PC-Online 1996 February
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List of Internet whois servers, 9 May 1994 (Version 3.78)
This list was collected and compiled by Matt Power of M.I.T.
Questions or comments about this list should be sent to the address:
Preferred server name Associated institution
camb.com Cambridge Computer Associates C=US
gte.com GTE Laboratories C=US
whois.pacbell.com Pacific Bell C=US
wp.psi.com Performance Systems International C=US
whois.sunquest.com Sunquest Information Systems C=US
teetot.acusd.edu University of San Diego C=US
zippy.telcom.arizona.edu University of Arizona C=US
ducserv.duc.auburn.edu Auburn University C=US
whois.bates.edu Bates College C=US
whois.berkeley.edu University of California at Berkeley C=US
bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu State University of New York at Binghamton C=US
bsu.edu Ball State University C=US
caltech.edu California Institute of Technology C=US
horton.caltech.edu California Institute of Technology C=US
csufres.csufresno.edu California State University - Fresno C=US
csuhayward.edu California State University - Hayward C=US
csus.edu California State University - Sacramento C=US
whois.cwru.edu Case Western Reserve University C=US
cc.fsu.edu Florida State University C=US
gettysburg.edu Gettysburg College C=US
gmu.edu George Mason University C=US
whois.dfci.harvard.edu Dana-Farber Cancer Institute C=US
hmc.edu Harvey Mudd College C=US
indiana.edu Indiana University C=US
kean.edu Kean College C=US
acad.csv.kutztown.edu Kutztown University C=US
prdb.merit.edu Merit Network C=US
whois.rsmas.miami.edu University of Miami, Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences C=US
mit.edu Massachusetts Institute of Technology C=US
whois.msstate.edu Mississippi State University C=US
vax2.winona.msus.edu Minnesota State University - Winona C=US
info.nau.edu Northern Arizona University C=US
whois.ncsu.edu North Carolina State University C=US
nd.edu University of Notre Dame C=US
earth.njit.edu New Jersey Institute of Technology C=US
vm1.nodak.edu North Dakota State University C=US
acfcluster.nyu.edu New York University, Courant Institute C=US
sun1.mcsr.olemiss.edu University of Mississippi C=US
austin.onu.edu Ohio Northern University C=US
ph.orst.edu Oregon State University C=US
osu.edu Ohio State University C=US
oswego.edu SUNY College at Oswego C=US
whois.oxy.edu Occidental College C=US
ems.psu.edu Pennsylvania State University, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences C=US
info.psu.edu Pennsylvania State University C=US
cs.rit.edu Rochester Institute of Technology C=US
whois.cc.rochester.edu University of Rochester C=US
whitepages.rutgers.edu Rutgers University C=US
whois.sdsu.edu San Diego State University C=US
sonoma.edu Sonoma State University C=US
stanford.edu Stanford University C=US
camis.stanford.edu Stanford University C=US
hpp.stanford.edu Stanford University C=US
whois.slac.stanford.edu Stanford Linear Accelerator Center C=US
stjohns.edu St. John's University C=US
sunysb.edu State University of New York, Stony Brook C=US
syr.edu Syracuse University C=US
whois.bcm.tmc.edu Baylor College of Medicine C=US
tstc.edu Texas State Technical College C=US
directory.uakron.edu University of Akron C=US
uc.edu University of Cincinnati C=US
thor.ece.uc.edu University of Cincinnati C=US
directory.ucdavis.edu University of California at Davis C=US
uchicago.edu University of Chicago C=US
oac.ucla.edu University of California at Los Angeles C=US
whois.ucsb.edu University of California at Santa Barbara C=US
ucsd.edu University of California at San Diego C=US
weber.ucsd.edu University of California at San Diego, Division of Social Sciences C=US
cgl.ucsf.edu University of California at San Francisco, School of Pharmacy C=US
whois.uh.edu University of Houston C=US
whois.umass.edu University of Massachusetts at Amherst C=US
umbc.edu University of Maryland, Baltimore County C=US
ub.umd.edu University of Baltimore C=US
umd5.umd.edu University of Maryland C=US
umn.edu University of Minnesota C=US
ns.unl.edu University of Nebraska at Lincoln C=US
whois.uoregon.edu University of Oregon C=US
whois.upenn.edu University of Pennsylvania C=US
x500.utexas.edu University of Texas at Austin C=US
netlib2.cs.utk.edu na-net (linear algebra on computers) C=US
