PC Spiel 1996 July
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^hThe host mode / The Terminate BBS^n
^m╒════════════════╤═════════════════════════════════════════╡^t Host settings ^m╞╕
│^r Host path ^m│ ^hHOST\ ^m│
│ ^bH^nost init ^m│ ^hATS0=0^M ^m│
│ ^bO^npen system ^m│ ^hNo ^m│
│ ^bS^nend path ^m│ ^hUPLOAD\ ^m│
│ ^bR^neceive path ^m│ ^hDOWNLOAD\ ^m│
│ ^nShut ^bd^nown pwd ^m│ ^h........ ^m│
│ ^bA^nllow sound ^m│ ^hYes ^m│
│ ^nRin^bg^n count ^m│ ^h1 ^m│
│ ^bC^nallback wait ^m│ ^h90 ^m│
│ ^bF^nax receive ^m│ ^hNo ^m│
│ ^nFa^bx^n init ^m│ ^h ^m│
│ ^nFax a^bn^nswer ^m│ ^h ^m│
│ ^nFax interna^bl^n ^m│ ^hYes ^m│
│ ^nFax co^bm^nmand ^m│ ^hRCVFAX 2 /p:1 /r:0 /w:c:\terminat\fax ^m│
│ ^nEx^bp^nire ^m│ ^hNormal ^m│
│ ^nNe^bw^n user ^m│ ^m│
│ ^nAft^be^nr user ^m│ ^m│
│ ^bU^nser external ^m│ ^m│
│ ^nPu^bb^nlic control ^m│ ^m│
│ ^nHost de^bv^nice ^m│ ^hDefault device ^m│
│ ^nDoor f^bi^nles ^m│ ^hYes ^m│
^hHost path^n
Where to find all ANSI, ASCII, bulletin screens and all other related
files for the host mode.
WELCOME File shown when a user logs in
SUPERVIS Menu used for users with supervisor access
NORMAL Menu used for users with normal access
BULLETIN Bulletin menu, used for useful information
GOODBYE File shown when a user logs out
^hHost init^n
You must not setup the modem to answer the modem automatically. The S0
register holds the number of rings before answering - this should be set to
0, then Terminate rather than the modem will answer for you.
When Terminate gets the ring-string (RING), the answer-string (ATA) will be
sent and Terminate waits for a carrier.
^hOpen system^n
If the system is closed then only users defined in your setup will be
allowed to logon. If you have an open system, all users that call will be
able to log on - but only with normal user status and only able to up or
download within specified directories. If a supervisor logs on, complete
access will be granted whether the system is open or closed.
^hSend path^n
Users that are not supervisors are only allowed to download from this
^hReceive path^n
Users that are not supervisors are only allowed to upload to this
^hShut down pwd^n
If a supervisor logs on, the supervisor can shut down Terminate and exit
to DOS, so no one can call the host mode again.
^hAllow sound^n
Make sounds when users disconnects, etc. You can still define the global
time period, but to be sure never to make any sound here, turn it off.
^hRing count^n
How many rings before answering, if you enter a 0 here then the phone
will never be answered.
^hCallback wait^n
To prevent someone from breaking your callback security.
Waiting 90 seconds is normally the maximum time the phone company will
hold the line if one of the parties hung up. Normally you would only
use this function if you have really important information on your
machine and want to be sure no-one guesses your password.
The callback function will most likely be used by you, if you have a
computer at work and are working from home.
^hFax receive^n
Enable reception of faxes if you have an adaptive answer faxmodem.
If this is enabled, Terminate will first check if it has received one
of the default fax answer strings (+FCON, CED, FAX) and then also check
the customised fax answer string that has been entered in the
'fax answer field' if any.
Adaptive answer:
If your modem does not support adaptive answer, then you cannot accept
both incoming faxes and data calls on the same line at the same time.
To test if your modem support adaptive answer, enter in terminal mode:
AT+FAE=1 + Enter (Class 1)
AT+FAA=1 + Enter (Class 2)
If your modem says ERROR or something other than OK, then your modem
does not support adaptive answer. However, some modems have other ways
of enabling this feature. In this case you will need to have a special
fax initialisation string.
^hFax init^n
Extra string to send to modem, to enable special features like other
adaptive answer commands.
^hFax answer^n
If your faxmodem responds with a string other than FAX, +FCON or CED,
you must insert this different response in this field.
