PC Spiel 1996 July
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258 lines
For Paths that do not start with a \ or a drive:\, (C:\) is assumed always
to be within the Terminate home path. So DOWNLOAD\ would actually be:
C:\TERMINAT\DOWNLOAD\, so you will save a little typing:
^m╒═════════════════════════╤═════════════════════════╡^t Filenames and paths ^m╞╕
│^r Download manager ^m│ ^m│
│ ^bU^npload directory ^m│ ^hUPLOAD\ ^m│
│ ^bS^ncript directory ^m│ ^m│
│ ^bT^nranslation file ^m│ ^h ^n.XLT ^m│
│ ^bP^nhonebook directory ^m│ ^hPHONE\ ^m│
│ ^bC^napture directory ^m│ ^hCAPTURE\ ^m│
│ ^nCapture ^bf^nile ^m│ ^hTERMINAT.CAP ^m│
│ ^bL^nog file ^m│ ^hTERMINAT.LOG ^m│
│ ^bE^nditor filename ^m│ ^hQ.EXE !M ^m│
│ ^nL^bi^nne command ^m│ ^h-N@LINE ^m│
│ ^bV^niewer filename ^m│ ^hLIST.COM ^m│
│ ^nP^br^notocol directory ^m│ ^hPROTOCOL\ ^m│
│ ^nS^bh^nell directory ^m│ ^h ^m│
│ ^nS^bw^nap file ^m│ ^hTERMINAT.SWP ^m│
│ ^nUtilit^by^n directory ^m│ ^hUTILS\ ^m│
│ ^bM^nanual directory ^m│ ^hMANUAL\ ^m│
│ ^nRu^bn^n after download ^m│ ^h ^m│
│ ^nRun after upl^bo^nad ^m│ ^h ^m│
│ ^bQ^nwk reply files ^m│ ^hDANBBS.REP ^m│
│ ^nSem^ba^nphore directory ^m│ ^h ^m│
│ ^nE^bx^nit file ^m│ ^hTER-EXIT.NOW ^m│
│ ^nFilelist mana^bg^ner ^m│ ^h ^m│
^hDownload manager^n
^m╒════════════════════╤═════════════════════════════╡^t Download manager ^m╞╕
│^r Default download ^m│ ^hUse wildcards ^m│
│ ^nD^bo^nwnload paths ^m│ ^m│
│ ^h*SOUND ^m│ ^hDOWNLOAD\SOUND\ ^m│
│ ^h ^m│ ^hDOWNLOAD\PICTURES\ ^m│
│ ^h ^m│ ^hDOWNLOAD\PICTURES\ ^m│
│ ^h ^m│ ^hDOWNLOAD\PICTURES\ ^m│
│ ^h*.QWK ^m│ ^hC:\QWK\ ^m│
│ ^h*.OPX ^m│ ^hC:\XPRESS\ ^m│
│ ^hZ?-DIFF.* ^m│ ^hC:\TERMINAT\UTILS ^m│
│ │ ^hDOWNLOAD\ ^m│
│ │ ^hDOWNLOAD\ ^m│
│ │ ^hDOWNLOAD\ ^m│
│ │ ^hDOWNLOAD\ ^m│
│ ^h*MAIL ^m│ ^hIN\ ^m│
│ ^h*.* ^m│ ^hDOWNLOAD\OTHER\ ^m│
Terminate allows you to have 3 different download directories, which can be
set for each phonebook entry, so if you call systems with one kind of file,
lets say OS/2 files, you would surely not want them to get mixed up with
your normal DOS files. The wildcard system in Terminate allows you to
specify any DOS wildcard (*,?) and the directory where to save the files.
This will also work when using the point system.
If you change the first wildcard path you will be asked if this path
should be copied to all wildcard paths.
*MAIL Is a wildcard for mailpackages MO#, TU#, WE#, TH#, FR#, SA#, SU#
where the # is a number from 0-9 and .PKT files.
*ARCHIVE Is a wildcard for the most popular archivers, currently
Will also match when the two first characters matches and
the 3 is a number from 0-9, like: AR1, ZI5 etc.
*PICTURES Wildcard for the following picture formats:
*SOUND Wildcard for the following sound formats:
If use wildcards is the default download path, the download manager
will be started right after each download using an external protocol,
and this will move all the downloaded files to the correct locations
just as if you had downloaded with an internal protocol. If you run
the Download manager from Alt-O, R then the current download path will
be used. That means if you have a directory you want to get sorted
using the wildcards. Press Alt-R select the directory. Then press
Alt-O, R and run the function.
^hUpload directory^n
When starting an upload, you can force the filemanager always to start in
this directory.
^hScript directory^n
This is where the PreScription files, (Terminate's new script language)
will be placed. These are files of type .TSC and .TSL as well as the
Include files (see PreScription help for more details)
^hTranslation file^n
Which XLT file should default to be loaded at startup. No filename here
means no translation, which is normal.