whois.vims.edu Virginia Institute of Marine Science C=US
whois.virginia.edu University of Virginia C=US
whois.wfu.edu Wake Forest University C=US
wisc.edu University of Wisconsin C=US
wpi.wpi.edu Worcester Polytechnic Institute C=US
ibc.wustl.edu Washington University C=US
vm1.hqadmin.doe.gov U.S. Department of Energy Headquarters C=US
wp.doe.gov U.S. Department of Energy C=US
llnl.gov Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory C=US
x500.arc.nasa.gov NASA Ames Research Center C=US
x500.gsfc.nasa.gov NASA Goddard Space Flight Center C=US
larc.nasa.gov NASA Langley Research Center C=US
wp.nersc.gov National Energy Research Supercomputer Center C=US
seda.sandia.gov Sandia National Laboratories C=US
whois.nic.ddn.mil DDN Network Information Center C=US
whois.nrl.navy.mil Naval Research Laboratory C=US
wp.es.net Energy Sciences Network C=US
ds.internic.net Network Solutions, Inc. (non-MILNET/non-POC) C=US
whois.internic.net Network Solutions, Inc. C=US
whois.lac.net Latin America & Caribbean Whois Server C=EC
pilot.njin.net New Jersey Intercampus Network C=US
whois.ripe.net Reseaux IP Europeens C=NL
whois.morris.org Morris Automated Information Network C=US
whois.wu-wien.ac.at Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien C=AT
archie.au Australian Academic and Research Network C=AU
whois.adelaide.edu.au University of Adelaide C=AU
wp.adelaide.edu.au University of Adelaide C=AU
deakin.edu.au Deakin University C=AU
whois.monash.edu.au Monash University C=AU
uwa.edu.au University of Western Australia C=AU
whois.gu.uwa.edu.au University of Western Australia, University Computer Club C=AU
sserve.cc.adfa.oz.au University College, Australian Defense Force Academy C=AU
jethro.ucc.su.oz.au University of Sydney C=AU
whois.kuleuven.ac.be Katholieke Universiteit Leuven C=BE
elem4.vub.ac.be Inter-university Institute for High Energies C=BE
whois.belnet.be Belgian National Research Network C=BE
whois.doc.ca Communications Canada (The Federal Department of Communications) C=CA
ac.nsac.ns.ca Nova Scotia Agricultural College C=CA
whois.queensu.ca Queen's University, Kingston, Canada C=CA
whois.unb.ca University of New Brunswick C=CA
panda1.uottawa.ca University of Ottawa C=CA
dvinci.usask.ca University of Saskatchewan, Engineering C=CA
whois.usask.ca University of Saskatchewan C=CA
phys.uvic.ca University of Victoria, Physics & Astronomy C=CA
whois.uwo.ca University of Western Ontario C=CA
horton.yorku.ca York University C=CA
nic.switch.ch SWITCH Teleinformatics Services C=CH
whois.ci.ucr.ac.cr University of Costa Rica Computer Center C=CR
whois.cr CRNet NOC C=CR
whois.mff.cuni.cz Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics C=CZ
whois.vutbr.cz Technical University of Brno C=CZ
whois.fzi.de Forschungszentrum Informatik C=DE
dfnnoc.gmd.de Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung C=DE
hermes.informatik.htw-zittau.de HTW Zittau/Goerlitz Elektrotechnik/Informatik C=DE
whois.th-darmstadt.de Darmstadt University of Technology C=DE
whois.tu-chemnitz.de Technische Universitaet Chemnitz C=DE
deins.informatik.uni-dortmund.de University of Dortmund C=DE
whois.uni-regensburg.de Universitaet Regensburg C=DE
whois.uni-c.dk Danish Computing Centre for Research and Education C=DK
whois.eunet.es EUnet, Goya, Spain C=ES
whois.dit.upm.es Tech. Univ. Madrid, Telecommunications Highschool C=ES
cs.hut.fi Helsinki University of Technology C=FI
cc.jyu.fi Jyvaskyla University C=FI
oulu.fi Oulu University C=FI
vtt.fi Technical Research Centre of Finland C=FI
whois.citilille.fr CITI Lille - France C=FR
whois.univ-lyon1.fr Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I C=FR
whois.forthnet.gr FORTHnet (Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas) C=GR
wp.forthnet.gr FORTHnet (Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas) C=GR
sangam.ncst.ernet.in National Centre for Software Technology C=IN
isgate.is Association of Research Networks in Iceland C=IS
dsa.nis.garr.it GARR-NIS c/o CNR-CNUCE C=IT
whois.nis.garr.it GARR-NIS c/o CNR-CNUCE C=IT
whois-server.l.chiba-u.ac.jp Chiba University C=JP
whois.cc.keio.ac.jp Keio University C=JP
whois.cc.uec.ac.jp University of Electro-Communications C=JP
whois.nic.ad.jp Japan Network Information Center C=JP
whois.nic.nm.kr Korea Network Information Center C=KR
whois.tue.nl Eindhoven University of Technology C=NL
