PC Joker 1999 February
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Text File
461 lines
1 ddraw.dll,ddraw16.dll(notNT),ddrawex.dll(6only),ddraw.vxd(6only/notNT),ddhelp.exe,dxapi.sys(6only/NTDriversDir),d3dim.dll,d3dramp.dll(optional),d3dhalf.dll(5only),d3drampf.dll(5only),d3drgbf.dll(5only),d3drg8f.dll(5only),d3drg16f.dll(5only),d3drg24f.dll(5only),d3drg32f.dll(5only),d3drgbxf.dll(5only),d3drg8x.dll(5only),d3drg55x.dll(5only),d3drg56x.dll(5only),d3drg24x.dll(5only),d3drg32x.dll(5only),d3drm.dll,d3dxof.dll,d3dpmesh.dll,d3drm8f.dll(5only),d3drm16f.dll(5only),d3drm24f.dll(5only),d3drm32f.dll(5only),dplayx.dll,dpmodemx.dll,dpwsockx.dll,dplaysvr.exe,dsound.dll,dsound.vxd(notNT),dinput.dll,dinput.vxd(notNT),vjoyd.vxd(notNT),msanalog.vxd(notNT),joy.cpl,gcdef.dll,gchand.dll(notNT),dmusic.dll(post60only),dmusic16.dll(post60only/notNT),dmusic32.dll(post60only/notNT),dmband.dll(post60only),dmcompos.dll(post60only),dmime.dll(post60only),dmloader.dll(post60only),dmstyle.dll(post60only),dmsynth.dll(post60only),directx.cpl(optional)
2 ck(WáR}Å DirectDraw DLL
3 ck(W╖â╓S DirectDrawCreate 0W@W
4 DirectDrawCreate
5 GetCaps
6 (u7bîÜ┴ïΘwb_
7 (u7bîÜ┴ïùzπSàQ▐V9_
8 (u7bîÜ┴ïhQO\▐V9_
9 SetCooperativeLevel ╛ïb Normal
10 ck(WR·^;Nhêbù
11 ck(W╖â╓S;Nhêbù╧c≡Å
12 Colorfill blit to primary
13 ck(WR·^O\U^YÇ{UShêbù
14 Colorfill blit to offscreen plain surface
15 Blitting offscreen plain to primary surface
16 ck(WR·^Km╒ïùzπS
17 SetCooperativeLevel ╛ïb Fullscreen
18 SetDisplayMode ╛ïb 640x480x16
19 ck(W(uN*N═ST▓Q:SR·^√lÅ;Nüëhêbù
20 GetAttachedSurface
21 Colorfill 0R═ST▓Q:S
22 Flip
30 ck(WáR}Å DirectDraw DLL
31 ck(W╖â╓S DirectDrawCreate 0W@W
32 DirectDrawCreate
33 GetCaps
34 User verification of software rendering
35 User verification of hardware rendering
36 ck(WR·^Km╒ïùzπS
37 SetCooperativeLevel ╛ïb Fullscreen
38 SetCooperativeLevel ╛ïb Normal
39 SetDisplayMode ╛ïb 640x480x16
40 ck(W(uN*N═ST▓Q:SR·^√lÅ;Nüëhêbù
41 GetAttachedSurface
42 Colorfill 0R═ST▓Q:S
43 Flip
44 ck(W╖â╓S;Nhêbù╧c≡Å
