81 WS_FTP Pro Order Form\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n
82 Fax this form to: 781-676-5710\n or mail to: Ipswitch, Inc., 81 Hartwell Avenue, Lexington, MA 02173\n or call (800) 793-4825 (U.S. and Canada)\n\n
83 Check, money order, credit card, or company purchase order accepted.\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nOrder Information (All prices valid through 12/31/96) Date: _____________\n\n
84 WS_FTP Pro Price/Unit Quantity Total\n1-4 Units $37.50 ______ __________\n5-9 Units $35.00 ______ __________\n
85 10+ Units (See Ipswitch home page at www.ipswitch.com)\nShipping/Handling (see below) _________________________ __________\n\nTOTAL AMOUNT ($U.S.) __________\n\nWindows (check one):
86 __ 3.x, 95 or NT-Intel / __ NT-Alpha / __ NT-PowerPC\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nPayment and Shipping Information\n\nName: ______________________________________________________\n\n
90 \nPurchase Order Number (orders over $100 only): _____________________\n\nSignature (for credit card orders): ______________________________\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n
91 Shipping and Handling Charges*:\n\nU.S. Canada International\n---- ------ -------------\nU.S. Mail ...... $ 5.00 U.S. Mail ...... $ 6.50 U.S. Mail ...... $13.00\n
92 FedEx Priority . $19.00 FedEx Priority . $24.00 FedEx Priority . $32.00\nFedEx Standard . $16.00 FedEx Standard . $21.00\nFedEx 2 day .... $10.00 FedEx 2 day .... $20.00\n\n
93 * Add $5.00 per order for FedEx shipments to Alaska or Hawaii. For each\nadditional unit ordered, add $1.00 (U.S.), $2.00 (Canada/Mexico) or $3.00\nfor other countries. Shipping charges are subject to change at any time.
94 Installation successful!\n\nInstall now needs to restart your computer to complete changes to your system files.\nSelect "OK" to restart now, or cancel to restart your system yourself.
95 Uninstall successful!\n\nUninstall now needs to restart your computer to complete changes to your system files.\nSelect "OK" to restart now, or cancel to restart your system yourself.
10001 All Files
10002 Locate
10003 Extend 15 Days
10004 \nERROR: message %u text unavailable. Contact Ipswitch, Inc.!\n
10005 Creation of %1!s! failed. (%2!u!)
10006 Install
10007 Copying %1!s!%2!s! to %3!s!\%4!s!
10008 Copy of %1!s! to %2!s! failed. (%3!u!)
10009 WS_FTP Pro
10010 WS_FTP Pro
10011 WS_FTP Pro
10012 WS_FTP Pro Help
10013 WS_FTP Pro Release Notes
10014 Removal process complete.\nAll files removed.
10015 Remove
10016 Removal process complete.\nCheck the folder %s for excess files\nthat caused the removal process to not cleanup entirely.
10017 Insufficient information available to\nremove this application.
10018 Please consider ordering WS_FTP Pro!
10019 Please locate source folder!
10020 Can't continue with no source.
10021 Please enter the destination folder:
10022 You cannot install to the folder that contains the installation files.
10023 Can't continue without a destination folder!
10024 Please enter your preferred local destination folder for file transfers:
10025 You have an INI file in the destination folder.\nDo you want to overwrite it with the distribution version?\nWARNING: Overwriting the INI will eliminate your current FTP sites!
10026 Many anonymous FTP sites require your e-mail address as your password. Please enter your full e-mail address.
10027 Creating group and icons.
10028 Some portion of installation process failed.
10029 Installation successful!\nHappy FTP'ing!
10030 Congratulations!
10031 Installation failed!\nRegistry write error.
10032 File Transfer Client
10033 for Windows 95 and Windows NT
10034 by John A. Junod
10035 Redistribution Not Permitted
10036 WS_FTP Pro Explorer Help
10037 error %u creating window
10038 Expires:
10039 invalid key file
10040 Missing or modified key file!
10041 Evaluation copy
10042 Window registration failed.\nExit and restart Windows.
10043 Window creation failed.\nExit and restart Windows.
10044 WS_FTP Pro Explorer
10045 Install or update WS_FTP Pro
10046 Uninstall WS_FTP Pro
10047 Nothing Selected!
10048 You have an INI file in the WS_FTP Pro folder.\nDo you want to delete it?\nWARNING: Deleting the INI will eliminate your configured FTP sites!
10049 Uninstall WS_FTP Pro
10050 Are you sure you want to remove WS_FTP and all of its components?
10051 WS_FTP Pro Documentation
10052 You have INI files in the WS_FTP Pro folder.\nDo you want to delete these?\nWARNING: Deleting the INI files will eliminate your stored FTP sites!
30001 Phone:
30002 FAX:
30003 Unable to allocate temporary memory.\nClose other programs and retry.
30004 Unable to lock temporary memory.\nClose other programs and retry.
30005 Unable to locate %s. Please obtain \na valid keyfile before running this software!
30006 Thank you for evaluating %1!s!.\nThis evaluation started %2!s!\nand expired on %3!s!!\nTo purchase a permanent copy of\n %4!s!, please contact\nyour reseller or:\n\n
30007 Thank you for evaluating %1!s!.\nYour evaluation copy will expire tommorrow!\nTo purchase a permanent copy of\n%2!s!, please contact\nyour reseller or:\n\n
30008 Thank you for evaluating %1!s!.\nYour evaluation copy will expire in %2!d! days.\nTo purchase a permanent copy of\n%3!s!, please contact\nyour reseller or:\n\n
30009 The key file appears to have been altered and is\nno longer valid. If you have the original key file, please\nrestore it. (Or your date and time are incorrect!)
30010 Thank you for evaluating %1!s!.\nYour evaluation copy will expire on\n%2!s!. A reminder notice will\nbe displayed during the last seven days\nof your evaluation. To purchase a permanent\ncopy, please contact your reseller or:\n\n