home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- if .not. isansi() .and. .not. islocal()
- ? "We're sorry, but you must have ANSI to use this program."
- quit
- endif
- set exclusive off
- set bell off
- set escape off
- set procedure to windows
- discount=0
- c=getenv("dbonline")
- set path to &c
- if len(trim(c)) > 0
- fd=fopen(c)
- if fd > 0
- do while .not. feof(fd)
- c=fgets(fd)
- i=at(c,',')
- if i>0
- u=left(c,i-1)
- d=val(substr(c,i+1))
- else
- u=left(c,i)
- d=0
- endif
- if c=username()
- exit
- discount=d
- endif
- enddo
- =fclose(fd)
- endif
- endif
- SHIP=0
- CCNUM=space(19)
- CCNAME=space(32)
- declare prod(8),pric(8),qty(8)
- x=1
- do while x <8
- prod(x)=0
- pric(x)=0
- qty(x)=0
- x=x+1
- enddo
- *i=0
- *do while i<8
- * x=str(i,1)
- * product&x=0
- * pric&x=0
- * qty&x=0
- * i=i+1
- *enddo
- select 1
- use sales
- select 2
- use products
- select 3
- use customer
- clear
- ship=15
- subtotal=0
- xid=0
- **************************
- ***select 1
- ***locate for invoice=invnum
- ***line=0
- **gst=0
- ***do while found()
- *** x=str(line,1)
- *** product&x=sales->product
- *** qty&x=1
- *** line=line+1
- *** subtotal=subtotal+sales->price
- *** continue
- ***enddo
- ***gst=sales->gst
- ***ship=sales->ship_cost
- ****************************
- do Xwindow with 0,0,21,78,""
- do Xwindow with 22,0,24,78,""
- if iscolor()
- set color to w+/w
- endif
- do Xcenter with 23,"dB Online - Order.db2 Copyright (c) 1995 Merlin Systems Inc."
- do intwindow with 14,50,20,76,""
- *if iscolor()
- set color to n/BG+
- *endif
- @ 15,52 say " Subtotal"
- @ 16,52 say " Discount"
- @ 17,52 say " Shipping"
- @ 18,51 say replicate("─",25)
- @ 19,52 say " Total"
- do button with 15,5, " ~Add an Item "
- *do button with 15,29," ~Remove an Item "
- *do button with 17,5, ' Shipping ~Method '
- do button with 15,29,' ~? Help '
- do button with 18,5, " ~Save Order "
- do button with 18,29,' ~Cancel Order '
- ***set color to w+/bg
- ****wait
- do drawStuff
- do drawTotal
- ok=.T.
- do while ok
- k=0
- do while k = 0 .or. k>255
- k=inkey()
- enddo
- c=upper(chr(k))
- do case
- case c='A'
- x=maxproducts()
- if x < 8
- do flatWindow with 2,2,13,76
- @ 2,3 say " Description "
- @ 2,69 say " Price "
- xcont=0
- i=10
- do while i>9
- do drawProducts with 4,3,xcont
- i=1
- menu to i
- xcont=xcont+1
- enddo
- if i >0
- str=getans("Quantity or <esc> to cancel ?")
- q=val(str)
- if q>0
- x=maxproducts()
- if x<8
- select products
- locate for id = i
- if found() .and. products->display
- prod(x)=i+xcont*9-9
- qty(x)=q
- pric(x)=products->price
- * if discount > 0
- * pric(x)=pric(x)*(100-discount)/100
- * endif
- subtotal=subtotal + products->price * qty(x)
- do drawTotal
- endif
- endif
- endif
- endif
- do drawstuff
- do drawOrder
- endif
- case c='C'
- c=getans("Are you sure (yes/no) ?")
- c=upper(left(c,1))
- if c='Y'
- ok=.F.
- else
- do drawstuff
- do draworder
- endif
- case c='S'
- if maxproducts() > 0
- ok=.F.
- do client
- do creditcard
- do saveorder
- set color to
- clear
- ? "Thank you for your order."
- ?
- ? "If you have any other questions please call us at 1-816-436-5206"
- ?
- wait
- endif
- case c='?'
- do flatWindow with 2,2,13,76
- @ 2,3 say " Help "
- @ 4,4 say "This is an example of a dB Online application. The code was"
- @ 5,4 say "written in the xBASE language and will work with any other"
- @ 6,4 say "xBASE-compatible software. It also saves all of its data into"
- @ 7,4 say "a dBASE file in real-time and that file can be accessed by any"
- @ 8,4 say "any other dBASE-compatible software."
- @ 10,4 say "NOTE: Shipping is 15.00 within the U.S., 25.00 outside."
- @ 12,4 say "Orders will be processed within 24 hours."