45 Colorfill Ωò\0R;Nüëhêbù
46 D3D σgΓï
47 CreateDevice
48 CreateViewport
49 AddViewport
50 SetViewport
51 SetCurrentViewport
52 CreateLight
53 SetLight
54 AddLight
55 SetTransform
56 CreateMaterial
57 SetMaterial
58 SetMaterialHandle
59 SetBackground
60 SetRenderState
61 SetLightState
62 Viewport::Clear
63 BeginScene
64 ck(W╖â╓SDìÖeσS─g
65 DrawIndexedPrimitive
66 EndScene
67 (u7b╓Sêmäv
80 ck(WáR}Å DirectSound DLL
81 ck(W╖â╓S DirectSoundCreate 0W@W
82 DirectSoundCreate
83 SetCooperativeLevel
84 GetCaps
85 ck(WáR}Å WAV penc
86 !j▀bqÜ¿RzÅ^Km╒ï
87 ;Nüë▓Q:S
88 íl g∩S(uävlx÷N▓Q:S
89 !küë▓Q:S
90 SetPos
91 íl g:yïO
92 CreateEvent
93 SetNotification
94 òÜ[1Y%ì
95 πëdûòÜ[1Y%ì
96 Play
97 GetCurPos
98 (u7bîÜ┴ïoÅ÷N
99 (u7bîÜ┴ïlx÷N
100 σïzÅ^ùüë Windows 95 b⌠f░eävHr,g bÇ Windows NT 5 b⌠f░eävHr,g0
101 αe╒l╖â╓S·W,g>f:yßOo`
102 αe╒l╖â╓S·W,g≡X≤ùßOo`
103 ▌OX[çe÷N÷e gεòÿÿ
104 αe╒láR}Å RICHED32.DLL
105 αe╒lR·^■V╧PRhê
106 αe╒láR}Å■Vh
107 αe╒l/T¿R DirectX Ee£û╩ï¡e0
108 αe╒l/T¿R«_oÅßOo`0
109 kb╧c─~÷Nçe÷N÷e gεòÿÿ
110 kb╧cqÜ¿RzÅ^çe÷N÷e gεòÿÿ
111 ╖â╓SvQâ[>f:yßOo`÷e gεòÿÿ
112 ╖â╓SvQâ[≡X≤ùßOo`÷e gεòÿÿ
113 ╖â╓SôÅeQßOo`÷e gεòÿÿ
114 ╖â╓SôÅeQqÜ¿RzÅ^ßOo`÷e gεòÿÿ
115 \Help
116 hh
117 mdirx.htm
118 .^⌐R
119 DirectX çe÷N
120 DirectX qÜ¿RzÅ^
121 >f:y
122 >f:y %d
123 ≡X≤ù
124 ≡X≤ù %d
125 ôÅeQ
126 vQâ[.^⌐R
127 DxDiag %s %s HrCg@b g (C) 1998 Microsoft Corporation. ▌OYu@b gCg)R0
128 ò∩ï: %s ╙~£gx = 0x%08x (%s)
129 ò∩ï: %s
130 DxDiag ò∩ï
131 ,
132 , I{I{
133 çe÷N %s ≥]ƒ^_ ö^σï Rdûëc0\n
134 gαQ*Nçe÷N(%s)≥]ƒ^_ ö^σï Rdûëc0\n
135 çe÷N %s /fN*NτeHr,g ∩S²ÇO Ébεòÿÿ0ö^σï═æ░eë[┼ê DirectX O(ug░eHr,g0\n
136 gαQ*Nçe÷N(%s)/fτeHr,g ∩S²ÇO Ébεòÿÿ0ö^σï═æ░eë[┼ê DirectX O(ug░eHr,g0\n
137 çe÷N %s /fKm╒ïHr,g N╫S/ec ∩S²ÇO Ébεòÿÿ0ö^σï═æ░eë[┼ê DirectX O(ug░eHr,g0\n
138 gαQ*Nçe÷N(%s)/fKm╒ïHr,g N╫S/ec ∩S²ÇO Ébεòÿÿ0ö^σï═æ░eë[┼ê DirectX O(ug░eHr,g0\n
139 çe÷N %s /fî╒ïHr,g ╘k÷û.UHr,g╨ÅLêù_ba0ö^σï═æ░eë[┼ê DirectX O(u÷û.UHr,g0\n
140 gαQ*Nçe÷N(%s)/fî╒ïHr,g ╘k÷û.UHr,g╨ÅLêù_ba0ö^σï═æ░eë[┼ê DirectX O(u÷û.UHr,g0\n
141 íl g╤S░sεòÿÿ0\n
