11024 %s file has become corrupted. Unable to load installation instructions.\n\nError 704.
11031 Wybierz komponenty
11032 Uwaga
11033 Severe
11034 Informacja
11035 Pytanie
11036 Podaj informacje
11037 Instalator potrzebuje nastepny dysk
11038 Wyb≤r foldera docelowego
11039 Wybierz lokalizacje nastepnego dysku.
11051 Instalator nie znajduje plik≤w we wskazanej lokalizacji.\n\nSprawdƒ, czy odpowiedni dysk jest umieszczony w stacji dysk≤w lub wybierz inny katalog.
11052 Uwaga
11053 Instalator nie znajduje plik≤w we wskazanej lokalizacji.\n\nSprawdƒ, czy odpowiedni dysk jest umieszczony w stacji dysk≤w lub wybierz inny katalog.
11054 Instalator nie znajduje plik≤w we wskazanej lokalizacji.\n\nSprawdƒ, czy odpowiedni dysk jest umieszczony w stacji dysk≤w lub wybierz inny katalog.
11055 Instalator nie znajduje plik≤w we wskazanej lokalizacji.\n\nSprawdƒ, czy odpowiedni dysk jest umieszczony w stacji dysk≤w lub wybierz inny katalog.
11061 Instalacja
11071 Instalator nie mo┐e zainicjowaµ programu instalacyjnego. Skrypt mo┐e byµ z│y.\n\nError 502.
11113 Setup has detected a possible infinite loop in the script with function %s. Make sure you are handling the error returns codes properly.\n\nError 440.
11115 Instalacja
11116 Wadliwa inicjalizacja instalacji
11118 &Koniec
11132 Setup has encountered an infinite loop error in the script. Correct the script and try again. \n\nError 424.
11133 Setup has encountered an incomplete return statement in the script.\nCheck your script for unmatched return statements.\n\nError 425.
11135 Instalator nie mo┐e odnaleƒµ pliku skryptu instalacyjnego.\n\nError 423.
11137 Setup is unable to copy the installation support file %s to a temporary location.\n\nError 420.
11138 Setup is unable to copy the installation support file _SETUP.LIB to a temporary location. Make more space available and try again.\n\nError 421.
11139 Setup is unable to expand the installation support file %s.\n\nError 422.
11140 Setup is unable to load the installation script file: %s \nThe script was created with a previous version or has been corrupted.\n\nError 427.
11141 Setup is unable to load the installation script file: %s \nThe script was created with an older version of InstallShield. Please recompile with the current version.\n\nError 428.
11142 Setup is unable to load the installation script file: %s \nThe script was created with a newer version of InstallShield. Please use the newer InstallShield Setup program.\n\nError 429.
11143 Setup is unable to load the installation script file: %s \nThe script was created using InstallShield SDK Edition. Recompile the script using InstallShield3.\n\nError 430.
11144 Setup is unable to load the installation script file: %s \nThe script was created using InstallShield3. Recompile the script using the InstallShield SDK Edition.\n\nError 431.
11146 %d %%
11147 Setup has detected that unInstallShield is in use. Please close unInstallShield and restart setup.\n\nError 432.
11161 Setup is unable to initialize the installation program ( INSTALL.EXE ).\n\nError 201.
11162 Setup is unable to initialize the installation program.\n\nError 202.
11182 O...
11221 A division by zero error was detected in the script. \n\nInstallation will continue.\n\nError 701.
11341 Error
11351 String variable is not large enough for string.\nCheck the string declarations.\n\nError 401.
11355 OK
11356 Zaniechaj
11412 O...
11421 Times New Roman
11461 An internal error has occurred.\n\nClose all programs and restart the system.\n\nError %d.
11491 Unable to write to response file '%s' during recording. Please ensure enough space is available on target drive.
11511 K
11512 MB
11600 Za ma│o miejsca by zaistalowaµ t╣ opcjΩ.\nUwolnij miejsce na dysku lub zmie± opcje instalacji.
11601 Instalacja zako±czona. Mo┐esz uruchomiµ program klikaj╣c dwukrotnie w jego ikonΩ w menu start.
11602 Instalacja zako±czona.
11603 Instalowanie...
11604 Za ma│o miejsca na dysku.
11605 Uwolnij miejsce na dysku lub zmie± folder docelowy na inny dysk.
11606 Ten program wymaga rozdzielczo£ci VGA lub lepszej.
11607 Czy chcesz przeczytaµ plik README?
11608 General file transfer error. Please check your target location and try again.
11609 Kopiowanie plik≤w programu...
11610 Tworzenie grupy programu i ikon...
11611 Installation program cannot modify file %s.
11612 Unable to create target directory %s.
11613 Please check write access to %s.
11614 Unable to locate file %s.
11615 Please choose a different directory.
11616 Choose the installation language.
11617 Keep the older version.
11618 You may run Setup at a later time to complete the installation.
11619 Do you want to quit the Setup program now?
11620 Do you want to continue this installation?
11621 If you choose to continue, the installation program will overwrite the existing version.
11622 The Installation program failed to load file %s.
11623 Installation program has successfully modified the %s file, and the old version of the file is saved as %s.
11624 A version of %s is currently in use.
11625 Please close all applications and run setup again.
11626 Choose the installation directory.
11627 Choose the type of installation.
11628 You must quit all programs and restart your computer before using the application.
11629 Related File
11630 Error Number
11631 The installation program cannot save the newly modified %s file back to disk.
14001 The directory:\n\n'%s'\n\ndoes not exist. Do you want the directory to be created?
14002 The specified directory: \n\n'%s'\n\nis invalid, incomplete or write protected. Please type a full path with drive letter; for example 'C:\APPS'.