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- Copyright 1995-1997 Branislav L. Slantchev ; ; ;,;_~- :/;~'''-
- A Production of Silicon Creations, Inc. ; ; `;;'~ :/ |';`~
- All Rights Reserved. ; : ;, :/ ;;;'
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- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- [Topic] [Keyword]
- Overview ................................... /OVERVIEW
- Installation ............................... /INSTALL
- Command Line Options ....................... /OPTIONS
- MAILX.INI Reference ........................ /MAILX
- Usage and Sample ........................... /USAGE
- Caveat Emptor .............................. /DISCLAIMER
- Source Code ................................ /SOURCE
- Packing Slip ............................... /PACKING
- Registration ............................... /REGISTER
- Getting in Touch ........................... /CONTACT
- Greetings and Thank You's .................. /GREETINGS
- Copyrights, Trademarks, Etc. ............... /TRADEMARKS
- o v e r v i e w /OVERVIEW
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- This is yet another quality product of Silicon Creations, Inc. and a nice
- addition to your collection of ProBoard pexen. If you are not running the
- ProBoard BBS package, this program will not be useful to you, so you should
- probably discontiue wasting your time with this document. On the other
- hand, if you are a ProBoard sysop, read on.
- mail-x is the new incarnation of the popular Mail-X program. It offers
- most of the features of the previous versions, but with added flexibility.
- To summarize, the new revision was aimed strictly at visual appeal. There
- are virtually no hard-coded colors or layouts, everything can be configured
- with the MAILX.INI setup file. The program also uses a free-form background
- file which can be drawn in any software which supports text mode graphics.
- So, what is mail-x? It is a hybrid program which will enable your users to
- select the areas they want included in their scans for new mail, as well
- as the combined board processing. This pex completely replaces the built-in
- ProBoard functions. There is a very annoying feature of the BBS which sets
- all areas to ON for new mail scans when a new user logs on. Most callers
- are unaware of that and wonder why the scans take so long to complete. This
- program lets the callers control which areas will be checked for new mail.
- As an additional bonus, the Sysop can define forced areas which will be
- always set to ON regardless of the preferences of the users. This is done
- in order to make it easier for Sysops to ensure that certain areas will be
- checked for mail (like system announcement areas, for example). There is
- no such feature in ProBoard itself.
- The second mode of operation is more or less similar to the first one
- except users can manipulate the combined boards. You can setup mail-x to
- operate interactively, in which case the caller is presented with a full
- screen multi-colored selection menu. The program is very intuitive and
- easy to use, so there should be no confusion. In the transparent mode,
- mail-x lets you set or reset globally the areas. You can elect to set all
- boards to on or off, or simply enable the areas defined as forced.
- mail-x fully supports UserDoes and Doing for multiline systems. Also,
- if the caller does not have ANSI/AVATAR capabilities, mail-x will
- automatically run the appropriate internal ProBoard routines!
- i n s t a l l a t i o n /INSTALL
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Copy MAILX.PEX, MAILX.INI and MAILX.ANS to your PEX directory. Actually,
- the .ANS file (which is the background screen) does not have to go there.
- You can place it anywhere on your system and name it anything you want,
- just make sure you update the DisplayFile field in the MAILX.INI file so
- that the program can find it.
- The second step is to edit your menu setup. There are two ways in which
- you can install mail-x. On of them is to use the TOP menu with the
- transparent mode if you want to force areas on or off. You would simply
- use Function 60 (Execute SDK File) and the data will be on of the
- following lines (note the explanations or each one of them):
- MAILX /G ON ; this forces all areas to ON
- MAILX /G OFF ; this forces all areas to OFF
- MAILX /G FORCED ; turn on all areas defined as forced
- MAILX /C /G ON ; turn on all combined boards
- MAILX /C /G OFF ; turn off all combined boards
- MAILX /C /G FORCED ; turn on all forced combined areas (??)
- The last three command lines are not very useful, but some people find
- them necessary.
- The other way to install mail-x (and this is the recommended setup), is
- to have it as a separate menu item. The data line should be 'mailx' without
- any parameters. This will launch mail-x in its interactive full-screen
- mode. Note that your callers have to have either ANSI or AVATAR terminal
- emulation enabled. If mail-x detects a caller with an ASCII terminal, it
- will note this in your PROBOARD.LOG file and will then ProBoard's internal
- selector function (depending on the mode requested). This way you don't
- have to worry about ASCII users not getting what they need. Note that this
- only applies to the interactive mode. Terminal emulation does not matter
- for the transparent operation.