142 çe÷N %s /fKm╒ïHr,g N╫S/ec ∩S²ÇO Ébεòÿÿ0ö^σï╬NqÜ¿RzÅ^6R ÉFUY╖â╓SgTHr,g0\n
143 gαQ*Nçe÷N(%s)/fKm╒ïHr,g N╫S/ec ∩S²ÇO Ébεòÿÿ0ö^σï╬NqÜ¿RzÅ^6R ÉFUY╖â╓SgTHr,g0\n
144 çe÷N %s /fî╒ïHr,g ╘k÷û.UHr,g╨ÅLêù_ba0ö^σï╬NqÜ¿RzÅ^6R ÉFUY╖â╓S÷û.UHr,g0\n
145 gαQ*Nçe÷N(%s)/fî╒ïHr,g ╘k÷û.UHr,g╨ÅLêù_ba0ö^σï╬NqÜ¿RzÅ^6R ÉFUY╖â╓S÷û.UHr,g0\n
146 /T(uåNáRÉ
147 üy(uåNáRÉ
148 íl g∩SO(uäváRÉ
149 /T¿R
150 üy(u
151 íl g╤S░s√NUOqÜ¿RzÅ^εòÿÿ0\n
152 DirectDraw Km╒ï╙~£g:
153 üëKm╒ï DirectDraw ƒR²Ç ≈ïUS√Q DirectDraw ┴e╣Åäv Km╒ï c«ö0\n
154 DirectSound Km╒ï╙~£g:
155 üëKm╒ï DirectSound ƒR²Ç ≈ïUS√Q
Nbùäv Km╒ï c«ö0\n
156 íl g└hKm0RôÅeQ╛ïY0\n
157 ╛ïYT
158 O(u╣e╒l
159 qÜ¿RzÅ^T
160 Hr,g
161 ^\'`
162 ñï┴ïäv
163 φïè
164 σeg
165 'Y\
166 /f
167 &T
168 ΦlîQhêyÿ
169 O(u-N
170 DeviceID
171 9SMæäv DevID
172 qÜ¿RzÅ^(16-bit)
173 qÜ¿RzÅ^(32-bit)
174 T≡y
175 ┘Å\üy(u√|▀~-N@b g>f:y╛ïYäv DirectDraw ävlx÷NáRÉ v^N╪ÅO Éb@b g Direct3D áRÉN∩SO(u0
176 ┘Å\═æ░e/T(u√|▀~-N@b g>f:y╛ïYäv DirectDraw ävlx÷NáRÉ0╪ÅOO Direct3D áRÉ∩SσNìQ!kO(u0
177 DirectX ╩ï¡eσ]wQ
178 ┘Å\üy(u√|▀~-N@b g>f:y╛ïYäv Direct3D ävlx÷NáRÉ0
179 ┘Å\/T(u√|▀~-N@b g>f:y╛ïYäv Direct3D ävlx÷NáRÉ0
180 ≈ï\ %s ÿ|4ì0R5uP[«É÷N-N ╤SÉ0R dxfbugs@microsoft.com0\n\n^ù8^a"î!
181 Notepad.exe
182 dxfbugs@microsoft.com
183 αe╒l/T¿R¿`äv5uP[«É÷NzÅ^0\nO(uäv}TΣNLê/f: %s\n ÉÜ[ävΦlîQhêyÿ/f: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\%s
184 Direct3D Km╒ï╙~£g:
185 üëKm╒ï Direct3D ƒR²Ç ≈ïUS√Q Direct3D ┴e╣Åäv Km╒ï c«ö0\n
186 (ñï┴ïäv)
187 çe,gçe÷N(*.txt)#*.txt#
188 DxDiag.txt
189 txt
190 çe÷N %s *g╧~ñï┴ï ┘Å⌠ïfíl g╧~╟Å Microsoft äv Windows lx÷N(ì╧æ₧[îÜñ[Km╒ï0¿`∩SσN╬Nlx÷N╛ïYäv6R ÉFUúÉ╠æ╖âù_N*Nñï┴ïävqÜ¿RzÅ^0\n
191 gαQ*Nçe÷N(%s)*g╧~ñï┴ï ┘Å⌠ïfíl g╧~╟Å Microsoft äv Windows lx÷N(ì╧æ₧[îÜñ[Km╒ï0¿`∩SσN╬Nlx÷N╛ïYäv6R ÉFUúÉ╠æ╖âù_N*Nñï┴ïävqÜ¿RzÅ^0\n
192 n/a
193 ┘Å\Km╒ïσï╛ïY
Näv DirectDraw0∩SσNτ~φ~T?
194 αV:Nσï╛ïY(WùzπS!j_-Nαe╒l╨ÅLê b∞N\≤ì╟ÅùzπSKm╒ï0
195 ,{N!kKm╒ï\O(u DirectDraw ävck8^(N/fhQO\)!j_(W;Nüëhêbù
196 gíl g(WO\U^hT⌠Vw0R╤₧}vñN fäv╣eWW?
197 ░s(W∩SσN╬N═ST▓Q:SΩò\0
198 gíl gw┴ëN*N≤ì├ìäv}vré╣eWW?
