PC Spiel 1996 July
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When sending strings to your modem, you can do some extra things:
~ 1/2 second pause
^~ Send the character ~
<< DTR low (should be set so your modem will hangup)
>> DTR high
^A..^Z This allows you send control characters. A ^A will only send
an ASCII #1, because the ASCII value of a 'A' is 65, then
Terminate will deduct 64 and send that value instead.
^M = #13 = Carriage return. Most terminal programs allow
you only to enter these values, but in Terminate you also
press Alt-A to call the ASCII selector. Instead of having
ATZ^M, you could enter ATZ and press Alt-A and choose the
ASCII #13 sign.
^^ will send a ^ in case you need that.
| Carriage return (#13).
|| will send a single |, sometimes you might need this if your
username has a |. (Used at some 7-bit systems)
Example: '<<~~~>>~ATZ^M'
will lower DTR, wait 1.5 seconds, raise DTR, wait 0.5 seconds, send modem
(DTR means Data-Terminal-Ready and is sometimes also refered to as TR on
some modems.)
^m╒════════════════════╤═══════════════════════════════╡^t Modem and dialling ^m╞╕
│ ^nIn^bs^ntall modem ^m│ ^n ^M Return ~ ½ sec. pause << DTR low >> DTR high ^m│
│^r Init string ^m│ ^m│
│ ^bD^nial prefix/suffix ^m│ ^m│
│ ^bE^nxit string ^m│ ^m│
│ ^bC^nonnect string ^m│ ^hCONNECT ^m│
│ ^bN^no connect strings ^m│ ^m│
│ ^bH^nang-up ^m│ ^h100 ^M~~~+++~~~ATH0^M ^m│
│ ^bR^ning/Ok string ^m│ ^hRING^M^J OK^M ^m│
│ ^nDi^ba^nl time ^m│ ^h45 ^nseconds ^m│
│ ^nDia^bl^n cancel string ^m│ ^h^M~^M~ ^m│
│ ^nRedial ^bt^nimers ^m│ ^nDelay: ^h2 ^nPause: ^h60 ^nseconds ^m│
│ ^nA^bu^nto-answer string ^m│ ^hATA^M ^m│
│ ^nAut^bo^n answer ^m│ ^hOff ^m│
│ ^bB^naud change ^m│ ^nBefore: ^h~~~+++~~~ ^nAfter: ^hATO^M ^m│
│ ^bM^nodem string delay ^m│ ^h0 ^m│
│ ^bF^norce initstring ^m│ ^hNo ^m│
^hInstall modem^n
^m╒╡ Total modems : 178 ╞══════╡^t Modem Quick install ^m╞╕
│ ^nUSRobotics 16800 Dual Standard w/FAX ^m│
│ ^nUSRobotics 16800 HST or Dual Standard ^m│
│ ^nUSRobotics Sportster 14400 ^m│
│ ^nUSRobotics Sportster 14400 FAX/modem ^m│
│ ^nUSRobotics Sportster 9600 v.32 ^m│
│ ^nVen-Tel 2400 Half Card (4 Option Switches) ^m│
│ ^nVen-Tel 2400 Half Card (6 Option Switches) ^m│
│ ^nVen-Tel 2400-33 ^m│
│ ^nVen-Tel Pathfinder 18K ^m│
│ ^nViVa 24m 2400 baud MNP-5 ^m│
│ ^nYoriko 9600/14400/Fax ^m│
│ ^nZoltrix 14400 FAX/modem ^m│
│ ^nZoltrix 9600 FAX/modem ^m│
│ ^nZOOM/Modem HC2400R ^m│
│ ^nZOOM/Modem MX2400R ^m│
│ ^nZOOM/Modem HC2400S (SendFax) ^m│
│ ^nZOOM/Modem MX2400S (SendFax) ^m│
│ ^nZOOM/Modem V.42bis (2400 baud) ^m│
│ ^nZOOM/Modem 14400 FAX/modem ^m│
│^r ZyXEL U-1496, U-1496B, U-1496E V.32bis V.42bis ^m│
Choose one of the default modems, from the modem database.