- read
- do drawstuff
- do drawOrder
- * case c='P'
- * do flatWindow with 2,2,13,76
- * x=1
- * do while x<7
- * @ 5+x,4 say ""
- * ?? prod(x), pric(x), qty(x)
- * x=x+1
- * enddo
- * read
- * do drawstuff
- * do drawOrder
- endcase
- enddo
- clear
- clear all
- return
- function getans
- parameters string
- x=len(string)+12
- set color to GR+/R
- @ 11,40-x/2 to 13,40+x/2
- set color to W+/R
- @ 12,40-x/2+1 say space(x-1)
- @ 12,40-x/2+2 say string
- ans=space(5)
- @ 12,40+x/2-6 get ans
- read
- return ans
- function maxproducts
- x=0
- do while x<8
- if prod(x)=0
- exit
- endif
- x=x+1
- enddo
- return x
- procedure creditcard
- * if iscolor()
- set color to w+/n
- * endif
- clear
- do Xwindow with 4,10,21,70,"Credit Card Information"
- do intwindow with 8,35,10,62,""
- do intwindow with 11,35,13,39,""
- do intwindow with 11,41,13,45,""
- do intwindow with 14,35,16,67,""
- * do Xcenter with 6,"Credit Card Information"
- * if iscolor()
- set color to r/w
- * endif
- do Xcenter with 18,"We accept Visa, MasterCard & American Express"
- do Xcenter with 19,"Press <Esc> to cancel"
- * if iscolor()
- set color to gr+/w
- * endif
- @ 9,13 say "Credit Card #"
- @ 12,13 say "Expiration (MM YY)"
- @ 15,13 say "Card Holder's Name"
- * if iscolor()
- set color to w+/b,w+/bg
- * endif
- CCNUM=space(25)
- CCNAME=Username()
- if len(ccname)=0
- CCNAME=space(25)
- endif
- CCXYEAR=mod(year(date())+1,100)
- @ 9,36 get CCNUM
- @ 12,36 get CCXMONTH picture "999"
- @ 12,42 get CCXYEAR picture "999"
- @ 15,36 get CCNAME
- read
- return
- procedure drawProducts
- parameters x,y,cont
- line=0
- select products
- if cont = 0
- go top
- endif
- set color to w+/b,w/b,w/b
- do while .not. eof()
- if products->display
- @ line+y,x prompt products->name + space(5)+transform(products->price,"999.99") color g/n
- line=line+1
- endif
- skip
- if line>8
- @ line+y,x prompt "--- More Products ---"
- exit
- endif
- enddo
- if line <9
- set color to w/b
- do while line <10
- @ line+y,x say space(80-x*2)
- line=line+1
- enddo
- endif
- return
- procedure drawstuff
- do intwindow with 3,2,13,76," Description Qty Price "
- if iscolor()
- set color to n/w
- endif
- @ 2,2 say space(76)
- do Xcenter with 2,"Sound Advice Limited"
- return
- procedure drawTotal
- * if iscolor()
- set color to w+/BG
- * endif
- @ 15,67 say transform(subtotal,"9999.99")
- @ 16,72 say transform(discount,"99")+"%"
- x=maxproducts()
- if x>0
- x=x-1
- endif
- @ 17,67 say transform(ship*x,"9999.99")
- @ 19,66 say transform(ship*x+subtotal*((100-discount)/100),"99999.99")
- return
- procedure drawOrder
- i=1
- * if iscolor()
- set color to W+/BG
- * endif
- do while i<8
- select 2
- if prod(i) = 0
- @ i+4,3 say space(73)
- else
- locate for products->id=prod(i)
- @ i+4,4 say products->name
- @ i+4,69 say transform(pric(i),"999.99")
- @ i+4,60 say transform(qty(i),"999")
- endif
- i=i+1
- enddo
- return
- procedure client
- set color to w+/n
- clear
- ? "Searching..."