199 ُ\(WhQO\!j_NKmՋ DirectDraw0
200 gíl gw┴ëN*N≤ì├ìäv}vré╣eWW?
201 ┘Å\╙~_g DirectDraw Km╒ï0
202 (WKm╒ïî[bMR½ê╓Sêm0
203 @b gävKm╒ï²Éê_bƒR0
204 *gσwò∩ï
205 ekñÜ %d (%s)
N gEe£û: HRESULT = 0x%08x (%s)
206 ┘Å\(Wσï╛ïY
NKm╒ï Direct3D0∩SσNτ~φ~T?
207 ┘Å\(uoÅ÷N f\Km╒ï Direct3D0
208 gíl gw┴ëN*N╦elÅäv╦z╣eSO?
209 ¿` cåNN*N.ò ╓SêmåNKm╒ï0
210 ┘Å\(ulx÷NáRÉ f\Km╒ï Direct3D0
211 US√Q┘Å*N c«ö εO9e %s äv DirectX Lê:N(┼N¢ON╢[O(u!):
212 %s äv╛ïn
213 ▌OX[ö^(uzÅ^╛ïn÷e ·Q░såNN*Nεòÿÿ0
214 7R░eçspe<P┼_{ÿ╦NÄN 40 îT 120 KN⌠ò0
215 ~bN0Rçe÷N %s! ¿`ö^σï(W√|▀~
N═æ░eë[┼ê DirectX0\n
216 gαQ*Nçe÷N(%s)~bN0R! ¿`ö^σï═æ░eë[┼ê DirectX σN┐O\┘Å¢Nçe÷N>e▐V0R√|▀~
217 dxdiag.hlp
218 ~bN0RbSbN_ DxDiag äv.^⌐Rçe÷N0
219 dxsetup.exe(optional/notNT),dsetup.dll(optional/notNT),dsetup16.dll(optional/notNT),dsetup32.dll(optional/notNT)
220 (W\>f:y╛ïnb 16 MO£ÿré (╪Üré) 640x480 !j_÷e·Qò0¿`ävíïù{:g∩S²ÇN/ecdk!j_0┘ÅNNÜ[/f*Nεòÿÿ =\í{N¢NzÅ^(Wíl gdk!j_/ecäv┼`╡QNN²Çσ]\O0
221 αe╒l╖âù_·W,gäv DirectMusic ßOo`0
222 ≤ùPN
223 αe╒l╖âù_vQâ[ DirectMusic ßOo`0
224 ╧c≡Å
225 {|ïW
226 /ec DLS
227 ╪₧ñï∩zπS
228 íl g~b0R DirectMusic ∩zπS0\n
229 (WΦlîQhê-Níl gcÜ[8^─ë MIDI DLS çe÷N0\n
230 íl g~b0RcÜ[äv8^─ë MIDI DLS çe÷N0\n
231 eQ/·Q
232 \O(u≤ùPN∩zπS '%s' Km╒ï DirectMusic0 üëτ~φ~█ÅLêT?
233 î(u CoInitialize
234 ck(WR·^ IDirectMusicLoader ∙[aî
235 ck(WR·^ IDirectMusicPerformance ∙[aî
236 ck(WR╦YS IDirectMusicPerformance ∙[aî
237 ck(WR·^ IDirectMusicPort
238 └o;m IDirectMusicPort
239 \ AutoDownload ╛ï:N TRUE
240 \ IDirectMusicPort √máR0R IDirectMusicPerformance ∙[aî
241 ck(WRMæ PChannel WW
242 ck(W\≤ùPNDìÉn OôÅ0R4N÷eçe÷N-N
243 ck(W\σgΓïεvU_╛ïn0R4N÷eεvU_
244 ck(W⌐ï IDirectMusicLoader áR}Å≤ùPN
245 ck(W¡d>eGr╡k0
246 ¿`ö^σï,TN¢N¡d>eäv≤ùPN0US√Q nxÜ[ σNτ~φ~0
247 üëKm╒ï DirectMusic ƒR²Ç ≈ïUS√Q
N∩zäv Km╒ï DirectMusic c«ö0\n
248 DirectMusic Km╒ï╙~£g
249 ôÅ·Q
250 ôÅeQ
251 oÅ÷N
252 lx÷N
253 <çe÷N"N1Y>
254 %s (Hr,g %s)
255 DxDiag ≥]└hKm·Q(W
N!kO(u┘ÅNzÅ^÷e ┐ïεò DirectDraw ∩S²Ç·Q░sεòÿÿ0┘ÅN!küë╒~╟Å DirectDraw T
256 çe÷N %s ½êNcknxävë[┼ê(W Windows çe÷N9Y-N ö^σï½ê Rdû0\n
257 Y*Nçe÷N(%s) ½êNcknxävë[┼ê(W Windows çe÷N9Y-N ö^σï½ê Rdû0\n
258 \É╟ÅO(uNTäv≤ùæÿ<h_¡d>e≤ùHeegKm╒ï DirectSound0üëτ~φ~█ÅLêT
259 ¿`äv≡XaSN/eclx÷N▓Q:S0≡X≤ù\┼N╬NoÅ÷N▓Q:S╠æ▐V¡d0
260 ≡X≤ù:N:\n\n%s%s, %d MO %dKhz, ÉnÄN %s ▓Q:S0\n\n¿`,T0R¡d>eäv≡X≤ùåNT?
