//gphMagenta = 5;
//gphBrown = 6;
//gphLightGray = 7;
//gphDarkGray = 8;
//gphLightBlue = 9;
//gphLightGreen = 10;
//gphLightCyan = 11;
//gphLightRed = 12;
//gphLightMagenta = 13;
//gphYellow = 14;
//gphWhite = 15;
gphAutoBlackWhite = 16;
{ GraphType constants. }
{ GraphTypeConstants }
//gphNone = 0;
gphPie2D = 1;
gphPie3D = 2;
gphBar2D = 3;
gphBar3D = 4;
gphGantt = 5;
gphLine = 6;
gphLogLin = 7;
gphArea = 8;
gphScatter = 9;
gphPolar = 10;
gphHLC = 11;
{ GridStyle constants. }
{ GridStyleConstants }
//gphNone = 0;
gphHorizontal = 1;
gphVertical = 2;
gphBoth = 3;
{ IndexStyle constants. }
{ IndexStyleConstants }
gphStandard = 0;
gphEnhanced = 1;
{ Labels constants. }
{ LabelsConstants }
//gphOff = 0;
//gphOn = 1;
gphXAxisLabelsOnly = 2;
gphYAxisLabelsOnly = 3;
{ LegendStyle constants. }
{ LegendStyleConstants }
//gphMonochrome = 0;
//gphColor = 1;
{ LineStats constants. }
{ LineStatsConstants }
//gphNone = 0;
gphMean = 1;
gphMinmax = 2;
gphMeanMinmax = 3;
gphStddev = 4;
gphStddevMean = 5;
gphStddevMinmax = 6;
gphStddevMinmaxMean = 7;
gphBestfit = 8;
gphBestfitMean = 9;
gphBestfitMinmax = 10;
gphBestfitMinmaxMean = 11;
gphBestfitStddev = 12;
gphBestfitStddevMean = 13;
gphBestfitStddevMinmax = 14;
gphAll = 15;
{ Palette constants. }
{ PaletteConstants }
//gphDefault = 0;
gphPastel = 1;
gphGrayscale = 2;
{ PatternLines constants. }
{ PatternedLinesConstants }
gphPatternOff = 0;
gphPatternOn = 1;
{ PrintSyle constants. }
{ PrintStyleConstants }
//gphMonochrome = 0;
//gphColor = 1;
gphMonochromeWithBorder = 2;
gphColorWithBorder = 3;
{ RandomData constants. }
{ RandomDataConstants }
//gphOff = 0;
//gphOn = 1;
{ SymbolData constants. }
{ SymbolDataConstants }
gphCrossPlus = 0;
gphCrossTimes = 1;
gphTriangleUp = 2;
gphSolidTriangleUp = 3;
gphTriangleDown = 4;
gphSolidTriangleDown = 5;
gphSquare = 6;
gphSolidSquare = 7;
gphDiamond = 8;
gphSolidDiamond = 9;
{ ThickLines constants. }
{ ThickLinesConstants }
gphLinesOff = 0;
gphLinesOn = 1;
{ Ticks constants. }
{ TicksConstants }
gphTicksOff = 0;
gphTicksOn = 1;
gphXAxisTicksOnly = 2;
gphYAxisTicksOnly = 3;
{ YAxisPos constants. }
{ YAxisPosConstants }
//gphDefault = 0;
gphAlignLeft = 1;
gphAlignRight = 2;
{ YAxisStyle constants. }
{ YAxisStyleConstants }
//gphDefault = 0;
gphVariableOrigin = 1;
gphUserDefined = 2;
{ BorderStyle constants. }
{ BorderStyleConstants }
//gphNone = 0;
gphFixedSingle = 1;
{ Component class GUIDs }
Class_Graph: TGUID = '{0842D100-1E19-101B-9AAF-1A1626551E7C}';
{ Forward declarations }
{ Forward declarations: Interfaces }
_DGraph = dispinterface;
_DGraphEvents = dispinterface;
{ Forward declarations: CoClasses }
Graph = _DGraph;
{ Forward declarations: Enums }
AutoIncConstants = TOleEnum;
BackgroundConstants = TOleEnum;
ColorDataConstants = TOleEnum;
DataResetConstants = TOleEnum;
DrawModeConstants = TOleEnum;
DrawStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
FontFamilyConstants = TOleEnum;
FontStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
FontUseConstants = TOleEnum;
ForegroundConstants = TOleEnum;
GraphTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
GridStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
IndexStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
LabelsConstants = TOleEnum;
LegendStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
LineStatsConstants = TOleEnum;
PaletteConstants = TOleEnum;
PatternedLinesConstants = TOleEnum;
PrintStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
RandomDataConstants = TOleEnum;
SymbolDataConstants = TOleEnum;
ThickLinesConstants = TOleEnum;
TicksConstants = TOleEnum;
YAxisPosConstants = TOleEnum;
YAxisStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
BorderStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
_DGraph = dispinterface
property AutoInc: AutoIncConstants dispid 1;
property Background: BackgroundConstants dispid 2;
property BottomTitle: WideString dispid 3;
property ColorData: ColorDataConstants dispid 4;
property CtlVersion: WideString dispid 5;
property DataReset: DataResetConstants dispid 6;
property DrawMode: DrawModeConstants dispid 7;
property DrawStyle: DrawStyleConstants dispid 8;
property ExtraData: Smallint dispid 9;
property FontFamily: FontFamilyConstants dispid 10;
property FontSize: Smallint dispid 11;
property FontStyle: FontStyleConstants dispid 12;
property FontUse: FontUseConstants dispid 13;
property Foreground: ForegroundConstants dispid 14;
property GraphCaption: WideString dispid 15;
property GraphData: Single dispid 16;
property GraphStyle: Smallint dispid 17;
property GraphTitle: WideString dispid 18;
property GraphType: GraphTypeConstants dispid 19;