Some of the settings will also allow you to save the configuration inside
your modem, if the modem supports this. If you have already set up your
modem you should not need to run this. The main reason for having this
setup is because the factory defaults of most modem manufacturers do
not give best performance. My first good old USRobotics Dual Standard
modem took me around a month back then to get the best performance out
of it. Newer modems like ZyXEL and others have now learned how
important it is to setup the modems correctly as burnt-in factory
defaults that can be recalled with AT&F if a user makes a mistake.
Setting up the modems from the factory will save many support calls to
your modem distributor and allow them to sell the modems even cheaper.
^hIncluding your own modem in Terminate's database^n
You can install your own TERMINAT.MOD file if you sell a modem that is
not listed in the database using the TERMINAT.INS installation script.
Look in DOCS\MODEMSET.DOC, create the structure in the file called
TERMINAT.MOD. You cannot change TERMINAT.MOD yourself, but you can
create your entries and send them directly to us or to the nearest
registration site.
^hInit strings^n
^m╒══════════╤══════════════╤══════════════════════════╡^t Init strings ^m╞╕
│^r Init 1 ^m│ ^hDefault ^m│ ^hATZ^M ^m│
│ ^nInit ^b2 ^m│ ^hDefinable ^m│ ^hATZ^M~~~AT S7=60 S0=0 V1 X4^M ^m│
│ ^nInit ^b3 ^m│ ^hDefinable ^m│ ^hAT&C1&D2S0=0S7=60V1X4Z^M ^m│
│ ^nInit ^b4 ^m│ │ ^m│
│ ^nInit ^b5 ^m│ │ ^m│
│ ^nInit ^b6 ^m│ │ ^m│
│ ^nInit ^b7 ^m│ │ ^m│
│ ^nInit ^b8 ^m│ │ ^m│
│ ^nInit ^b9 ^m│ │ ^m│
│ ^nInit 1^b0 ^m│ │ ^m│
│ ^bS^nend all ^m│ ^hNo ^m│ ^m│
An init string will be sent right after startup and Terminate will not
wait for any response from the modem. The best thing is to always save your
setup inside the modem, if the modem supports that, and then only send an
"ATZ^M" to reset the modem. Some modems are not capable of saving these
settings and require the setup to be sent each time it has been turned off.
You should always first try to make the modem hangup when lowering DTR.
This is normally done by giving the command AT&D2, but look inside your
manual to be sure. Then you should set the carrier detect to follow DCD
(Data-Carrier-Detect) line, this is normally done by sending an AT&C1 to
the modem.
Another good init string that works with most modems:
^bATZ^M~~~AT S7=60 S0=0 V1 X4^M^n
Reset modem, Set dial timeout to 60 seconds, set modem not to pickup phone,
enable verbal response codes, enable extended response codes (like BUSY).
All these command are HAYES commands, which almost every modem in the world
supports. If you have a non-HAYES and no manual, you are in trouble...
Here are some others you can try out if that does not work:
^bATS0=0Q0E1X4^M , ATE1X1Q0V1S7=60^M^n
If you want Terminate to always start dialing a certain number you
could also insert ^h@DIAL 4 6 8^n. Where numbers are the entry numbers in
the phonebook.
Look below for more information on HAYES commands.
^hSend all^n
This function will allow you to send all init strings to the modem
when starting up Terminate. This can only be used when you only have
1 modem attached. Remember to put some ~ characters after the init
strings, otherwise your modem might not be fast enough for
the commands. Remember if you have several devices (modems) attached
only the line for that device will be sent. Blank init strings will
not be sent to the modem.
