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///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Originaly from StarDown V1.00 - (!)1996 Larry Monte\StarLab Systems Software // CoolUtils V1.00 - (c)1996-97 Updated to look like RA by Neil Staib // // MEX: Copyright 1990, 1995 by Lanius Corporation. All rights reserved. // // DownLoad Command Replacement. Allows local users (sysops) to specify a // path to extract tagged files to. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <prm.mh> #include <max.mh> // Comment the below if you have external protocols #define protocol_opt /////////////////////// // Language Definations /////////////////////// #define notag "There are no currently tag files" #define file "File:" #define 1add "1 files added." #define nosend "No files to send !" #define taglist "Tagged file list (For Downloading):" #define tfiles "files" #define menu "(A)dd, (D)elete or (C)lear all entries (Enter to continue):" #define delete "Delete:" #define clear "Clear tag list (y/n)?" #define yes "Yes" #define no "No" #define locald "Local download." #define ldir "Directory to move files to:" #define dprot "Default protocol:" #define lmenu "(S)tart transfer, (L)ogoff after transfer, (N)ew protocol, (A)bort:" #define protend "Protocol (Enter=quit):" #define nosent "No Files Sent" #define sent "File Sent" #define sents "Files Sent" ///////////////////// void main() { int: fnum, flags, pos, qsize, ok,new,done,prot, before, after; long: fsize, txtime,tsize; char: nonstop,inkey; string: rootname, filescheck, added_filename, new_path, out_path,backslash,newdir; string: delete_tag,ready_menu; ok := 0; new := 0; prot := 0; tsize :=0; start: qsize := (tag_queue_size()); if (qsize < 1 ) { print(AVATAR_CLS); print(COL_LRED, notag, ".\n"); print("\n"); print(COL_CYAN , file, " "); input_str(added_filename, INPUT_WORD,0,14,""); if (added_filename <> "") { input := "A;"+added_filename; set_output(DISABLE_BOTH); menu_cmd(512,""); set_output(DISABLE_NONE); print(COL_YELLOW, "\n", 1add); new := 1; } if (tag_queue_size() < 1 ) { print ("\n\n\n"); print (COL_YELLOW , nosend); return; } } else { // Show Tag Files print(AVATAR_CLS); print(COL_LRED, taglist, "\n"); print("\n"); reset_more(nonstop); qsize := (tag_queue_size()); for (fnum := 0; fnum < qsize AND do_more(nonstop, COL_CYAN); fnum := fnum + 1) { tag_get_name( fnum, flags, filescheck); pos := strridx(filescheck, 0, '\\'); if (pos=0) rootname := filescheck; else { rootname := substr(filescheck, pos+1, strlen(filescheck)-pos+1); fsize := (filesize(filescheck)/1000); tsize := tsize + fsize; print(COL_YELLOW, "(", fnum+1, ") ", COL_LMAGENTA, strpad( rootname,13,' '), ' ', COL_LGREEN, ltostr(fsize), "k\n"); } } } while (ok = 0) { if (prot = 1) { print(AVATAR_CLS, "\n\n"); goto newprot; } if (new = 1 ) { print(AVATAR_CLS); print(COL_LRED, taglist, "\n"); print("\n"); reset_more(nonstop); qsize := (tag_queue_size()); for (fnum := 0; fnum < qsize AND do_more(nonstop, COL_CYAN); fnum := fnum + 1) { tag_get_name( fnum, flags, filescheck); pos := strridx(filescheck, 0, '\\'); if (pos=0) rootname := filescheck; else { rootname := substr(filescheck, pos+1, strlen(filescheck)-pos+1); fsize := (filesize(filescheck)/1000); tsize := tsize + fsize; print(COL_YELLOW, "(", fnum+1, ") ", COL_LMAGENTA, strpad( rootname,13,' '), ' ', COL_LGREEN, ltostr(fsize), "k\n"); } } new := 0; } print("\n"); qsize := (tag_queue_size()); print(COL_LCYAN ,qsize, " ", tfiles, " ", ltostr(tsize), "k \n"); print("\n"); print(COL_LCYAN, menu); userenter: inkey:=getch(); if (inkey = 'a' or inkey = 'A') { print("\n\n"); print(COL_CYAN , file, " "); input_str(added_filename, INPUT_WORD,0,14,""); if (added_filename <> "") { input := "A;"+added_filename; set_output(DISABLE_BOTH); menu_cmd(512,""); set_output(DISABLE_NONE); print(COL_YELLOW, "\n", 1add); if (tag_queue_size() < 1 ) { print ("\n\n\n"); print (COL_YELLOW, nosend); ok := 1; } } goto start; } if (inkey = 'd' or inkey = 'D') { print("\n\n"); print(COL_LRED, delete, " "); input_str(delete_tag, INPUT_NLB_LINE,0,2,""); if (delete_tag = "") { goto start; } else if (delete_tag <> "") { tag_dequeue_file((strtoi(delete_tag)-1)); goto start; } } if (inkey = 'c' or inkey = 'C') { print("\n\n"); print(COL_LRED, clear, " "); inkey:=getch(); if (inkey = 'y' or inkey = 'Y') { print(" ", yes, "\n"); input := "C;q;"; set_output(DISABLE_BOTH); menu_cmd(512,""); set_output(DISABLE_NONE); goto start; } else if (inkey = 13 or inkey = 'n' or inkey = 'N') { print(" ", no); goto start; } } if (inkey = 13) { goto newprot; } goto userenter; newprot: before := (tag_queue_size()); if (tag_queue_size() > 0 and id.local = TRUE) { print("\n"); print(COL_WHITE, locald, "\n"); print("\n"); print(COL_LGREEN, ldir, " "); input_str(new_path,INPUT_WORD,0,80,""); if (new_path <> "" ) { backslash := "\\"; newdir := new_path + backslash; out_path := newdir; qsize := (tag_queue_size()); for (fnum := 0; fnum < qsize; fnum := fnum +1) { tag_get_name( fnum, flags, filescheck); pos := strridx(filescheck, 0, '\\'); if (pos=0) rootname := filescheck; else rootname := substr(filescheck, pos+1, strlen(filescheck)-pos+1); filecopy(filescheck,out_path+rootname); } set_output(DISABLE_BOTH); input := "C;|"; menu_cmd(512,""); set_output(DISABLE_NONE); ok := 1; } else { ok := 1; } } else if (tag_queue_size() > 0 and id.local = FALSE) { print(COL_LGREEN, "\n", dprot, " ",protocol_num_to_name(usr.def_proto), "\n"); print(COL_LCYAN, lmenu, " "); inkey:=getch(); if (inkey = 'l' or inkey = 'L') { input := "/g"; menu_cmd(505,""); ok := 1; } if (inkey = 'a' or inkey = 'A') { ok := 1; } if (inkey = 13 or inkey = 's' or inkey = 'S') { input := "|"; menu_cmd(505,""); ok := 1; } if (inkey = 'n' or inkey = 'N') { #ifdef protocol_opt { display_file(prm_string(PRM_PROTOCOLS),nonstop); print(protend, " "); do { inkey:=getch(); if (inkey = 'z' or inkey = 'y' or inkey = 'g' or inkey = 'x' or inkey = '1' or inkey = 's' or inkey=13 or inkey = 'Z' or inkey = 'Y' or inkey = 'G' or inkey = 'X' or inkey = 'S') { done:=TRUE; if (inkey='z' or inkey = 'Z' ) usr.def_proto:= PROTOCOL_ZMODEM ; else if (inkey='y' or inkey ='Y') usr.def_proto:= PROTOCOL_YMODEM ; else if (inkey='g' or inkey = 'G') usr.def_proto:= PROTOCOL_YMODEMG ; else if (inkey='x' or inkey = 'X') usr.def_proto:= PROTOCOL_XMODEM ; else if (inkey='1') usr.def_proto:= PROTOCOL_XMODEM1K ; else if (inkey='s' or inkey = 'S') usr.def_proto:= PROTOCOL_SEALINK ; } else { done:=FALSE; } } while (done = FALSE); prot:=1; } #else { print(AVATAR_CLS, "\n"); print(protocol_num_to_name(usr.def_proto), '\n'); menu_cmd(618, ""); } #endif } } } after := (tag_queue_size()); if ((before - after) = 0) { print(COL_LRED, "\n" , nosent); } if ((before - after) = 1) { print(COL_LRED, "\n", (before - after), " ", sent,"\n"); } if ((before - after) > 1) { print(COL_LRED, "\n", (before - after), " ", sents, "\n"); } sleep(2); }