Note: As long as 'FAX' is contained in the response string this will
also work for example: 'CONNECT FAX'.
^hFax internal^n
Use the internal fax receive in Terminate. Terminate can print out the
pages if you enable the auto print in the fax configuration.
^hFax command^n
The default is a fax program for ZyXEL modems, but there are other similar
programs that can be called to receive a fax.
For each user you can set an expiry date. If you want to use the
host mode for subscriptions a certain action can be performed on the
day that the subscription expire.
No action will be taken against this user.
^hChange to normal security^n
Change the security level to normal.
^hChange to new user defaults^n
Change the user record to new user defaults.
Set the delete flag on the users record.
^hNew user^n
If you have an open system and allows new users, you can here setup
the defaults which new users will get the first time they log on.
^m╒═════════════════╤══════════╡^t New user settings ^m╞╕
│^r Security ^m│ ^hNormal ^m│
│ ^bT^nime per day ^m│ ^h60 ^m│
│ ^bE^nxpire days ^m│ ^h0 ^m│
Look under user database for a full explanation.
^hTime per day^n
How many minutes is a new user allowed to stay online per day.
^hExpire days^n
How many default expiry days before performing expire action.
Set to 0 will disable this function.
^hAfter user^n
Run a program or batchfile whenever a user logs off. Eg if some
processing needs to be done after a user uploads a special file.
AFTERHST.BAT example, print a specific incoming file:
(In DOS with no spooler, use PRINT.EXE to avoid out-of-paper problems)
^hUser external^n
^m╒══════════════╤══════════╤══════════════════════════════╡^t User external ^m╞╕
│^r All users ^m│ ^hFree ^m│ │
│ ^nAll users ^m│ ^hFree ^m│ │
│ ^nPrivileged ^m│ ^hFree ^m│ │
│ ^nCo-Sysop ^m│ ^hBoot ^m│ ^hUTILS\BOOTW.COM ^m│
│ ^nSupervisor ^m│ ^hDoorway ^m│ ^hUTILS\DOOR.BAT !P !B !M ^m│
│ ^nSupervisor ^m│ ^hCleanup ^m│ ^hHOST\CLEAN.BAT !M ^m│
│ ├──────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ │ ^n!P=COM1-8 !C=COM0-7 !0=DownPath !E=No Shell !@=listfile ^m│
│ │ ^n!M=Swap !W=Wait !B=Baud !L=Link !I=Irq !A=Addr !Q=Ask ^m│
Here you can define what external programs users can call. Please note that
Users can call external utilities on their level and all below. That means
Co-Sysop's have access to Privileged and All users utilities as well and the
sysops have of course access to everything.
^hPublic control^n
The public menu is controlled by HOST\T-PUBLIC.BBS. In this file you
can define which files you want to make directly available.
Read T-PUBLIC.BBS for more information on the public menu.
^hHost device^n
Which device to use for host mode.
^hDoor files^n
When calling external programs from the host mode, Terminate will create
DOOR.SYS and DORINFO1.DEF, these are standard formats which most BBS
utilities understand. If you do not want these files to be create simply
disable this function. The files will be created in the Terminate home
directory. If you want to place the files in another directory simply
create a batchfile that first copies the door file to a directory and
then calls the external program. Please remember that many doors use
a serial fossil driver like cFos or X00.
^hUsing the host mode^n
The host mode in Terminate is fully built-in, so you will not have to
setup anything at all. Just define the password for a user and you are
ready to go. The host mode is a mini-bbs which will do the most important
functions that a full BBS system will do.
ANSI is detected automatically at login.
You can use an ANSI editor, like TheDraw, to edit .ANS files.
However if you do not want to bother about colours you can simply
delete all .ANS files (DEL HOST\*.ANS) and Terminate will just use
the .ASC files, which are normal ASCII files that can be edited with
a normal editor.
The host mode will use the following files:
The welcome file shown at login.
File shown if you allow new users to log on.
File to be shown to users when their account expires.
Instructions to create your own news file.
The data file for the news file. Use an editor to change.
The host mode will check if the NEWS.TXT has changed and compile
NEWS.ANS and NEWS.ASC. If you do not want a news file, simply
Menu used for Normal and Privileged users.
Menu used for Co-Sysops and Supervisors.
Menu used for bulletin menu.