261 3-D
262 US≡XSÉ
263 ╦zSO≡X LED
264 Y≡XSÉ
265 Nw
266 VDD
267 WDM
268 αeHeäv┬Spe
269 8^─ë1Y%ì
270 _8^ò∩ï
271 *ggbLê
272 àQX[N│ì
273 íl gLubù
274 αeHeäv!j_
275 αeHeäv╧P }<h_
276 αe╒lR·^ DC
277 íl g~b0R
278 íl g DirectDraw /ec
279 íl g 3D
280 αeHeäv╛ïY
281 R╦YS1Y%ì
282 DìÖeR·^1Y%ì
283 opäv╛ïY1Y%ì
284 ºc÷NN∩S(u
285 ò∩ïäv<h_
286 ▓Q:S"N1Y
287 íl gqÜ¿RzÅ^
288 qÜ¿RzÅ^1Y%ì
289 Sb_∩zπS
290 ╛ïYck(WO(u-N
291 ▓Q:SN│ì
292 *g╤S░s:SWW
293 ò∩ïävPNhV
294 αe╒l√ï╓S
295 áR}ÅzÅ^: ∩ìä_N∙[0
296 áR}ÅzÅ^: Sb_1Y%ì
297 áR}ÅzÅ^: <h_N½ê/ec0
298 ∙[aî*g~b0R
299 ≈ïBl1Y%ì αV:N DirectSound ävDìÉn(éYOHQº~)≥]1uµSN*Nî(uÇO(u0
300 íl gO(u
301 íl gO(u
302 íl gO(u
303 íl gO(u
304 /T(u(&A)
305 üy(u(&D)
306 /T(u(&B)
307 üy(u(&I)
308 Φla: ┘ÅN≤ùæÿ╛ïYN/ec,g:gäv 16 MO≤ùæÿ0N¢NâÅ░eävùüëdk≤ùæÿävö^(uzÅ^∩S²ÇN²Ç(W√|▀~
Nck8^σ]\O06qÇ DirectSound (W∩S²Çäv┼`╡QNO(W√|▀~
309 αe
310 (NEC PC-98 √|R)
311 %s%s (%d.%d, Build %d) %s
312 î╒ï
313 %s (:S▀W╛ïn: %s)
314 %dMB ≥](u, %dMB ∩S(u
315 g╚~
316 KmՋ
317 ÷û.U
318 (Present)
319 ╪₧ñï<P
320 YΦÉäv
321 éY£gYΦÉävTbhVNíïù{:g°v▐ÅÑc ¿`ö^σï∩SσN,T0R¡d>e≤ùPN0US√Q nxÜ[ σNτ~φ~0
322 Unicode
323 (╪₧ñï7R░eçs)
324 (OS7R░eçs)
325 (%d CPUs)
326 αe╒l/T(u DxSetup.exe0
327 ┘Å/f DxDiag äv Unicode Hr,g ┼N(W Windows NT
N╨ÅLê0≈ï(W Windows 95 îT Windows 98
NO(u DxDiag äv^ù Unicode Hr,g0
328 çe÷N %s /fτeHr,g ∩S²ÇO·Qεòÿÿ0\n
329 Y*Nçe÷N (%s) :NτeHr,g ∩S²ÇO·Qεòÿÿ0\n
330 çe÷N %s :NN*NN╫S/ecävKm╒ïHr,g ∩S²ÇO_wìεòÿÿ0\n
331 αQ²N (%s) çe÷N:NN╫S/ecävKm╒ïHr,g ∩S²ÇO_wìεòÿÿ0\n
332 çe÷N %s:Nî╒ïHr,g ╨ÅLêɪ^ONOÄN÷û.UHr,g0\n
333 Y*Nçe÷N (%s) :Nî╒ïHr,g ╨ÅLêɪ^ONOÄN÷û.UHr,g0\n
334 "N1Y %s çe÷N!\n
335 "N1YY*Nçe÷N (%s)!\n
500 Loading DirectDraw DLL
501 Getting DirectDrawCreate address
502 DirectDrawCreate
503 GetCaps
504 User verification of rectangles
505 User verification of windowed bouncing
506 User verification of fullscreen bouncing
507 SetCooperativeLevel to Normal
508 Creating primary surface
509 Getting primary surface description
510 Colorfill blit to primary
511 Creating offscreen plain surface
512 Colorfill blit to offscreen plain surface
513 Blitting offscreen plain to primary surface
514 Creating test window
515 SetCooperativeLevel to Fullscreen
516 SetDisplayMode to 640x480x16
517 Creating flipping primary surface with one back buffer
518 GetAttachedSurface
519 Colorfill to back buffer
520 Flip
530 Loading DirectDraw DLL
531 Getting DirectDrawCreate address
532 DirectDrawCreate
533 GetCaps
534 User verification of software rendering
535 User verification of hardware rendering
536 Creating test window
537 SetCooperativeLevel to Fullscreen
