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- /*
- * This file is part of LZSETUP (Configuration program for Listerz)
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1997 Branislav L. Slantchev (gargoyle)
- * A fine product of Silicon Creations, Inc.
- *
- * This file is released under the terms and conditions of the GNU
- * General Public License Version 2. The full text of the license is
- * supplied in the Copying.Doc file included with this archive. This
- * free software comes with absolutely no warranty, as outlined in the
- * licensing text. You are not allowed to remove this copyright notice.
- *
- * Contact: Branislav L. Slantchev at 73023.262@compuserve.com
- */
- #include "geometry.h"
- #include "terminal.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <opwindow.h>
- #include <opcrt.h>
- #include <opcolor.h>
- extern ColorSet lz_Colors;
- extern boolean lz_Dirty;
- #define ATTR_HIGH 0x1E
- #define ATTR_NORM 0x19
- #define BACK_HIGH 0x1F
- #define BACK_NORM 0x01
- #define CHAR_HIGH '▓'
- #define CHAR_NORM '░'
- static char *StatusHelp =
- "\x02 F2\x01 Save \x02 Alt-X \x01Quit \x02 \032 \x01Move "
- "\x02 Shift-\032 \x01Resize \x02 Tab \01Switch ";
- static FlexAttrs FlexColors = { 0x74, 0x70, 0x74 };
- /*
- * display the background ansi/avatar/ascii/pcboard/wildcat file
- */
- static void
- DisplayFile(char *fileName)
- {
- zTerminal terminal;
- ansi_interp ansi;
- avatar_interp avatar;
- pcboard_interp pcboard;
- FILE *fp;
- terminal.clrScr();
- if( 0 != (fp = fopen(fileName, "rb")) )
- {
- uchar ch;
- terminal.RegisterHandler(&avatar);
- terminal.RegisterHandler(&pcboard);
- terminal.RegisterHandler(&ansi);
- setvbuf(fp, NULL, 0x4000, _IOFBF);
- ch = fgetc(fp);
- while( !feof(fp) )
- {
- terminal.handle(ch);
- ch = fgetc(fp);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- terminal.flush();
- }
- }
- static void
- SwitchCurrent(StackWindow &prev, StackWindow &next, char *text)
- {
- prev.SetTextAttr(BACK_NORM, 0x07);
- prev.SetBackChar(CHAR_NORM);
- prev.Clear();
- next.Select();
- next.SetTextAttr(BACK_HIGH, 0x07);
- next.SetBackChar(CHAR_HIGH);
- next.Clear();
- next.wFastCenter(text, 1, ATTR_HIGH);
- }
- /*
- * edit several rectangles against a background file 'fileName'
- */
- void
- EditScreen(char *fileName, int nRects, zRect* r[], char *names[])
- {
- StackWindow *win;
- byte x1, x2, y1, y2;
- long options = wClear|wResizeable|wUserContents;
- if( nRects > 1 && 0 != (win = new StackWindow [nRects]) )
- {
- int i, curWin = 0;
- void far *buf;
- SaveWindow(1, 1, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, TRUE, buf);
- for( i = 0; i < nRects; ++i )
- {
- x1 = r[i]->a.x; y1 = r[i]->a.y;
- x2 = r[i]->b.x; y2 = r[i]->b.y;
- win[i].InitCustom(x1, y1, x2, y2, lz_Colors, options);
- win[i].SetPosLimits(1, 1, ScreenWidth - 1, ScreenHeight - 1);
- win[i].SetSizeLimits(1, 1, ScreenWidth - 1, ScreenHeight - 1);
- win[i].SetCursor(cuHidden);
- }
- HiddenCursor();
- DisplayFile(fileName);
- for( i = 0; i < nRects; ++i )
- {
- win[i].Select();
- win[i].Draw();
- win[i].SetTextAttr(BACK_NORM, 0x07);
- win[i].SetBackChar(CHAR_NORM);
- win[i].Clear();
- }
- // select the first window
- win[curWin].Select();
- win[curWin].SetTextAttr(BACK_HIGH, 0x07);
- win[curWin].SetBackChar(CHAR_HIGH);
- win[curWin].Clear();
- win[curWin].wFastCenter(names[curWin], 1, ATTR_HIGH);
- // draw the help info on line 25
- FlexWrite(StatusHelp, ScreenHeight, 1, FlexColors);
- // process user commands and resize/move windows
- for( ;; )
- {
- int prevWin = curWin;
- switch( ReadKeyWord() )
- {
- case 0x2D00:
- goto DoneSelections; // Alt+X
- case 0x0F09: // Tab
- curWin = (curWin + 1) % nRects;
- SwitchCurrent(win[prevWin], win[curWin], names[curWin]);
- break;
- case 0x0F00: // Shift+Tab
- curWin = (0 == curWin) ? nRects - 1 : curWin - 1;
- SwitchCurrent(win[prevWin], win[curWin], names[curWin]);
- break;
- case 0x3C00: // F2
- for( i = 0; i < nRects; ++i )
- {
- win[i].Coordinates(x1, y1, x2, y2);
- r[i]->a.x = x1; r[i]->a.y = y1;
- r[i]->b.x = x2; r[i]->b.y = y2;
- lz_Dirty = TRUE;
- }
- goto DoneSelections;
- case 0x4B00: // Shift+Left and Left
- if( KbdFlags() & 3 ) win[curWin].ResizeWindow(-1,0);
- else win[curWin].MoveWindow(-1, 0);
- win[curWin].wFastCenter(names[curWin], 1, ATTR_HIGH);
- break;
- case 0x4D00: // Shift+Right and Right
- if( KbdFlags() & 3 ) win[curWin].ResizeWindow(+1,0);
- else win[curWin].MoveWindow(+1, 0);
- win[curWin].wFastCenter(names[curWin], 1, ATTR_HIGH);
- break;
- case 0x4800: // Shift+Up and Up
- if( KbdFlags() & 3 ) win[curWin].ResizeWindow(0,-1);
- else win[curWin].MoveWindow(0, -1);
- win[curWin].wFastCenter(names[curWin], 1, ATTR_HIGH);
- break;
- case 0x5000: // Shift+Down and Down
- if( KbdFlags() & 3 ) win[curWin].ResizeWindow(0,+1);
- else win[curWin].MoveWindow(0, +1);
- win[curWin].wFastCenter(names[curWin], 1, ATTR_HIGH);
- break;
- }
- }
- DoneSelections:
- // screen cleanup
- for( i = 0; i < nRects; ++i )
- {
- win[i].Select();
- win[i].Erase();
- win[i].Done();
- }
- delete[] win;
- RestoreWindow(1, 1, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, TRUE, buf);
- }
- }