^hPhonebook directory^n
Where to place phonebooks (*.FON), phonebook backups (*.PBK),
translation files (*.XLT) and keyboard mapping files (*.KBD).
^hCapture directory^n
Where all the capture files should be stored *.CAP
^hCapture file^n
Which file should be the default when pressing Alt-L (capture) or
Alt-I (Screen image)
^hLog file^n
Name of the logfile. Terminate will keep this file open all the time if the
logfile toggle is ON. A problem could occur when using networks because you
cannot write to the same file from several Terminates. You will have to
define different logfiles or turn it off. You could enter the name
TER%NET%.LOG and then have an environment variable in your AUTOEXEC.BAT:
SET NET=04 and then have a separate number for each machine. Terminate will
then replace the %NET% so the filename would be TER04.LOG
^hEditor filename^n
An external editor is something you must have. I admit that people are used
to different editors and hate learning new keys. Qedit seems to be one of
the most used and is surely one of the best. You can request or download
QEDIT from DAN BBS. You should put a !M on the line, so memory will be
swapped out before calling the editor.
^hLine command^n
The @LINE is where the line number is replaced when needed. This is
for example used when you edit one of the manual files. Then Qedit
can start up and place the cursor on the same line as in Terminate.
^hViewer filename^n
A viewer is a program that will allow you to look in big files without
editing. Terminate has a built-in filelister, which works almost like
the original LIST.COM program by Vernon D. Buerg. Use ^b@LIST^n for the
internal lister or give the entire filename here. Just remember that with
the internal lister, you can grab and import to all other functions like
the SmartNote (Alt-A) or the history strings (Alt-F9).
^hThe internal lister^n
Use normal cursor movements to browse the file.
F Search for a keyword
F3 Search for same keyword again
F9 Search for same keyword again backwards
H Toggle hexmode
Alt-K String grabber (Shift cursor to adjust size)
T Tag files
^hProtocol directory^n
If you do not give any path with the external protocols, this directory
will be assumed.
^hShell directory^n
When shelling to DOS with Alt-J, change to this directory. You could enter
a C:\ if you want to have the root directory as current when shelling. If
blank, then the Terminate directory will be used. In the filemanager
Terminate will always change to the current directory in the current
^hSwap file^n
If you do not have enough XMS or EMS memory, Terminate will swap the memory
to a swapfile. You should define a different swapfile for each person that
runs Terminate if you are on a network. Use the environment variables to
fix this like the logfile: TER%NET%.SWP
^hUtility directory^n
When opening some files, this directory will first be searched.
Place all other files that have nothing to do directly with Terminate in
this directory and don't ever allow the Terminate home directory (eg:
C:\TERMINAT) to be filled with all kinds of garbage.
Some of the files that should be placed in here are:
MAGIC.TXT List of magic names for the point system
NODELIST.000 Nodelists for the point system
PASSWORD.BAD Bad passwords for the password checker
PASSWORD.TXT Passwords for the point system
TERMINAT.EXT Extensions for the file manager
TERMINAT.LGO File to show at startup if registered
TERMINAT.MOD Quick modem install
WELCOME.ASC Welcome picture for the hostmode
^hManual directory^n
Where to search for the help and manual files, if you run several
Terminate's on a network you can save diskspace by using the same
manual files.
^hRun after download^n ^hRun after upload^n
After an internal or external download/upload, this program or batch file
can be called. This could be useful if you have some kind of program
to import descriptions into a FILES.BBS file, for example.
!0 on commandline will be replaced with the current download directory.
^hQwk reply files^n
When you write offline mail with an offline reader like TerMail or other
QWK readers. Then your messages will be saved in a file. This file should
be specified here. When you then upload the file Terminate will delete
it afterwards.
^hSemaphore directory^n
This directory will contain the exit file, look below for more information.
^hExit file^n
The exit file is used to force Terminate to shutdown without actually being
at this workstation. Terminate will look if the exit file exists at startup
and will only exit if someone touches (change filedate/time) this file.
You can also delete the file and create it again in a batchfile like this:
On a network you should turn this off or have the directory point a
place where Terminate only has read access, so the users cannot force
other tasks down. If you want to be able to shut a particular Terminate
down use SET NET=1 and have TER-EXIT.NO%NET% as exit file.
The places from where you can shut Terminate down:
The hostmode
The point system
The fax receive
Terminal mode
^hFilelist manager^n
You will probably download a lot of filelists from a lot of different
systems. To quickly access and tag files from these filelists, you
can press Alt-F6 and F, select the filelist and tag files with T.
You MUST have a separate directory for the filelists, which ONLY contain
filelists and information that can be packed into the archives. Please
do not try to mix up other files. For security reasons you cannot
use the Terminate path or the ROOT of any drive.
The Pack and Unpack commands are used to save space on your hard disks,
since filelists are not used all the time and can easily be stored in
a way that only uses half or less diskspace.