538 SetCooperativeLevel to Normal
539 SetDisplayMode to 640x480x16
540 Creating flipping primary surface with one back buffer
541 GetAttachedSurface
542 Colorfill to back buffer
543 Flip
544 Getting primary surface description
545 Colorfill blit to primary surface
546 Query for D3D
547 CreateDevice
548 CreateViewport
549 AddViewport
550 SetViewport
551 SetCurrentViewport
552 CreateLight
553 SetLight
554 AddLight
555 SetTransform
556 CreateMaterial
557 SetMaterial
558 SetMaterialHandle
559 SetBackground
560 SetRenderState
561 SetLightState
562 Viewport::Clear
563 BeginScene
564 Getting material handle
565 DrawIndexedPrimitive
566 EndScene
567 User Cancelled
580 Loading DirectSound DLL
581 Getting DirectSoundCreate address
582 DirectSoundCreate
583 SetCooperativeLevel
584 GetCaps
585 Loading WAV data
586 Emulated Driver testing
587 Primary Buffer
588 No free hardware buffer
589 Secondary buffer
590 SetPos
591 No sample
592 CreateEvent
593 SetNotification
594 Lock failure
595 Unlock failure
596 Play
597 GetCurPos
598 User verification of software
599 User verification of hardware
610 Call to CoInitialize
611 Creating the IDirectMusicLoader object
612 Creating the IDirectMusicPerformance object
613 Initializing the IDirectMusicPerformance object
614 Creating the IDirectMusicPort
615 Activating the IDirectMusicPort
616 Setting AutoDownload to TRUE
617 Adding the IDirectMusicPort to the IDirectMusicPerformance object
618 Assigning the PChannel block
619 Transferring music resource to a temporary file
620 Setting the search directory to the temp directory
621 Having the IDirectMusicLoader load the music
622 Playing the segment
630 unknown error
631 Failure at step %d (%s): HRESULT = 0x%08x (%s)
640 Invalid argument(s)
641 Generic failure
642 Unexpected error
643 Not implemented
644 Out of memory
645 No interface
646 Invalid mode
647 Invalid pixel format
648 Can't create DC
649 Not found
650 No DirectDraw support
651 No 3D
652 Invalid device
653 Initialization failed
654 Material create failed
655 Light set failed
656 Control not available
657 Bad format
658 Buffer lost
659 No driver
660 Driver failed
661 Ports open
662 Device in use
663 Insufficient buffer
664 Chunk not found
665 Bad instrument
666 Cannot read
667 Loader: bad path
668 Loader: failed open
669 Loader: format not supported
670 Object not found
671 The request failed because DirectSound resources, such as the priority level, were already in use by another caller.
672 not used
673 not used
674 not used
675 not used