Amiga Format 41
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175 lines
* oo oo *
* \( )/ Bullfrog Demo \( )/ *
* ^ ^^ ^ Movement ^ ^^ ^ *
;LEVEL equ 0 ;Current Level 0 or 1
GRAVITY equ 2 ;Speed at which gravity affects man
MAX_SPEED equ 16 ;maximum speed of man
JUMP equ 20
ACEL equ 3 ;speed of accleration for man
MAN_LEFT_START equ 4*4 ;start frame number for man running left
MAN_LEFT_FINISH equ 1*4 ;end frame number for man running left
MAN_STATIONARY equ 5*4 ;frame for man standing still
MAN_RIGHT_START equ 6*4 ;start frame number for man running right
MAN_RIGHT_FINISH equ 9*4 ;end frame number for man running right
LEFT_FOOT equ 3 ;mans left foot
RIGHT_FOOT equ 10 ;mans right foot
tst.w _pressed_fire ;are we in the middle of a jump
bne.s .no_fire ;yes so dont check for jump
tst.w _fire ;is the fire button pressed
beq.s .no_fire ;no so dont jump
move.w #-JUMP,man_vy ;yes it was, jump into y-velocity
move.w #1,_pressed_fire ;and set jump flag
jsr _man_x ;move the man left and right
jsr _man_y ;move the man up and down
jsr _man_anim ;animate the man.
jsr _map_collision ;has the man hit a block
rts ;return
*Move man left and right with joystick
*Uses the variables man_x - mans x position on screen
* man_vx - mans current x velocity
* _dx_joy - reads the joystick x. -1 if left, 1 if right.
move.w man_vx,d0 ;move the value in man_vx into d0
move.w #0,d2
tst.w _pressed_fire ;are we jumping
bne.s .jumping
move.w _dx_joy,d2 ;move joystick value to d2
mulu #ACEL,d2 ;multiply it by accleration
add.w d2,d0
cmp.w #MAX_SPEED+1,d0 ;is the value in d0 is
ble.s .lessthanx ;less than or equal to the maximum speed
move.w #MAX_SPEED+1,d0 ;if it isnt then change it back to max speed
cmp.w #-MAX_SPEED-1,d0 ;see if value in d0 is
bge.s .greaterthanx ;greater than or equal to the maximum speed
move.w #-MAX_SPEED-1,d0 ;if not then replace with max speed
move.w man_x,d1 ;where the man is
add.w d0,d1 ;add his velocity
bgt.s .not_left_side ;if greater than 0 not at edge of screen
move.w #0,d0 ;otherwise stop momentum
move.w #0,d1 ;and place us at edge of screen
cmp.w #304*4,d1 ;at the right hand edge of screen?
blt.s .not_right_side ;no. good.
move.w #0,d0 ;otherwise stop momentum
move.w #304*4,d1 ;place at edge of screen
tst.w _dx_joy ;have we actual changed velocity
bne.s .no_reduction ;yes, then dont slow down
tst.w d0 ;which way are we going
beq.s .no_reduction ;we are not moving
blt.s .going_left ;going left
.going_right ;where going right
sub.w #2,d0 ;reduce speed
add.w #1,d0 ;reduce speed
.no_reduction ;finished
move.w d0,man_vx ;store new momentum
move.w d1,man_x ;store the new value in man_x
rts ;return
move.w #1,_pressed_fire ;set falling/jump flag
move.w man_y,d0 ;get man y position
move.w man_vy,d1 ;get man y velocity
add.w #GRAVITY,d1 ;add gravity to it
cmp.w #MAX_SPEED,d1 ;see if we have gone over max speed
ble.s .below_max_speed ;no then jump past this bit
move.w #MAX_SPEED,d1 ;yes, place max speed into d1
add.w d1,d0 ;change position by speed
move.w d0,man_y ;store new position
move.w d1,man_vy ;store new speed
rts ;return
*Animation of man.
move.w man_frame,d0 ;pick up current frame of man
tst.w man_vx ;see if man is stationary
beq.s .stationary_man ;he is so goto that code
blt.s .man_move_left ;is he going left
add.w #1,d0 ;no so add 1 to animation frame
cmp.w #MAN_RIGHT_FINISH,d0 ;see if we have got to the end
blt.s .finished_anim ;if not then we have finished
move.w #MAN_RIGHT_START,d0 ;otherwise replace with start anim
bra.s .finished_anim ;again we have finished
.man_move_left ;OK so we are going left
sub.w #1,d0 ;subtract 1 from animation frame
cmp.w #MAN_LEFT_FINISH,d0 ;have we got to end of animation
bgt.s .finished_anim ;no then we have finished
move.w #MAN_LEFT_START,d0 ;yes, so restart animation
bra.s .finished_anim ;again we have finished
.stationary_man ;the man is not moving
move.w #MAN_STATIONARY,d0 ;so lets put the animation frame in
.finished_anim ;finished changing things
move.w d0,man_frame ;so put back current frame
rts ;and return.
move.w man_x,d0 ;mans x position
move.w man_y,d1 ;mans y position
lea _map_data,a0 ;point at map data
asr.w #FOUR,d0 ;hi res co-ord
move.w d0,d4 ;take a copy of current x
add.w #LEFT_FOOT,d0 ;his feet size
asr.w #SIXTEEN,d0 ;block coord
asr.w #FOUR,d1 ;hi res co-ord
add.w #24,d1 ;find bottom of man
asr.w #FOUR,d1 ;scale down
btst #0,d1 ;is this an odd number
bne.s .no_collision ;yes, then no collide
btst #1,d1 ;is the second bit set
bne.s .no_collision ;yes, then no collide
asr.w #FOUR,d1 ;scale y position rest of way down
move.w d1,d3 ;copy of current y
mulu #20,d1 ;offset into map data
adda.l d1,a0 ;move to start of line
adda.l d0,a0 ;move to column
tst.b (a0) ;is this a block or not
bne.s .collision ;yes then goto collide
;that was his left foot, now do
;his right foot
lea _map_data,a0 ;point at data
adda.l d1,a0 ;move to start row
add.w #RIGHT_FOOT,d4 ;change x by size of foot
asr.w #SIXTEEN,d4 ;and scale down to grid
adda.l d4,a0 ;move into data
tst.b (a0) ;is this a block
beq.s .no_collision ;no then finished here
clr.w _pressed_fire ;clear falling flag as on a block
move.w #-1,man_vy ;stop mans speed
asl.w #SIXTEEN,d3 ;and recalculate his y position
sub.w #24,d3 ;so that he is standing
asl.w #FOUR,d3 ;on top of the block
move.w d3,man_y ;store his new y position
rts ;finished