^hDial prefix/suffix^n
^m╒════════════════════╤═════════════════╤═════════╡^t Prefix / Suffix ^m╞╕
│ ^nDialing prefix ^b1 ^m│ ^hDefault ^m│ ^hATDT ^m│
│ ^nDialing prefix ^b2 ^m│ ^hAlternate ^m│ ^hATDT ^m│
│ ^nDialing prefix ^b3 ^m│ ^hForce 9600 ^m│ ^hATDT ^m│
│ ^nDialing prefix ^b4 ^m│ ^hForce 14400 ^m│ ^hATDT ^m│
│ ^nDialing prefix ^b5 ^m│ ^hDisable VFC ^m│ ^hATDT ^m│
│ ^nDialing prefix ^b6 ^m│ ^hDisable V34 ^m│ ^hATDT ^m│
│ ^nDialing prefix ^b7 ^m│ ^hDisable V42b ^m│ ^hATDT ^m│
│ ^nDialing prefix ^b8 ^m│ ^hDisable MNP ^m│ ^hATDT ^m│
│ ^nDialing prefix ^b9 ^m│ ^hPulse ^m│ ^hATDP ^m│
│ ^nDialing prefix 1^b0 ^m│ ^hISDN-bundling ^m│ ^hATB3DT ^m│
│^r International code ^m│ │ ^h00 ^m│
│ ^bD^nialing suffix 1 ^m│ ^hDefault ^m│ ^h^M ^m│
│ ^nDi^ba^nling suffix 2 ^m│ │ ^h^M ^m│
│ ^nDia^bl^ning suffix 3 ^m│ │ ^h^M ^m│
When dialing, the modem wants a dial command. The complete string it will
build will look like this: prefix+number+suffix.
Example: ATDT43623990^M
The international prefix is for calling a system abroad.
The different suffixes can be used if you have some kind of calling card
and have to call another number first and enter a code or number.
Remember when you are calling a system, that the terminal program is not
responsible for getting the connect. Any terminal program just sends these
commands to the modem, and waits for a reply from the modem. The reply is
either a connect string and a carrier detect signal, or a no connect string
like 'BUSY' or 'NO DIAL TONE'. So if you cannot get a connection you
should never blame the terminal program. It is your modem that is not set
up correctly. You must remember that not all modems will connect with
each other and maybe need a special dial string to turn off MNP compression
or something like that, but it depends on which modem you have.
Generally if you cannot connect with a system, try turning all error
correction and compression off and try again, that will allow you to
connect to many systems anyway. Look in the modem manual for instructions
on how to turn this off. If you have these problems with your modem, it
will not help changing terminal programs, because it will not change
anything at all. Sending 'ATDT' is done in the exact same way in all
terminal programs.
^hInternational code^n
All you international phone numbers in the phone must be prefixed with
this code to ensure that the cost management will function properly.
This code is only for use with the point system when using international
nodelists and when creating new phone entries in the phonebook.
^hExit string^n
When leaving Terminate this string can be sent to your modem.
Some pocket modems require the DTR to be set low, so it will turn off
the use of the battery. This can be done by giving the command '<<'.
^hConnect string^n
All normal Hayes compatible modems will give you a result code starting
with ^hCONNECT^n when getting a carrier. Terminate will wait for this
string and grab everything after it until a return (#13) or a maximum of 4
seconds. This will be placed in the connect string which can be seen by
pressing Shift-Esc everywhere. From this connect string the modem speed
will be decided by Terminate. With a "CONNECT 14400/ARQ/V32", the connect
speed will be set to 14400, which will be used for calculating CPS rates,
performance percentages, etc.
^hNo connect strings^n
When dialling another system, your modem will send back some strings
to inform you that a connection could not be established. If your modem
is non-standard, you might need to change these.
^bNO CARRIER^n This string will be returned if the timer S7 runs out.
^bBUSY^n If the line is busy, this string will be returned, this
may not always work. Old analog lines can have problems
detecting busy at all, even though the modem should be able
to. Some modems will even abort dialling if the BUSY
response is enabled. If you have problems just change your
dial command to ATX1DT instead of ATDT.
^bVOICE^n Some modems can detect if it is a human answering the
phone, then quickly abort the dial and pick up the phone.
Some modems will try to trick you and sometimes tell
you that you got a voice call, so if you have problems
turn it off like the busy command or look in your manual.
^bNO DIAL TONE^n When starting to dial, if the modem does not get a dial
tone before the time set in the S6 register (default 2
seconds), then the modem will give you this response.
^bNO ANSWER^n If no-one answers the phone, some modems will return
this string.
^bBLACKLISTED^n In some countries like Germany the modems are required
by law not to call the same number too often in a short time.
For example in Germany if you call the same number more
than 12 times without waiting 30 seconds between each
call, the modem has to take a 30 seconds break for you,
before it can dial the that number again.