property GridStyle: GridStyleConstants dispid 20;
property ImageFile: WideString dispid 21;
property IndexStyle: IndexStyleConstants dispid 22;
property LabelEvery: Smallint dispid 23;
property Labels: LabelsConstants dispid 24;
property LabelText: WideString dispid 25;
property LeftTitle: WideString dispid 26;
property LegendStyle: LegendStyleConstants dispid 27;
property LegendText: WideString dispid 28;
property LineStats: LineStatsConstants dispid 29;
property NumPoints: Smallint dispid 30;
property NumSets: Smallint dispid 31;
property Palette: PaletteConstants dispid 32;
property PatternData: Smallint dispid 33;
property PatternedLines: PatternedLinesConstants dispid 34;
property Picture: IPictureDisp dispid 35;
property PrintStyle: PrintStyleConstants dispid 36;
property QuickData: WideString dispid 37;
property RandomData: RandomDataConstants dispid 38;
property SeeThru: Smallint dispid 39;
property SymbolData: SymbolDataConstants dispid 40;
property ThickLines: ThickLinesConstants dispid 41;
property ThisPoint: Smallint dispid 42;
property ThisSet: Smallint dispid 43;
property TickEvery: Smallint dispid 44;
property Ticks: TicksConstants dispid 45;
property XPosData: Single dispid 46;
property YAxisMax: Single dispid 47;
property YAxisMin: Single dispid 48;
property YAxisPos: YAxisPosConstants dispid 49;
property YAxisStyle: YAxisStyleConstants dispid 50;
property YAxisTicks: Smallint dispid 51;
property Enabled: WordBool dispid -514;
property BorderStyle: BorderStyleConstants dispid -504;
property hWnd: OLE_HANDLE dispid -515;
property _QuickData: WideString dispid 0;
property Color[index: Smallint]: Smallint dispid 52;
property Data[index: Smallint]: Single dispid 53;
property Extra[index: Smallint]: Smallint dispid 54;
property FFamily[index: Smallint]: Smallint dispid 55;
property FSize[index: Smallint]: Smallint dispid 56;
property FStyle[index: Smallint]: Smallint dispid 57;
property Label_[index: Smallint]: WideString dispid 58;
property Legend[index: Smallint]: WideString dispid 59;
property Pattern[index: Smallint]: Smallint dispid 60;
property Symbol[index: Smallint]: Smallint dispid 61;
property XPos[index: Smallint]: Single dispid 62;
procedure Refresh; dispid -550;
procedure AboutBox; dispid -552;
_DGraphEvents = dispinterface
procedure Click; dispid -600;
procedure DblClick; dispid -601;
procedure KeyDown(var KeyCode: Smallint; Shift: Smallint); dispid -602;
procedure KeyPress(var KeyAscii: Smallint); dispid -603;
procedure KeyUp(var KeyCode: Smallint; Shift: Smallint); dispid -604;
procedure MouseDown(Button, Shift: Smallint; X: OLE_XPOS_PIXELS; Y: OLE_YPOS_PIXELS); dispid -605;
procedure MouseMove(Button, Shift: Smallint; X: OLE_XPOS_PIXELS; Y: OLE_YPOS_PIXELS); dispid -606;
procedure MouseUp(Button, Shift: Smallint; X: OLE_XPOS_PIXELS; Y: OLE_YPOS_PIXELS); dispid -607;
{ Pinnacle-BPS Graph Control }
TGraph = class(TOleControl)
FIntf: _DGraph;
function Get_hWnd: OLE_HANDLE;
procedure Set_hWnd(var Value: OLE_HANDLE);
function Get_Color(index: Smallint): Smallint;
procedure Set_Color(index: Smallint; Value: Smallint);
function Get_Data(index: Smallint): Single;
procedure Set_Data(index: Smallint; Value: Single);
function Get_Extra(index: Smallint): Smallint;
procedure Set_Extra(index: Smallint; Value: Smallint);
function Get_FFamily(index: Smallint): Smallint;
procedure Set_FFamily(index: Smallint; Value: Smallint);
function Get_FSize(index: Smallint): Smallint;
procedure Set_FSize(index: Smallint; Value: Smallint);
function Get_FStyle(index: Smallint): Smallint;
procedure Set_FStyle(index: Smallint; Value: Smallint);
function Get_Label_(index: Smallint): WideString;
procedure Set_Label_(index: Smallint; const Value: WideString);
function Get_Legend(index: Smallint): WideString;
procedure Set_Legend(index: Smallint; const Value: WideString);
function Get_Pattern(index: Smallint): Smallint;
procedure Set_Pattern(index: Smallint; Value: Smallint);
function Get_Symbol(index: Smallint): Smallint;
procedure Set_Symbol(index: Smallint; Value: Smallint);
function Get_XPos(index: Smallint): Single;
procedure Set_XPos(index: Smallint; Value: Single);
procedure InitControlData; override;
procedure InitControlInterface(const Obj: IUnknown); override;
procedure Refresh;
procedure AboutBox;
property ControlInterface: _DGraph read FIntf;
property Picture: TPicture index 35 read GetTPictureProp write SetTPictureProp;
property QuickData: WideString index 37 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp;
property SeeThru: Smallint index 39 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp;
property _QuickData: WideString index 0 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp;
