home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Here lies the main part of lread, a DOS program designed to read
- * the Linux ext2 file system. It was written in April of 1995 by a
- * group of three: Jason Hunter, Kris Hett, and David Lutz.
- * It is the first really cool program produced for Ed Loyot's
- * Operating Systems class. Kris unfortunately had too little time
- * available to devote to this project, so none of his code is included
- * in this package.
- */
- /* This file's contents were written by both Jason and Dave.
- */
- /* Still to do: (you're welcome to help!)
- * add more robust modes--like for devices
- * allow chasing softlinks
- * make ldir dates shorter (like ls ???)
- * add more error handling
- * don't let it overwrite a DOS file ???
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <ctype.h> /* for tolower() */
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- #include <sys\stat.h>
- #include <io.h> /* for creat/write/close */
- #else
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #endif
- #include <string.h>
- #include "ext2.h"
- #include "proto.h"
- #define DEBUG 0 /* true==1 */
- void main( int argc, char **argv )
- {
- inode *i;
- byte buf[1024];
- char argv1bak[1024];
- int bytes, fd;
- long inode_num;
- int x;
- /* change the argv[0] to lowercase */
- for( x=0; x < strlen( argv[0] ); x++ )
- argv[0][x] = tolower( argv[0][x] );
- if( argc < 2 )
- if( strstr( argv[0], "ldir" ) != NULL ) /* See if a dir is requested */
- {
- printf( "format: ldir /LinuxPath/LinuxDir\n" );
- exit(-1);
- }
- else /* it was a lread */
- {
- printf( "format: lread /LinuxPath/LinuxFile [DosFile]\n" );
- exit(-1);
- }
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- _fmode = O_BINARY; /* we want all files binary for this */
- #endif
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- examine_drive();
- #else
- open_dev( "/dev/hda4" );
- #endif
- if( load_super() == -1 ) /* Couldn't get superblock */
- exit( -1 );
- if (DEBUG) print_super();
- if( load_groups() == -1 ) /* Couldn't read groups */
- exit( -1 );
- if (DEBUG) print_groups();
- strcpy( argv1bak, argv[1] );
- inode_num = eatpath( argv[1] );
- if( inode_num == 0 ) exit( -1 ); /* Linux path was invalid */
- i = load_inode( inode_num );
- if( i == NULL ) exit( -1 ); /* Problem with the inode */
- if( strstr( argv[0], "ldir" ) != NULL ) /* See if a dir is requested */
- {
- list_dir( i );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- if (DEBUG) print_inode( i );
- if (DEBUG) print_blocks( i );
- if( argc == 3)
- {
- fd = creat( argv[2], S_IREAD | S_IWRITE );
- if (fd == -1)
- {
- perror( "Problem opening second argument file (DOS file)" );
- exit( -1 );
- }
- }
- else /* argc == 2 and we want output to stdout */
- {
- fd = 1;
- }
- /* No malloc needed since it's char buf[1024] */
- bytes = read_inode( i, buf, 1024 ); /* read first block */
- if( bytes == -1 ) exit( -1 ); /* problem reading */
- do
- {
- write( fd, buf, bytes ); /* write to disk */
- bytes = read_inode( NULL, buf, 1024 );
- if( bytes == -1) exit( -1 ); /* problem reading */
- } while( bytes != 0 );
- if( bytes == 0 && argc == 3 )
- printf( "%s copied to %s\n",argv1bak, argv[2]);
- else if( bytes == 0 && argc == 2 )
- printf( "*** No errors ***\n" );
- else if( bytes == -1 && argc == 3 )
- printf( "Problem reading file... check %s for partial data.\n",argv[2]);
- else if( bytes == -1 && argc == 2 )
- printf( "*** Problem encountered reading file ***\n");
- else
- printf( "You should NEVER see this error message. :-)\n");
- close( fd );
- }