It is very important for your modem to be capable of hanging up
correctly. The best way is to set your modem to drop the carrier when
the DTR (Data-Terminal-Ready) goes low. This is the fastest way of
hanging up and is always preferred. You need to have a proper modem
serial cable with all the correct pins connected and your modem
correctly set (AT&D2 normally). The number you can edit is the time to
hold down DTR before raising the line again in 1/100 seconds. 100 is 1
second and should be enough. If your modem is faster you can decrease
this value. If there is no possible way to hang up by lowering DTR,
you can send a string to your modem that should force the modem to
(Send return, wait 1.5 seconds, send +++ (go into command mode), wait 1.5
seconds, send on-hook command.)
If this does not work you need to consult your manual.
^hRing/Ok string^n
The Ring string is used for identifying incoming calls in Terminal and in
Host mode. When an incoming call arrives in terminal mode, a window will
pop up and allow you to pick up the phone within 10 seconds.
The OK string will be used in the hostmode to be sure that the modem has
been reset correctly.
^hDial time^n
Timeout for dialling in Terminate, remember you also must set the S7
register. You should always set the S7 register to more than the Dial Time
in Terminate, otherwise the modem will abort first with a NO CARRIER
instead of Terminate saying timeout.
^hDial cancel string^n
Hayes modems, will normally abort dialling when they receive a return
(#13). The default for Terminate is ^h^M~^M~^n, send return, 1/2 second delay,
send return, 1/2 second pause. But if your modem does not respond to this
you could enter ^h<~~>^n to hangup the line first before dialling.
^hRedial timers^n
The delay timer is the pause time between calls.
The pause timer is for how long to wait in seconds when all tagged numbers
have been dialled before starting over. This means that after first calling
all the tagged entries (with only the delay time between the calls),
Terminate will then wait for the pause time. A good feature if you are
calling a system with x lines and they are all busy since you can first try
all the lines quickly and then delay some minutes and try all the lines
^hAuto-answer string^n
This string will tell your modem to try connecting when an incoming
call arrives or to connect in the hostmode.
^hAuto answer^n
When an incoming call arrives in terminal mode, if OFF then you will be
asked to pick up the phone, if ON then the Auto-answer string will be
sent to the modem.
^hBaud change^n
When a connection has been made and you have told Terminate to change
baudrate (only when using 2400 baud and calling a 1200 baud system). Then
this command must be used.
^hModem string delay^n
If your modem reacts very slowly, you can insert a delay when sending
strings to the modem. Also all Function keys will then have this delay.
^hForce initstring^n
Normally Terminate will not send the init. string if the modem has
detected carrier, but you can force Terminate to send the string at startup
even if the carrier is high. This is useful when you have a modem that
cannot save the setup and the carrier (&C0) is set when turning on the
DB-25 (25 pin connectors)
Pin Assignment Short Signal Flow
1 Chassis Ground GND Terminal <-> Modem
2 Transmit data TR Terminal --> Modem
3 Receive data RD Terminal <-- Modem
4 Request to send RTS Terminal --> Modem
5 Clear to send CTS Terminal <-- Modem
6 Data set ready DSR Terminal <-- Modem
7 Signal ground GND Terminal <-> Modem
8 Carrier detect DCD Terminal <-- Modem
20 Data terminal ready DTR Terminal --> Modem
22 Ring indicator RI Terminal <-- Modem
DB-9 (9 pin connectors)
Pin Assignment Short Signal Flow
1 Carrier detect DCD Terminal <-- Modem
2 Transmit data TR Terminal --> Modem
3 Receive data RD Terminal <-- Modem
4 Data terminal ready DTR Terminal --> Modem
5 Signal ground GND Terminal <-> Modem
6 Data set ready DSR Terminal <-- Modem
7 Request to send RTS Terminal --> Modem
8 Clear to send CTS Terminal <-- Modem
9 Ring indicator RI Terminal <-- Modem
Lines 2,3,4,5,6,8,20,22 (DB-25) or line 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 (DB-9)
are sometimes referred to as 'The big eight'.
There is no guarantee that all the commands will work with your modem,
but if you have some special needs, you might like to change the settings.
It is not possible to make a complete list of all commands, since most
modem manufacturers have their own special settings.