cantsc.canterbury.ac.nz University of Canterbury C=NZ
directory.vuw.ac.nz Victoria University, Wellington C=NZ
waikato.ac.nz Waikato University C=NZ
whois.elka.pw.edu.pl Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology C=PL
whois.ia.pw.edu.pl Institute of Automatic Control, Warsaw University of Technology C=PL
archie.inesc.pt Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores C=PT
chalmers.se Chalmers University of Technology C=SE
whois.gd.chalmers.se Gothenburg Universities' Computing Centre C=SE
kth.se Royal Institute of Technology C=SE
sics.se Swedish Institute of Computer Science C=SE
whois.sunet.se SUNET (Swedish University Network) C=SE
whois.uakom.sk SANET (WAN of Slovak academic institutions) C=SK
src.doc.ic.ac.uk Imperial College C=GB
whois.lut.ac.uk Loughborough University C=GB
info.cnri.reston.va.us Corporation for National Research Initiatives, Knowbot interface C=US
hippo.ru.ac.za Rhodes University, Grahamstown C=ZA
whois.und.ac.za University of Natal (Durban) C=ZA
"Documentation", and other comments...
If you redistribute this list, or excerpt a significant number of
entries from it, be sure to also pass along the original anonymous-FTP
location, and request that updates be sent to my e-mail address, as
specified at the top of this file. This will allow users to obtain
updated versions at a later time, and will help ensure that I get the
information I need to do the updating.
Also, keep in mind that accessing a whois server requires a direct
connection to the Internet. In general, sites that have access to the
Internet via tcp/whois will also have access to the Internet via
tcp/ftp, and will thus be able to obtain this file directly. Making
the file available via a mail-based server is therefore largely
I am interested in any corrections to the above listing, and in
reports of other whois servers. Please send them via e-mail to the
address listed at the top of this file. Unless the maintainer of the
server has already announced his whois service publicly, I will
attempt to contact the postmaster or system maintainer prior to
including a new entry.
Whois servers, at least by my definition, provide directory
information in response to TCP queries on port 43, in a manner roughly
analogous to the DDN NIC whois service described in RFC 954. I realize
that many sites instead provide this directory service via the finger
protocol, or accept queries by mail for directory information.
Although I'd be happy to receive reports of these, the scope of this
particular listing is limited to the TCP whois service.
There are a few hosts that accept tcp/whois connections, but respond
with information identical to that given by a standard finger server.
Since I don't consider this a directory service, I have been omitting
these hosts.
Unlisted servers
I know of some other whois servers that aren't listed above (at their
maintainers' requests), even though they allow access to at least a
small amount of directory information. Currently, this includes
twenty-one in North America, six in Europe, and one in Asia. Typical
reasons include: service is about to be shut down, service is still
being developed and will be announced later, or another server
provides the same data in a better supported manner.
Server names
There are currently three popular naming conventions for whois
servers. The most common practice is to put whois service on a host
as far up as possible in the organization's domain hierarchy. For
example, the highest-level domain name associated with M.I.T. is
MIT.EDU, and M.I.T.'s whois service is operated on the host named
Another common practice is to choose 'whois' or 'wp' as the first part
of the domain name ('wp' stands for "White Pages"). This would be the
case if M.I.T.'s whois service were on a host named whois.mit.edu or
wp.mit.edu. In these cases, the listed name is often an alias, not the
host's canonical name. In selecting the name to be listed, I've given
preference to aliases starting with whois or wp.
I personally prefer the first-mentioned convention, since it results
in shorter command lines, and ones I believe are less confusing to
beginning Internet users. In particular, the top-level host often
supports organization-wide mail service, and thus the same host name
can be used for whois queries and for e-mail.