property Color[index: Smallint]: Smallint read Get_Color write Set_Color;
property Data[index: Smallint]: Single read Get_Data write Set_Data;
property Extra[index: Smallint]: Smallint read Get_Extra write Set_Extra;
property FFamily[index: Smallint]: Smallint read Get_FFamily write Set_FFamily;
property FSize[index: Smallint]: Smallint read Get_FSize write Set_FSize;
property FStyle[index: Smallint]: Smallint read Get_FStyle write Set_FStyle;
property Label_[index: Smallint]: WideString read Get_Label_ write Set_Label_;
property Legend[index: Smallint]: WideString read Get_Legend write Set_Legend;
property Pattern[index: Smallint]: Smallint read Get_Pattern write Set_Pattern;
property Symbol[index: Smallint]: Smallint read Get_Symbol write Set_Symbol;
property XPos[index: Smallint]: Single read Get_XPos write Set_XPos;
property TabStop;
property Align;
property DragCursor;
property DragMode;
property ParentShowHint;
property PopupMenu;
property ShowHint;
property TabOrder;
property Visible;
property OnDragDrop;
property OnDragOver;
property OnEndDrag;
property OnEnter;
property OnExit;
property OnStartDrag;
property OnMouseUp;
property OnMouseMove;
property OnMouseDown;
property OnKeyUp;
property OnKeyPress;
property OnKeyDown;
property OnDblClick;
property OnClick;
property AutoInc: AutoIncConstants index 1 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property Background: BackgroundConstants index 2 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property BottomTitle: WideString index 3 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property ColorData: ColorDataConstants index 4 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property CtlVersion: WideString index 5 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property DataReset: DataResetConstants index 6 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property DrawMode: DrawModeConstants index 7 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property DrawStyle: DrawStyleConstants index 8 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property ExtraData: Smallint index 9 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property FontFamily: FontFamilyConstants index 10 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property FontSize: Smallint index 11 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property FontStyle: FontStyleConstants index 12 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property FontUse: FontUseConstants index 13 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property Foreground: ForegroundConstants index 14 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property GraphCaption: WideString index 15 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property GraphData: Single index 16 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp stored False;
property GraphStyle: Smallint index 17 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property GraphTitle: WideString index 18 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property GraphType: GraphTypeConstants index 19 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property GridStyle: GridStyleConstants index 20 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property ImageFile: WideString index 21 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property IndexStyle: IndexStyleConstants index 22 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property LabelEvery: Smallint index 23 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property Labels: LabelsConstants index 24 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property LabelText: WideString index 25 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property LeftTitle: WideString index 26 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property LegendStyle: LegendStyleConstants index 27 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property LegendText: WideString index 28 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property LineStats: LineStatsConstants index 29 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property NumPoints: Smallint index 30 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property NumSets: Smallint index 31 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property Palette: PaletteConstants index 32 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property PatternData: Smallint index 33 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property PatternedLines: PatternedLinesConstants index 34 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property