│ Command │ Parameters │ Function │ Default │
│ AT │ │ Attention code; indicates start │ │
│ │ │ of command line. │ │
│ +++ │ │ Escape code; changes modem from │ │
│ │ │ on-line to command state; see │ │
│ │ │ registers S2 and S12. │ │
│ D<s> │ │ Dial │ DP │
│ │ s = 0..9 # * │ │ │
│ │ () - . / │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ P │ Pulse dial │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ R │ Dial an "originate-only" │ │
│ │ │ modem (reverse mode) │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ T │ Touch Tone(tm) dial │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ , │ Pause when dialing │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ ; │ Return to command state │ │
│ │ │ after dialling │ │
│ A/ │ │ Repeat command; redial; the │ │
│ │ │ only command neither preceded │ │
│ │ │ by AT nor followed by a │ │
│ │ │ carriage return │ │
│ A │ │ Answer call immediately │ │
│ E<n> │ n = 0,1 │ 0 = no echo │ E1 │
│ │ │ 1 = echo │ │
│ F<n> │ n = 0,1 │ 0 = half-duplex │ F1 │
│ │ │* 1 = full-duplex │ │
│ I<n> │ n = 0..? │ information │ │
│ L<n> │ n = 0..? │ volume control │ │
│ M<n> │ n = 0..2 │ 0 = speaker OFF │ M1 │
│ │ │* 1 = speaker ON until carrier │ │
│ │ │ 2 = speaker always ON │ │
│ O │ │ Return to on-line state │ │
│ Q<n> │ n = 0,1 │ 0 = result codes sent │ Q0 │
│ │ │ 1 = result codes not sent │ │
│ S<r>? │ r = 0..17 │ Read register r │ None │
│ S<r>=<n> │ r = 0..17 │ Set register r to value n │ None │
│ │ n = 0..255 │ │ │
│ V<n> │ n = 0,1 │ 0 = digit result codes │ V1 │
│ │ │* 1 = word result codes │ │
│ X<n> │ n = 0..? │ 0 = basic result code set │ │
│ │ │ 1 = extended result code set │ X0 │
│ Z │ │ Reset │ │
│ C<n> │ n = 0,1 │ 0 = transmitter OFF │ C1 │
│ │ │* 1 = transmitter ON │ │
│ H<n> │ n = 0..1 │ 0 = ON hook (hang up) │ None │
│ │ │ 1 = OFF hook │ │
│ &C<n> │ n = 0,1 │ 0 = carrier always on │ &C0 │
│ │ │* 1 = carrier follow DCD line │ │
│ &D<n> │ n = 0,1,2,3 │ 0 = Do not hangup when DTR is low │ &D0 │
│ │ │ 1 = return to command-state DTR │ │
│ │ │* 2 = when DTR low, hang up modem │ │
│ │ │ 3 = same as 2, but also resets │ │
* = advised
│ Register │ Range │ Units │ Function │ Default │
│ │ │ --DIALLING-- │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ S6 │ 2..255 │ seconds │ Wait time for dial tone │ 2 │
│ S8 │ 0..255 │ seconds │ Length of pause (caused │ 2 │
│ │ │ │ by comma) │ │
│ S11 │ 50..255 │ milli- │ Duration and spacing of │ 70 │
│ │ │ seconds │ Touch-Tones (tm) │ │
│ │ │ --ANSWERING-- │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ S0 │ 0..255 │ rings │ Number of rings on which │ 0 │
│ │ │ │ modem answers call │ │
│ S1 │ 0..255 │ rings │ Number of rings occurred │ 0 │
│ │ │ --DIALING & ANSWERING-- │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ S7 │ 1..255 │ seconds │ Wait time for carrier │ 30 │
│ S9 │ 1..255 │ .1 second │ Carrier detect response time │ 6 │
│ S10 │ 1..255 │ .1 second │ Time between loss of carrier │ 7 │
│ │ │ │ and hang up │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ S2 │ 0..127 │ ASCII │ Escape code character │ 43 │
│ S3 │ 0..127 │ ASCII │ Carriage return character │ 13 │
│ S4 │ 0..127 │ ASCII │ Line feed character │ 10 │
│ S5 │ 0..32,127│ ASCII │ Backspace character │ 8 │