The most common access approach involves separately querying each
server of interest, via a direct tcp/whois connection. However, there
are currently a number of active projects concerned with improved
interfaces to these servers, either by more intelligent client
software, or by standardization of the server behavior. Eventually,
this should eliminate the need for end users to have the complete
collection of server names; at this point, though, distributing the
server list to individual Internet users is still worthwhile.
The procedure for accessing the whois servers will vary depending on
your host's operating system, and on what software is installed. On
UNIX systems, the preferred method is
whois -h _server_name_ _name_of_person_
If there is no whois program, sometimes it will work to type
telnet _server_name_ 43
and then type the "name of person" on a separate line. (The usefulness
of this will vary depending on the details of the telnet client
implementation installed on your system.)
Alternatively, you may be able to compile a whois program yourself,
starting from source code available at various anonymous FTP sites. As
a start, you might try searching archie for files named 'whois.tar.Z'.
Programs named 'whois' and 'telnet' may also be available on VMS
systems. Typing 'HELP WHOIS' or 'HELP TELNET' at the DCL prompt may be
Whois programs may also be installed on other operating systems, or
may be available for these systems via anonymous FTP. Searching archie
for file names matching 'whois' (case insensitive) might be worthwhile.
Also, system administrators interested in starting new whois servers
will probably be able to find one or more separate source-code
packages on anonymous FTP sites. In addition to checking archie, you
may wish to look in the file whois-servers.source, available at the
anonymous-FTP location listed at the top of this file.
Other Formats of This List
Whenever this whois-servers.list file is updated, it is automatically
converted to a few other formats. One that might be of common interest
is a "Summary" version that contains just the server names and
locations, one per line, and a few comment lines that each begin with
';'. This version can be obtained via
whois -h sipb.mit.edu whois-servers
or from a few replication sites that can be found by doing
whois -h sipb.mit.edu whois-list-servers
It's intended mainly for people who have a program to copy the server
list occasionally (e.g., once a week) for local redistribution. If
you're able to redistribute via whois (i.e., by supporting the query
whois -h _your_server_name_ whois-servers), please let me know and
I'll add you to the list of replication sites.
Gopher Access
The data in this list are also available via the Internet Gopher
system. Gopher clients should connect to the host sipb.mit.edu, port
70, and choose the selection "Internet whois servers". The
whois-server entries accessible in the sipb.mit.edu Gopher server are
automatically updated whenever this file is changed.
Alternatively, one can access this same Gopher menu by connecting to a
root Gopher server at the University of Minnesota and selecting
"Phone Books" then "WHOIS Searches".
AFS Access
Sites using Transarc's AFS (Andrew File System) software can access
the whois-servers.list file using the AFS global name space pathname
(i.e., it is in the directory project/gopher-links relative to
root.cell for the sipb.mit.edu cell.)
Access Restrictions
In general, these servers should only be used for isolated queries
about specific individuals of interest. Typically, it is not
acceptable to make an extended series of queries in an attempt to
obtain large sections, or the entirety, of the directory. Such a
strategy is objectionable both because of excessive consumption of
server resources, and because the directory itself is usually
considered proprietary. In particular, deriving lists of persons for
distribution of commercial advertisements or solicitations is
expressly prohibited by site policies in many cases, and could easily
cause sites to curtail the current open access to their whois servers.
Server problems
Not all of the whois-server entries constitute a "supported" service
within their respective domains. Even at sites where the service is
supported, there may be occasional changes in the server host name.
Also, at any given time, you will probably find one or more of the
servers not operational, or apparently unusable. I have not
purposefully included any servers that I believe have been permanently
shut down. In all cases, either I have personally seen the server
provide useful information within the last few months, or else the
maintainers of the server have asked me to include it anyway, while
they work on resolving usage problems.
The list was collected primarily via an active resource-discovery
approach involving polling selected Internet hosts for possible
support of tcp/whois service. This was done with some attention to
minimizing consumption of resources on other Internet hosts and
networks. In particular, no DNS zone transfers were used to generate
lists of polling candidates. Instead, a small number of host names in
most second-level domains were selected, using various heuristics, and
whois queries were attempted to each of these. All queries originated
from hosts in the MIT.EDU domain. Also, I've been maintaining versions
of this list since August 1990, and since then a number of persons
have mailed me reports of new whois servers, or updates on the servers
already listed here.