Labels:text | screenshot | font | rectangle | number OCR: GRAVBALL INSTRUCTIONS The object of each level in GRAVBALLS is to fill each 'counter' with the proper number of balls. The counters look like this: You must get enough balls into the counter to bring the count down to zero. Each ball that enters the counter decreases the count by 1. When the level begins you must place the starting ball chute by moving the mouse left and right. When the ball chute is in the desired position, click the left mouse button to place the chute and begin the level. Balls will then begin to flow from the chute. You must re-direct the flow of balls using the tools provided. By hitting the '1' key on the keyboard the first group of tools is selected, as shown here: E Frrrrr Left Ramp Ball Divider Right Conveyor Right Elevator Right Ramp Left Conveyor Belt Ladder Lef ...