- Of course, only the areas to which the user has read access will be shown
- in the program. Also note that only the first 1,000 areas are available
- for use. This is a limitation of ProBoard which despite supporting 10,000
- areas, can only store the information for the first 1,000.
- If, for some strange reason, mail-x does not seem to work and simply
- exits when run, check your PROBOARD.LOG file for possible errors. All
- error conditions will be logged there.
- c o m m a n d l i n e o p t i o n s /OPTIONS
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- If you want to use mail-x in its most common way, there are no command-line
- options to worry about, except possibly for one (/C). Note that the options
- are not case sensitive, and can be preceded by a dash ('-') or a forward
- slash ('/'). You should separate options with one or more blanks, but
- there should be no whitespace between the option switch and the letter.
- /C
- Combined boards mode of operation. By default, mail-x works on
- the new mail scan areas. This option is used to force mail-x to
- operate as a replacement for function 28.
- Global mode. This turns off the interactive features and causes
- mail-x to run transparently. The user will not be notified of any
- action that takes place. You can use only on of the three option
- parameters:
- ON
- Turn all areas on in the user record
- Turn all areas off in the user record (including forced)
- Turn on all areas marked as forced in the MAILX.INI file
- Drop file. You can choose what kind of information file should
- mail-x use. This feature is useful for multinode systems where
- there exist programs which report the status of other nodes. You
- can choose the format of drop file depending on the program you
- have set up on your system:
- UserDoes (DqP, Eddie Van Loon's program). This option
- creates a UserDoes.<node> file with a brief information
- about what the user is currently up to.
- Creates a drop file compatible with Fe-line's Doing
- program. If the file already exists, the proper record
- will be updated.
- By default, mail-x does not create any information drop files.
- m a i l x . i n i r e f e r e n c e /MAILX
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Previous versions of mail-x used data stored in the mail-x domain in the
- SILICON.INI file. This version departs from this approach. The reason is
- speed. There are too many options that need to be loaded from the INI
- file and a bigger file means slower execution. Note that the .INI file
- must be placed in the same directory as the executable (usually, your
- ProBoard PEX directory) and must have the same name as the PEX (just a
- different extension .INI). This means that if you choose to rename the
- pex, you will have to rename the .INI file too.
- This file is a standard ASCII text file. There is a sample MAILX.INI
- which is included with the distribution. It is fully annotated, so please
- refer to it for more information.
- The keywords must begin in column 1 on each row. They are not case-
- sensitive. The keyword is followed by an equal ('=') sign which can
- be (optionally) surrounded by whitespace. The data for the keyword is
- after the equal sign.
- There are several boolean options. These you can set with the words
- 'True', 'False', with the numbers 0 (False) and 1 (True) or you can
- set the keyword to False by simply commenting it out.
- Colors are somewhat more complicated. Color attributes are specified
- with decimal numbers. Use the table below to obtain the values:
- Black = 0 Red = 4 Dark Gray = 8 Light Red = 12
- Blue = 1 Magenta = 5 Light Blue = 9 Light Magenta = 13
- Green = 2 Brown = 6 Light Green = 10 Yellow = 14
- Cyan = 3 Gray = 7 Light Cyan = 11 White = 15
- To get a color, use the number for the color. To get a combination of a
- foreground-background color, multiply the color you want for background
- by 16 and then add the foreground to it. Note that you can use only colors
- 0-7 for background. The values above will cause blinking (you can use
- that too if you like it :-) If you want to force blink, add 128 to the
- attribute you have selected:
- Yellow on Blue = 14 + 1 * 16 = 30
- Blinking Black on Cyan = 0 + 3 * 16 + 128 = 176
- LightCyan on Dark Grey = 11 + 8 * 16 = 139
- (note that the result is NOT what you expected. This is
- because you cannot use colors greater than 7 for the
- background attribute)
- u s a g e a n d s a m p l e /USAGE
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- mail-x comes preconfigured with a sample MAILX.ANS file. The built-in
- settings are tailored for this particular background screen. It is very
- pretty and probably most Sysops will choose to stay with it. If not,
- there are several things you need to be aware of.
- First, the command-bar item strings are not definable. You can move the
- location of the command bar, but you cannot modify the text in it. This
- is a shortcoming that is easily rectified, but which (if implemented)
- would slow mail-x down considerably. I have debated whether to make it
- as configurable as it is now for the same reasons (not to mention bloating
- of the executable).
- Another feature (this is a nice one), is the background screen file. This
- need not be limited to ANSi format. Since mail-x does not use ProBoard's
- file display functions, it is not limited to the formats it can display.
- The built-in interpreter can handle ANSi, Avatar, PCBoard and Widlcat!