Bulletins to be shown when the bulletin number is entered by a user.
BULLE001.TXT will be shown when a user enters 1. Bulletins can be
defined between 0-999.
File to show when the user logs off.
Area file definition, define up to 100000 file areas. Edit file
using a normal editor.
Datafile containing the user's information.
Text file containing all the files that are on hold for users.
Datafile containing the last callers to your system.
^bTerminate Host Mode ^h21.31 (Tue) 7-Mar-1996
^n▒^m╒═╡^t Status ^m╞════════════════╕^n▒^m╒═════════════╤════════════════╡^t System ^m╞╕^n▒
^n▒^m│ │^n▒^m│ ^nEnvironment ^m│ ^nWindows (Pentium) ^m│^n▒
^n▒^m│ ^nWaiting for a call ^m│^n▒^m│ ^nComm. ^m│^n COM2,57600 8N1 ^m│^n▒
^n▒^m│ │^n▒^m│ ^nDevice ^m│^n Async Modem COM2 ^m│^n▒
^n▒^m╘═══════════════════════════╛^n▒^m│ ^nMessages ^m│^n No ^m│^n▒
^n▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒^m│ ^nOpen system ^m│^n Yes ^m│^n▒
^n▒^m╒═╡^t Modem ^m╞═════════════════╕^n▒^m│ ^nFax receive ^m│^n No ^m│^n▒
^n▒^m│ ^nATS0=0 ^m│^n▒^m╘═════════════╧══════════════════════════╛^n▒
^n▒^m│ ^nOK ^m│^n▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
^n▒^m│ │^n▒^m╒════════════════════════╡^t Last callers ^m╞╕^n▒
^n▒^m│ │^n▒^m│ ^n10.27 Thomas Bjoerk ^m│^n▒
^n▒^m│ │^n▒^m│ ^n12.39 Bjarne Duelund ^m│^n▒
^n▒^m│ │^n▒^m│ ^n17.20 Steve Stacher ^m│^n▒
^n▒^m│ │^n▒^m│ ^n18.59 John Doe ^m│^n▒
^n▒^m│ │^n▒^m│ ^n19.17 Jane Doe ^m│^n▒
^n▒^m│ │^n▒^m│ ^n20.12 Bo Bendtsen ^m│^n▒
^n▒^m│ │^n▒^m│ ^n20.61 Sharon Stone ^m│^n▒
^n▒^m│ │^n▒^m│ ^n21.15 Emmet Fitz Hume ^m│^n▒
^bEsc-Exit L-Logon E-Msg U-Users O-Open F-Files H-HostCfg P-Lock Alt:J-DOS
^hEsc Exit^n
Exit the host mode
^hL Login locally^n
Login locally to the host mode - you should only need this when testing
host mode.
^hE Edit messages^n
If someone has written a note to you, you will be able to edit and
delete messages.
^hU User database manager^n
Allows you to edit, delete and pack the user database.
Press ^bAlt-D^n to dial the voice or data number directly.
^m┌─────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────┤^t Record 1 ^m├┐
│ ^bN^name ^m│ ^hBo Bendtsen ^m│
│ ^bP^nassword ^m│ ^h...... ^m│
│ ^bS^necurity ^m│ ^hSupervisor ^m│
│ ^bO^nrganisation ^m│ ^hDAN BBS ApS ^m│
│ ^bA^nddress ^m│ ^hKastanie Alle ^m│
│ ^nA^bd^ndress ^m│ ^h2620 Albertslund ^m│
│ ^nAdd^br^ness ^m│ ^hDenmark ^m│
│ ^bC^nomment ^m│ ^m│
│ ^nDa^bt^na phone ^m│ ^h+45-43623990 / Fax +45-43627178 ^m│
│ ^bV^noice phone ^m│ ^h+45-43623331 ^m│
│ ^bE^nxpire date ^m│ ^h07-Mar-1996 365 days left ^m│
│ ^bF^nirst call ^m│ ^h06-Mar-1995 2 days since ^m│
│ ^bL^nast call ^m│ ^h07-Mar-1995 0 days since 23.07 ^m│
│ ^nT^bi^nme per day ^m│ ^h1440 ^m│
│ ^nTi^bm^ne used today ^m│ ^h27 ^m│
│ ^bG^nuest ^m│ ^hNo ^m│
│ ^nCallbac^bk^n ^m│ ^m│
│ ^nPrivate pat^bh^n ^m│ ^m│
The username that will be asked for when the user logs in.
