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- /*
- * This file is part of LZSETUP (Configuration program for Listerz)
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1997 Branislav L. Slantchev (gargoyle)
- * A fine product of Silicon Creations, Inc.
- *
- * This file is released under the terms and conditions of the GNU
- * General Public License Version 2. The full text of the license is
- * supplied in the Copying.Doc file included with this archive. This
- * free software comes with absolutely no warranty, as outlined in the
- * licensing text. You are not allowed to remove this copyright notice.
- *
- * Contact: Branislav L. Slantchev at 73023.262@compuserve.com
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <opcrt.h>
- #include <opcolor.h>
- #include <opmenu.h>
- #include <opsedit.h>
- #include <opdos.h>
- #include <opentry.h>
- #include <oppick.h>
- #include <opmouse.h>
- #include "../lzconfig.h"
- #include "lzs_cmds.h"
- #include "lzs_vers.h"
- #include "file.h"
- extern void DisplayBanner();
- extern boolean MsgAsk(char*, char*, boolean*,ColorSet&,boolean=TRUE);
- extern boolean AskFileName(char *header, char *fileName, ColorSet&);
- extern void DropFile();
- extern void SystemPaths();
- extern word InitMenu(Menu &M, ColorSet &Colors);
- extern void ArchiverSetup(int archiver);
- extern void SelectColor(byte *attrib, char *header);
- extern void SelectSymbol(byte *symbol, char *header);
- extern void EditScreen(char *fileName, int nRects, zRect*[], char*[]);
- extern boolean LoadConfig();
- extern void SaveConfig();
- extern void proboard_emulator_init();
- extern void proboard_emulator_term();
- extern byte far LzsKeySet[];
- // Color set used by entry screen
- ColorSet lz_Colors =
- {
- /* TextColor */ CyanOnBlack, /* TextMono */ LtGrayOnBlack,
- /* CtrlColor */ YellowOnBlue, /* CtrlMono */ WhiteOnBlack,
- /* FrameColor */ WhiteOnBlack, /* FrameMono */ LtGrayOnBlack,
- /* HeaderColor */ YellowOnBlue, /* HeaderMono */ BlackOnLtGray,
- /* ShadowColor */ BlackOnBlack, /* ShadowMono */ WhiteOnBlack,
- /* HighlightColor */ WhiteOnRed, /* HighlightMono */ BlackOnLtGray,
- /* PromptColor */ LtGrayOnBlack, /* PromptMono */ LtGrayOnBlack,
- /* SelPromptColor */ BlueOnLtGray, /* SelPromptMono */ LtGrayOnBlack,
- /* ProPromptColor */ BlackOnCyan, /* ProPromptMono */ LtGrayOnBlack,
- /* FieldColor */ LtGrayOnBlack, /* FieldMono */ LtGrayOnBlack,
- /* SelFieldColor */ BlueOnGreen, /* SelFieldMono */ WhiteOnBlack,
- /* ProFieldColor */ LtGrayOnBlue, /* ProFieldMono */ LtGrayOnBlack,
- /* ScrollBarColor */ CyanOnBlue, /* ScrollBarMono */ LtGrayOnBlack,
- /* SliderColor */ CyanOnBlue, /* SliderMono */ WhiteOnBlack,
- /* HotSpotColor */ BlackOnCyan, /* HotSpotMono */ BlackOnLtGray,
- /* BlockColor */ YellowOnCyan, /* BlockMono */ WhiteOnBlack,
- /* MarkerColor */ WhiteOnMagenta, /* MarkerMono */ BlackOnLtGray,
- /* DelimColor */ BlueOnCyan, /* DelimMono */ WhiteOnBlack,
- /* SelDelimColor */ BlueOnCyan, /* SelDelimMono */ WhiteOnBlack,
- /* ProDelimColor */ BlueOnCyan, /* ProDelimMono */ WhiteOnBlack,
- /* SelItemColor */ BlueOnLtGray, /* SelItemMono */ BlackOnLtGray,
- /* ProItemColor */ DkGrayOnBlack, /* ProItemMono */ LtGrayOnBlack,
- /* HighItemColor */ YellowOnBlack, /* HighItemMono */ WhiteOnBlack,
- /* AltItemColor */ CyanOnBlack, /* AltItemMono */ WhiteOnBlack,
- /* AltSelItemColor */ BlueOnLtGray, /* AltSelItemMono */ BlackOnLtGray,
- /* FlexAHelpColor */ WhiteOnBlue, /* FlexAHelpMono */ WhiteOnBlack,
- /* FlexBHelpColor */ WhiteOnBlue, /* FlexBHelpMono */ WhiteOnBlack,