- select customer
- xuser=trim(upper(username()))
- locate for trim(upper(contact))=xuser .or. upper(trim(company))=xuser .or. upper(trim(bbsid))=xuser
- if found() .and. len(trim(username())) > 0
- xid=cust
- x_company=company
- x_address1=address1
- x_address2=address2
- x_city=city
- x_post_code=post_code
- x_country=country
- x_contact=contact
- x_phone=phone
- x_fax=fax
- x_data=data
- x_internet=internet
- x_fido=fidonet
- else
- x_company=space(60)
- x_address1=space(30)
- x_address2=space(23)
- x_city=left(city()+space(24),24)
- x_post_code=space(12)
- x_country=space(24)
- x_contact=left(username()+space(23),23)
- x_phone=left(voicephone()+space(16),16)
- x_fax=space(16)
- x_data=left(dataphone()+space(16),16)
- x_internet=space(30)
- x_fido=space(15)
- endif
- c='N'
- clear
- do Xwindow with 0,0,17,78,""
- do intwindow with 3,24,16,76,""
- * if iscolor()
- set color to w+/w
- * endif
- do Xcenter with 2,"Customer Information"
- * if iscolor()
- set color to gr+/w
- * endif
- @ 4,4 say " Company Name"
- @ 5,4 say " Address"
- @ 7,2 say "City, Province/State"
- @ 8,4 say " Postal/Zip Code"
- @ 9,4 say " Country"
- @ 10,4 say " Contact"
- @ 11,4 say " Phone Number"
- @ 12,4 say " Fax Number"
- @ 13,4 say " BBS Number"
- @ 14,4 say " Internet Address"
- @ 15,4 say " FidoNet Address"
- do while c='N'
- * if iscolor()
- set color to w+/b,w+/bg
- * endif
- @ 4,25 get x_company picture "@S51"
- @ 5,25 get x_address1 picture "@S30"
- @ 6,25 get x_address2 picture "@S23"
- @ 7,25 get x_city picture "@S24"
- @ 8,25 get x_post_code picture "@S12"
- @ 9,25 get x_country picture "@S24"
- @ 10,25 get x_contact picture "@S23"
- @ 11,25 get x_phone picture "@S16"
- @ 12,25 get x_fax picture "@S16"
- @ 13,25 get x_data picture "@S16"
- @ 14,25 get x_internet picture "@S30"
- @ 15,25 get x_fido picture "@S15"
- read
- if (len(trim(x_company))=0)
- do Xwindow with 18,10,22,70,""
- set color to R*/w
- @ 20,26 say "You must specify a Company Name!"
- read
- set color to w+/n
- @ 18,10 clear to 22,70
- loop
- endif
- if (len(trim(x_country))=0)
- do Xwindow with 18,10,22,70,""
- set color to R*/w
- @ 20,28 say "You must specify a Country!"
- read
- set color to w+/n
- @ 18,10 clear to 22,70
- loop
- endif
- * if iscolor()
- set color to w+/bg
- * endif
- @ 4,25 say x_company picture "@S51"
- @ 5,25 say x_address1 picture "@S30"
- @ 6,25 say x_address2 picture "@S23"
- @ 7,25 say x_city picture "@S24"
- @ 8,25 say x_post_code picture "@S12"
- @ 9,25 say x_country picture "@S24"
- @ 10,25 say x_contact picture "@S23"
- @ 11,25 say x_phone picture "@S16"
- @ 12,25 say x_fax picture "@S16"
- @ 13,25 say x_data picture "@S16"
- @ 14,25 say x_internet picture "@S30"
- @ 15,25 say x_fido picture "@S15"
- do Xwindow with 18,10,22,70,""
- * if iscolor()
- set color to w+/w
- * endif
- @ 20,25 say "Is the above information correct? "
- * if iscolor()
- set color to gr+/w
- * endif
- i=0
- do while i=0
- i=inkey()
- c=upper(chr(i))
- if c <> 'Y' .and. c <> 'N'
- i=0
- endif
- enddo
- if c='Y'
- ?? "Yes"
- else
- * if iscolor()
- set color to w+/n
- * endif
- @ 18,10 clear to 22,70
- endif
- enddo
- return
- procedure saveorder
- do Xwindow with 18,10,22,70,""
- set color to w+/w
- @ 20,25 say "Would you like to save this order? "
- set color to gr+/w
- i=0
- do while i=0
- i=inkey()
- c=upper(chr(i))
- if c <> 'Y' .and. c <> 'N'
- i=0
- endif
- enddo
- if c='Y'
- if xid=0
- select customer
- xid=maxcust()
- append blank
- replace company with x_company, address1 with x_address1
- replace address2 with x_address2, city with x_city, post_code with x_post_code
- replace country with x_country, contact with x_contact, phone with x_phone
- replace fax with x_fax, data with x_data, internet with x_internet
- replace fidonet with x_fido, cust with xid
- endif
- select sales
- x=1
- do while x < 8 .and. prod(x) >0
- append blank
- replace id with xid, product with prod(x), date with date()
- replace price with pric(x)
- replace credit_num with ccnum+' '+transform(ccxmonth,'99')+'/'+transform(ccxyear,'99')+' '+ccname
- replace seed with 0, endofsupp with date()+90
- if upper(x_country) ='U.S.A.' or upper(x_country) = 'USA' or upper(x_country) ="US" or upper(x_country) = 'U.S.' or len(x_country)=0
- replace ship_cost with 15.0, ship_type with "US"
- else
- replace ship_cost with 25.0, ship_type with "Intl"
- endif
- x=x+1
- enddo
- endif
- return
- function maxcust
- x=0
- go top
- do while .not. eof()
- if x < cust
- x=cust
- endif
- skip
- enddo
- return x+1