UninstallWndTitle=Microsoft SideWinder Game Pad Uninstall
ProductFullName = Microsoft SideWinder game pad
ProductName = Microsoft SideWinder game pad
ProductWelcomeText=This program is protected by U.S. and International copyright laws, as appropriate.
Lang = English,Espa±ol,Deutsch,Franτais,Italiano,PortuguΩs
English = eng,9
Espa±ol = esp,10
Deutsch = deu,7
Franτais = fra,12
Italiano = ita,16
PortuguΩs = ptb,22
[Program Group Text]
MSInputGroup=Microsoft Input Devices
RemoteGroup=Microsoft Hardware
GamingDevices=Gaming Devices
GameBuddy=Gaming Device Profiler
GamePad_Help=SideWinder Game Pad Online User's Guide
Uninstall=Uninstall Game Device Profiler
Readme=SideWinder Game Pad Readme
DiskSpaceError=Setup can't install %s.\n\nYou don't have enough available hard disk space on the following drive to install %s.\n\nFree some hard disk space and rerun Setup.
LangDLLError=Setup can't install %s. The file containing the Setup text is missing.
InvalidOSError=A limitation exists with your computer's resources or configuration.\n\nSetup can't install %s on your current operating system.\n\nCheck your %s product packaging for system requirements.
SetupLaunchFailure=Setup has encountered an unknown problem. It may be the disk or an undefined compatibility issue. Remove the setup disk, restart your computer, and rerun Setup.
ControlPanel=Control Panel
SWGPPanel=Gaming Device Properties
JoyCPL=Joystick Properties
OSError=Setup can't install the SideWinder game pad software on your current operating system. Check your SideWinder game pad product packaging for system requirements.
SetupCloseCPL=Setup can't continue. Please close the both the Control Panel and the Gaming Device Profiler, then restart Setup.
UninstallCloseCPL=Uninstall can't continue. Please close the both the Control Panel and the Gaming Device Profiler, then restart Uninstall.
BadJoystickDriver=Your game card is configured improperly, not working correctly, or not there. For more information, consult your Windows 95 documentation.
WarningMessageTitle=Microsoft SideWinder Game Pad
NotEnoughRAM=Microsoft SideWinder game pad requires 8 MG of memory to operate properly. Your computer needs more memory. Do you wish to continue?
NotEnoughColorsWarning=For best results, your screen resolution should be set to display 256 colors.