PC Games.EXE 1998 July/August
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INI File
289 lines
[AdWeb 1]
Path = MSpring
Bitmap = MSpring.bmp
Bitmap2 = MSpring2.bmp
Function = 4
Launch = Setup.exe
WebLink = www.mindspring.com
[AdWeb 2]
Path = PCGames
Bitmap = PCGames.bmp
Bitmap2 =
Function = 2
Launch =
WebLink = www.pcgames.com
[AdWeb 3]
Path = EarthLnk
Bitmap = EarthLnk.bmp
Bitmap2 =
Function = 1
Launch = Setup.exe
WebLink = www.earthlink.com
[AdWeb 4]
Path = PCGames
Bitmap = PCGames.bmp
Bitmap2 =
Function = 2
Launch =
WebLink = www.pcgames.com
[AdWeb 5]
Path = Descent
Bitmap = Descent.bmp
Bitmap2 = Desc2.bmp
Function = 6
Launch = Install.bat
WebLink = www.interplay.com/descent
[AdWeb 6]
Path = Starcon2
Bitmap = starc2.bmp
Bitmap2 =
Function = 1
Launch = Starcon2.exe
WebLink = www.accolade.com
[AdWeb 7]
Path = Grimdemo
Bitmap = grim.bmp
Bitmap2 =
Function = 1
Launch = \install\Setup.exe
WebLink =
[AdWeb 8]
Path = BC3kAD
Bitmap = bc3k1.bmp
Bitmap2 = bc3k2.bmp
Function = 6
Launch = BC3kd7c
WebLink = www.3000AD.com
[Battlecruiser: 3000AD]
Path = BC3kAD
ScreenNum = 0
Screen =
Description = BC3KFull
Launch = BC3kd7c
Action = Install
WebLink =
[Betrayal At Krondor]
Path = Krondor
ScreenNum = 0
Screen =
Description = Krondor
Launch = Setup
Action = Install
WebLink =
[Civil War General 2 Scenarios]
Path = Patches
ScreenNum = 0
Screen =
Description = civil
Launch = cwg2scen
Action = Install
WebLink =
[Civil War General 2 v1.3 Patch]
Path = Patches
ScreenNum = 0
Screen =
Description = civil2
Launch = cwg29513
Action = Install
WebLink =
Path = Descent
ScreenNum = 3
Screen = Descent
Description = descent
Launch = install
Action = Install
WebLink = www.interplay.com/descent/collection.html
[Descent 1.0 to 1.4a Update]
Path = Descent
ScreenNum = 0
Screen =
Description = DESC14a
Launch = desc14a
Action = Unzip
WebLink = www.interplay.com/descent
[Descent 1.4a to 1.5 Update]
Path = Descent
ScreenNum = 0
Screen =
Description = desc15
Launch = dreg14a5
Action = Unzip
WebLink = www.interplay.com/descent
[Descent: Freespace]
Path = FreeSpc
ScreenNum = 6
Screen = Free
Description = Free
Launch = FreeSpcT.Exe
Action = Install
WebLink = www.interplay.com/freespace/index.html
[Doom Shareware]
Path = Doom
ScreenNum = 0
Screen =
Description = Doom
Launch = Install.bat
Action = Install
WebLink =
[EarthSiege 3: StarSiege]
Path = ESiege3
ScreenNum = 6
Screen = ESiege3
Description = ESiege3
Launch = ES3ATR2.Exe
Action = Install
WebLink =
[Grand Prix Legends]
Path = GPLDemo
ScreenNum = 4
Screen = GPLSS
Description = GPLDemo
Launch = Setup
Action = Install
WebLink =
[Grim Fandango]
Path = Grimdemo
ScreenNum = 6
Screen = Grimdemo
Description = Grimdemo
Launch = \install\setup
Action = Install
WebLink =
[Lords of Magic v2.02 Patch]
Path = Patches
ScreenNum = 0
Screen =
Description = LoMupd
Launch = LoM202
Action = Install
WebLink =
Path = Outwars
ScreenNum = 6
Screen = Outwars
Description = Outwars
Launch = Outwars
Action = Install
WebLink =
[Panzer Commander]
Path = Panzer
ScreenNum = 6
Screen = Panzer
Description = Panzer
Launch = Setup.exe
Action = Install
WebLink =
[PowerBoat Racing]
Path = PBoat
ScreenNum = 0
Screen =
Description = PBoat
Launch = Setup.exe
Action = Install
WebLink =
[Quake 2]
Path = Quake2
ScreenNum = 6
Screen = Quake
Description = Quake2
Launch = Setup.exe
Action = Install
WebLink =
[Red Baron]
Path = RedBaron
ScreenNum = 0
Screen =
Description = Redbaron
Launch = Install
Action = Install
WebLink =
[Semper Fi]
Path = SFDemo
ScreenNum = 3
Screen = SFDemo
Description = SFDemo
Launch = SFDemo.Exe
Action = Install
WebLink =
[Star Control II]
Path = StarCon2
ScreenNum = 0
Screen =
Description = Starcon2
Launch = Starcon2
Action = Install
WebLink = www.accolade.com
[StarCon Preview]
Path = StarCon
ScreenNum = 6
Screen = StarCon
Description = Starcon
Launch = None
Action = None
WebLink = www.accolade.com/products/starcon/index.htm
[X-COM: Interceptor]
Path = XCom4
ScreenNum = 6
Screen = X-Com
Description = X-Com4
Launch = Setup
Action = Install
WebLink =
[Zork I]
Path = Zorks
ScreenNum = 0
Screen =
Description = Zork1
Launch = Zork1.Exe
Action = Install
WebLink =
[Zork II]
Path = Zorks
ScreenNum = 0
Screen =
Description = Zork2
Launch = Zork2.Exe
Action = Install
WebLink =
[Zork III]
Path = Zorks
ScreenNum = 0
Screen =
Description = Zork3
Launch = Zork3.Exe
Action = Install
WebLink =