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- ;
- ; FLIT (C) 1994 Whirlwind Software
- ;
- ; FLIT.CFG - A sample configuration file for FLIT.
- ;
- ; Filename of the output text file for the main file list.
- output FLIT.TXT
- ; Filename of the header file for the main list.
- header FLIT.HDR
- ; Filename of the footer file for both main and new-files lists
- footer FLIT.FTR
- ; Reverse the commenting on the two below options to use Terse mode.
- ;terse
- verbose
- ; Comment this out to produce ONLY new-files lists.
- ;newonly
- ; New file cutoff is 30 days. Comment this out to turn off new-files lists.
- new 30
- ; Header filename for new-files list
- newheader FLIT-NEW.HDR
- ; Output filename for new-files list
- newoutput FLIT-NEW.TXT
- ; Comment this out if you don't want missing files listed
- missing
- ; What to display for missing files
- missingmsg ((( Missing )))
- ; The "box" definition
- box ╔╗╚╝═║
- ; Whether or not to skip blank lines
- ;skipblank
- ;
- ; These area definitions are examples only. You'll want to change them
- ; right away to reflect your areas and pathnames.
- ;
- area c:\limitles @.\files.001 Limitless Project: General
- area c:\limitles\ans Limitless Project: ANSi