The password that is needed to access this record. You can leave this
field blank and the user will not be asked, but beware about giving
supervisor access to a user without password.
4 security levels are available. All can be defined in the fileareas
definition called T-FILES.BBS which is located in the host directory.
Access to everything in the SUPERVIS menu. No restrictions other
than time. Access to all fileareas.
Access to a limited number of functions in the SUPERVIS menu.
Access to Co-Sysop, Privileged and Normal fileareas.
Access to the NORMAL menu and Privileged and Normal fileareas.
Only access to Normal fileareas.
Which company, organisation, university, school does the user belong
3 lines containing the full address of the user.
Any comment you might like to remember about the user.
^hData phone^n
Data phone number where the user is calling from.
^hVoice phone^n
Voice number where you can reach the user.
^hExpire date^n
Which date does the user's account expire.
^hFirst call^n
Which date did the user call your system for the first time.
^hLast call^n
Which date and time of the user's last call.
^hTime per day^n
How many minutes can the user stay online per day.
^hTime used today^n
How much time has the user used today. If this counter exceeds
Time per Day the user will be logged off.
A guest account will not check time used today at logon and will
not allow change of personal setup. A guest account does not
need a password.
^m╒════════════════╤═══════════╡^t Callback settings ^m╞╕
│^r Callback ^m│ ^hNo ^m│
│ ^bD^nial prefix ^m│ ^hATDT ^m│
│ ^nD^bi^nal suffix ^m│ ^h^M ^m│
│ ^bP^nhone number ^m│ ^m│
When a user has callback enabled, Terminate will hangup the line
and call back the user. If you choose Ask, Terminate will ask online
which number to call and dial that number.
^hDial prefix^n
Which prefix to use with this callback record.
^hDial suffix^n
Which suffix to use with this callback record.
^hPhone number^n
The number to callback to.
^hPrivate path^n
Special path where this user has access. For example if you are a
company that has customers or employees that need to transfer files
from and to your system like designs or journalistic work, you can
ensure absolute privacy by assigning each user with a different
^hX Export user database^n
Export all users into T-USERS.TXT.
^hO Toggle open or closed system^n
Allow new users to log in or only users in user database.
^hF Files waiting for users^n
Put files on hold for users. The next time a user calls in, the user
will be asked if they want to download the file at once. The files
can be automatically deleted afterwards.
^hH Host configuration^n
Go directly to host configuration
^hP Lock keyboard^n
When a password is defined, the hostmode will always be locked by
default. However if you enter the password and later want to enable
the locking again simply press P or Alt-P while online.
^hAlt-J Shell to DOS^n
Shell to DOS from the host mode.
^hAlt-O Configuration^n
Go directly to the Terminate main configuration menu
^bLogging in to the host mode^n
Terminate will first detect if the other end supports ANSI.
If detected, Terminate will show menus that end with .ANS. If that
file is not found or ANSI is not detected then .ASC files will be used.
First the welcome screen will be shown, then the user will be asked for a
name and password. If callback is enabled, then Terminate will hangup the
line and callback to the number specified in the user record. The user will
then be asked the same password again and the session will continue in
the normal way.
The commands:
^hAlt-H Hangup^n
Will hangup and return to host menu. Local only.
^hAlt-Y Yell^n
Start the fullscreen chatter. Local only.
^hAlt-J DOS^n
Jump to DOS. Local only.
View and download bulletins.
Allows users to page you, the SysOp. Alt-Y will start chat.
Download files, from current directory.
Only internal protocols that are available can be selected by the users.
Zmodem cannot be turned off.
Delete file in current directory.
Show files in current directory. If a FILES.BBS is present the user will
be aked if that is to be shown instead, just like BBS systems.
Logoff system.
Show how much free space on current drive.
Information on all drives available in your system.
Filefinder, allows you to search a drive for specific files. You are
allowed to use wildcards (?,*).
Write message to you, the SysOp
^h(N)ew dir^n
Change to other directory.
Read messages written by other users.
Shut down Terminate and exit to DOS.
Type a textfile on screen.
Upload files into upload directory. Supervisors are asked to choose between
the default upload directory or current directory.
Call external utilities, look in setup for information.