- /* FlexCHelpColor */ LtCyanOnBlue, /* FlexCHelpMono */ BlackOnLtGray,
- /* UnselXrefColor */ YellowOnBlue, /* UnselXrefMono */ LtBlueOnBlack,
- /* SelXrefColor */ WhiteOnMagenta, /* SelXrefMono */ BlackOnLtGray,
- /* MouseColor */ WhiteOnRed, /* MouseMono */ BlackOnLtGray
- };
- LZCONFIG lz_Config;
- char lz_ConfigPath[80];
- FrameArray lz_FrameType = "╓╙╖╜──║║";
- boolean lz_Dirty;
- CommandProcessor lz_Commands;
- RawWindow StatusLine;
- word Status;
- Menu Menu;
- // display copyright text header
- void
- DisplayCopyright()
- {
- ClearWindow(1, 1, ScreenWidth, 1, ' ', BlackOnCyan);
- FastCenter(__COPYRIGHT__, 1, BlackOnCyan);
- }
- // initialize window for the help line
- word
- InitHelpLine(RawWindow &aStatusLine)
- {
- byte Row = 25;
- if( !aStatusLine.InitCustom(1,Row,ScreenWidth,Row,lz_Colors,wClear) )
- return aStatusLine.InitStatus;
- aStatusLine.SetTextAttr(BlackOnLtGray, LtGrayOnBlack);
- return 0;
- }
- // report errors
- void
- ErrorHandler(byte ModuleCode, word &ErrCode, char *Msg)
- {
- RingBell();
- }
- void
- UpdateHelpLine(MenuItemNodePtr CurrentItem, MenuPtr)
- {
- char s[255];
- if( CurrentItem == NULL ) s[0] = '\0';
- else
- {
- CurrentItem->HelpString(&s[1]);
- s[0] = ' ';
- }
- Pad(s, StatusLine.Width(), s);
- StatusLine.wFastText(s, 1, 1);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // duh!
- int
- main()
- {
- DetectMultitasking = TRUE;
- OPMenuInit();
- OPWindowInit();
- OPSEditInit();
- OPEntryInit();
- OPPickInit();
- OPMouseInit();
- if( MouseInstalled ) MouseGotoXY(1,1);
- proboard_emulator_init();
- Status = InitMenu(Menu, lz_Colors);
- if( Status != 0 )
- {
- cprintf("Error initializing menu: %u\r\n", Status);
- return 0;
- }
- //set up user hooks
- Menu.SetErrorFunc(ErrorHandler);
- lz_Commands.Init((CmdTablePtr)LzsKeySet, LZS_KEYSMAX);
- Status = InitHelpLine(StatusLine);
- if( Status != 0 )
- {
- cprintf("Error initializing help line: %d\r\n", Status);
- exit(1);
- }
- Menu.SetCurrentItemFunc(UpdateHelpLine);
- TextChar = '░';
- ClrScr();
- DisplayCopyright();
- StatusLine.Draw();
- Menu.Draw();
- lz_Dirty = FALSE;
- LoadConfig(); // may set Dirty to TRUE!!! (sets lz_ConfigPath)
- MenuLoop:
- for( ;; )
- {
- int command;
- zRect *rects[10];
- char *headers[10];
- Menu.Process();
- command = Menu.GetLastCommand();
- if( ccQuit == command ) goto ExitMenuLoop;
- else if( ccSelect != command ) continue;
- switch( Menu.MenuChoice() )
- {
- case miMainScreen:
- rects[0] = &lz_Config.lbox_Bounds;
- rects[1] = &lz_Config.cbar_Bounds;
- headers[0] = " Name Display Area ";
- headers[1] = " Command Bar Area ";
- EditScreen(lz_Config.sys_MainFile, 2, rects, headers);
- break;
- case miProcScreen:
- rects[0] = &lz_Config.proc_Bounds;
- rects[1] = &lz_Config.area_Bounds;
- rects[2] = &lz_Config.area_Percent;
- rects[3] = &lz_Config.area_Progbar.bounds;
- rects[4] = &lz_Config.total_Percent;
- rects[5] = &lz_Config.total_Progbar.bounds;
- rects[6] = &lz_Config.total_Areas;
- rects[7] = &lz_Config.total_Files;
- rects[8] = &lz_Config.total_Size;
- rects[9] = &lz_Config.total_ListSize;
- headers[0] = " Name Display Area ";
- headers[1] = " Current Area Name ";
- headers[2] = "% Current Area";
- headers[3] = " Current Progress Bar ";
- headers[4] = "% All Areas";
- headers[5] = " Total Progress Bar ";
- headers[6] = " Total Areas ";
- headers[7] = " Total Files ";
- headers[8] = " Total Size ";
- headers[9] = " Listing Size ";
- EditScreen(lz_Config.sys_ProcFile, 10, rects, headers);
- break;
- case miTest:
- break;
- case miPbarFgChar:
- SelectSymbol(&lz_Config.area_Progbar.fgChar, " Fore Symbol ");
- break;
- case miPbarBgChar:
- SelectSymbol(&lz_Config.area_Progbar.bgChar, " Back Symbol ");
- break;
- case miPbarTotalFgChar:
- SelectSymbol(&lz_Config.total_Progbar.fgChar, " Fore Symbol ");
- break;
- case miPbarTotalBgChar:
- SelectSymbol(&lz_Config.total_Progbar.bgChar, " Back Symbol ");
- break;
- case miTagSymbol:
- SelectSymbol(&lz_Config.lbox_TagChar, " Tag Symbol ");
- break;
- case miListAreaName:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.lbox_Color, " List Box ");
- break;
- case miListSelectBar:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.lbox_Hilite, " Hilite Bar ");
- break;
- case miListTag:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.lbox_TagColor, " Tag Symbol ");
- break;
- case miListTagHilite:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.lbox_TagHilite, " Tag Hilite ");
- break;
- case miCbarActiveFg:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.cbar_Color, " Active Text " );
- break;
- case miCbarActiveBg:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.cbar_Background, " Active Fill " );
- break;
- case miCbarHotkey:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.cbar_HotkeyColor, " Hotkeys ");
- break;
- case miCbarHilite:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.cbar_HiliteColor, " Hilite Text ");
- break;
- case miCbarOffFg:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.cbar_OffColor, " Inactive Text ");
- break;
- case miCbarOffBg:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.cbar_OffBackground, " Inactive Fill ");
- break;
- case miProcText:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.proc_Color, " List Text ");
- break;
- case miProcDigits:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.total_DigitColor, " Digits ");
- break;
- case miProcAreaName:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.area_Color, " Hilite Text ");
- break;
- case miPbarFg:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.area_Progbar.fgColor, " Current Fg ");
- break;
- case miPbarBg:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.area_Progbar.bgColor, " Current Bg ");
- break;
- case miPbarTotalFg:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.total_Progbar.fgColor, " Total Fg ");
- break;
- case miPbarTotalBg:
- SelectColor(&lz_Config.total_Progbar.bgColor, " Total Bg ");
- break;
- case miZIP : ArchiverSetup(ARCHIVER_ZIP); break;
- case miRAR : ArchiverSetup(ARCHIVER_RAR); break;
- case miARJ : ArchiverSetup(ARCHIVER_ARJ); break;
- case miLHA : ArchiverSetup(ARCHIVER_LHA); break;
- case miZOO : ArchiverSetup(ARCHIVER_ZOO); break;
- case miFileLocations: SystemPaths(); break;
- case miUseron : DropFile(); break;
- case miInformation : DisplayBanner(); break;
- case miExit : goto ExitMenuLoop;
- }
- }
- ExitMenuLoop:
- if( lz_Dirty )
- {
- boolean escaped, rv;
- rv = MsgAsk("Warning", "Configuration modified. Save now?", &escaped, lz_Colors);
- if( escaped ) goto MenuLoop;
- if( rv )
- {
- AskFileName(" Config File ", lz_ConfigPath, lz_Colors);
- SaveConfig(); // uses lz_ConfigPath
- }
- }
- Menu.Erase();
- Menu.Done();
- StatusLine.Erase();
- StatusLine.Done();
- lz_Commands.Done();
- ClrScr();
- cprintf("lzSetup %s ∙ The Listerz Configuration Utility\n\r",__VERSION__);
- cprintf(" ■ Copyright (c) 1997 Branislav L. Slantchev\n\r");
- cprintf(" ■ A Fine Product of Silicon Creations, Inc.\n\r");
- cprintf(" ■ Release version compiled on %s at %s\n\r", __DATE__, __TIME__);
- proboard_emulator_term();
- return 0;
- }