- format files. So, if you happend to have a picture you like in any of
- these formats, simply use it, there is no need for conversions!
- Here's the setup used at the Silicon Creations BBS. In the TOP menu,
- there are two entries, both are autoexecutable:
- MAILX /G OFF ; for maximum user level 100 (new users)
- ; entry which upgrades new users to security level 200
- MAILX /G FORCED ; for all users
- Then, on the mail/message menu, there are two other items:
- MAILX /D DOING ; select mail areas for new mail scan (with Doing)
- MAILX /C /D DOING ; select combined boards (Doing suport)
- As you can see, mail-x is pretty versatile and easy to use.
- c a v e a t e m p t o r /DISCLAIMER
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- mail-x (all executables, documentation, source, and sample files) are
- Copyright (c) 1985-1997 Branislav L. Slantchev. A fine production of
- Silicon Creations, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program (the COPYING.DOC file); if not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- s o u r c e c o d e /SOURCE
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The complete C++ source code for mail-x is freely available. It is released
- in a separate archive in order to conserve space and to avoid burdening
- people with things they do not necessarily want. The name of the source
- code package is formed as MAILXnnS.RAR where 'nn' is the revision number.
- For example, for version 3.0, the file will be named MZILX30S.RAR.
- Note that you will need PB-Lib v3.0 or later in order to compile the pex.
- Since the source code uses PB-Lib exclusively, you can compile it to a
- regular MS-DOS(tm) executable (this is exactly how it was initially
- developed). The code has been tested with Borland C++ 3.1 and might not
- (although it should) work with different compilers. A makefile is
- provided for compiling the PEX version, and a project file for building
- the regular standard executable.
- The source code is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the
- file Copying.Doc distributed with it. It is basically free for any use
- but it remains copyrighted by Branislav L. Slantchev.
- p a c k i n g s l i p /PACKING
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The files in this archive has been compressed with RAR Version 2.0 with
- a security envelope. The reason for this format is quite simple - it
- compresses far better than ZIP (not as fast, though). When you unpack the
- files, you should see the following message at startup:
- Verifying authenticity information ... Ok
- and then (when the process is complete, you should see the following):
- Archive MAILX30X.RAR
- created at hh:mm:ss dd mmm yyyy
- by Silicon Creations, Inc.
- If you don't see these messages, the archive has most likely been tampered
- with and you should obtain a fresh copy. Note that I have had problems with
- people modifying the archives before and that is why I strongly suggest
- you take every precaution possible to prevent malicious "hackers" from
- wreaking havoc on your computer. For all those "hackers", I can feel
- nothing but pity... maybe some day they will learn how to do something on
- their own... something creative. Until that time, we must protect ourselves.
- r e g i s t r a t i o n /REGISTER
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Of course, no registration is necessary for this program. It is being
- distributed as freeware (meaning that I retain the copyright but you
- are allowed to use mail-x without paying me any money). Go figure. Since
- some people have expressed desire to contribute to Silicon Creations,
- I hereby officially notify everyone that donations are accepted. You can
- also request custom programs for a nominal fee. I reserve the right to
- refuse anything sent to me or any request made for programming. Priority
- will be given to projects that bring $$$. Ah, if you strongly feel like
- contributing but you are not able to afford sending money, it's ok. Send
- me a post card of your home town, I would really appreciate it. If you
- can't afford that... have a beer on my behalf :-)
- g e t t i n g i n t o u c h /CONTACT
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Due to the lengthy nature of the topic, it has been moved to a separate
- file. Read Support.Doc for details on how to get in touch with me. Also,
- read the file FAQ.Doc for some questions people frequently ask me and
- the answers to them.
- g r e e t i n g s /GREETINGS
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Greetings go to the following: Philippe Leybaert (what a novel idea!),
- Ruben Provoost (JMJ), Wim Jans, Olivier Debonne, Timothy Bryant,
- Arthur Stark, Chuck King, Tiago Pascoal, and many others whose names
- have slipped my mind while writing this document.
- Of course, special thanks goes to the faithful support and distribution
- sites all around the world. You have been great, guys and gals! We have
- done it once again.
- c o p y r i g h t s , t r a d e m a r k s , e t c . /TRADEMARKS
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- mail-x ............................. Branislav L. Slantchev
- PB-Lib ............................. Branislav L. Slantchev
- ProBoard ........................... Philippe Leybaert
- UserDoes ........................... Eddie Van Loon
- Doing .............................. Fe-line Software
- Borland C++ ........................ Borland International
- All other programs and products mentioned above are property of their
- respective owners. Mentioning them in this manual does not constitute
- endorsement. If you like them, good. If not, good. I don't care.