PrintStyle: PrintStyleConstants index 36 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property RandomData: RandomDataConstants index 38 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property SymbolData: SymbolDataConstants index 40 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property ThickLines: ThickLinesConstants index 41 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property ThisPoint: Smallint index 42 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property ThisSet: Smallint index 43 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property TickEvery: Smallint index 44 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property Ticks: TicksConstants index 45 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property XPosData: Single index 46 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp stored False;
property YAxisMax: Single index 47 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp stored False;
property YAxisMin: Single index 48 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp stored False;
property YAxisPos: YAxisPosConstants index 49 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property YAxisStyle: YAxisStyleConstants index 50 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property YAxisTicks: Smallint index 51 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property Enabled: WordBool index -514 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property BorderStyle: BorderStyleConstants index -504 read GetTOleEnumProp write SetTOleEnumProp stored False;
property hWnd: OLE_HANDLE read Get_hWnd write Set_hWnd stored False;
procedure Register;
uses ComObj;
procedure TGraph.InitControlData;
CTPictureIDs: array [0..0] of Integer = (
CControlData: TControlData = (
ClassID: '{0842D100-1E19-101B-9AAF-1A1626551E7C}';
EventIID: '{0842D102-1E19-101B-9AAF-1A1626551E7C}';
EventCount: 0;
EventDispIDs: nil;
LicenseKey: nil;
Flags: $00000008;
Version: 300;
FontCount: 0;
FontIDs: nil;
PictureCount: 1;
PictureIDs: @CTPictureIDs);
ControlData := @CControlData;
procedure TGraph.InitControlInterface(const Obj: IUnknown);
FIntf := Obj as _DGraph;
procedure TGraph.Refresh;
procedure TGraph.AboutBox;
function TGraph.Get_hWnd: OLE_HANDLE;
Result := ControlInterface.hWnd;
procedure TGraph.Set_hWnd(var Value: OLE_HANDLE);
ControlInterface.hWnd := Value;
function TGraph.Get_Color(index: Smallint): Smallint;
Result := ControlInterface.Color[index];
procedure TGraph.Set_Color(index: Smallint; Value: Smallint);
ControlInterface.Color[index] := Value;
function TGraph.Get_Data(index: Smallint): Single;
Result := ControlInterface.Data[index];
procedure TGraph.Set_Data(index: Smallint; Value: Single);
ControlInterface.Data[index] := Value;
function TGraph.Get_Extra(index: Smallint): Smallint;
Result := ControlInterface.Extra[index];
procedure TGraph.Set_Extra(index: Smallint; Value: Smallint);
ControlInterface.Extra[index] := Value;
function TGraph.Get_FFamily(index: Smallint): Smallint;
Result := ControlInterface.FFamily[index];
procedure TGraph.Set_FFamily(index: Smallint; Value: Smallint);
ControlInterface.FFamily[index] := Value;
function TGraph.Get_FSize(index: Smallint): Smallint;
Result := ControlInterface.FSize[index];
procedure TGraph.Set_FSize(index: Smallint; Value: Smallint);
ControlInterface.FSize[index] := Value;
function TGraph.Get_FStyle(index: Smallint): Smallint;
Result := ControlInterface.FStyle[index];
procedure TGraph.Set_FStyle(index: Smallint; Value: Smallint);
ControlInterface.FStyle[index] := Value;
function TGraph.Get_Label_(index: Smallint): WideString;
Result := ControlInterface.Label_[index];
procedure TGraph.Set_Label_(index: Smallint; const Value: WideString);
ControlInterface.Label_[index] := Value;
function TGraph.Get_Legend(index: Smallint): WideString;
Result := ControlInterface.Legend[index];
procedure TGraph.Set_Legend(index: Smallint; const Value: WideString);
ControlInterface.Legend[index] := Value;
function TGraph.Get_Pattern(index: Smallint): Smallint;
Result := ControlInterface.Pattern[index];
procedure TGraph.Set_Pattern(index: Smallint; Value: Smallint);
ControlInterface.Pattern[index] := Value;
function TGraph.Get_Symbol(index: Smallint): Smallint;
Result := ControlInterface.Symbol[index];
procedure TGraph.Set_Symbol(index: Smallint; Value: Smallint);
ControlInterface.Symbol[index] := Value;
function TGraph.Get_XPos(index: Smallint): Single;
Result := ControlInterface.XPos[index];
procedure TGraph.Set_XPos(index: Smallint; Value: Single);
ControlInterface.XPos[index] := Value;
procedure Register;
RegisterComponents('ActiveX', [TGraph]); { do not localize }