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File List | 1997-02-23 | 24.3 KB | 528 lines |
- ┌────────── ┌─────────── ┌───── ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐
- ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── │ Creators of "The Comm Router"! │
- ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── │ │
- ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── │ Now the official managers of │
- ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── │ "BBS Utiliteez Software" │
- ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── │ │
- ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── │ Stephan Pollack [CEO] │
- ┌────────── ┌─────────── ┌───── │ Doug Harrington [Chief Programmer] │
- │ FidoNet 1:285/703 - utilz@bbc.net │
- Online Development Incorporated │ Support BBS/FAX: 308-762-2239 │
- └─────────────────────────────────────┘
- All files are Freq'able by Magic Name or File Name from any of the
- adresses shown below, 24 hours per day, 33600 Baud Max.
- 1:285/703 @ FidoNet
- 411:1500/0 @ ivNET
- See BBS-UTIL.TXT for a list of Official Registration Sites....
- Also, the FDN for BBS Utiliteez Software is setup. The tag name is
- IVN_BUTILZ. It is carried by ivNET, Planet Connect, Fido Backbone,
- and PageSate.
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: TDK_V134.RAR
- │ TDK (The DoorKit) v1.34 is the first door │ Magic Name: DOORKIT
- │ development kit of its kind! This is the │ Updated: 01/01/97
- │ original MAX Graphics compatible door kit │ Size: 750K
- │ and is guaranteed to always be 100% up to │
- │ date with the MAX Graphics specification! │
- │ Also supports ANSI/TTY/RIP/AVATAR as well │
- │ as full local SVGA graphics viewing. This │
- │ kit is 100% FREEWARE, includes all source │
- │ code, sample programs, and all units are │
- │ fully commented. This kit is dependent on │
- │ the UltraBGI graphics development kit and │
- │ Requires Borland Pascal 7.0 w/Objects, or │
- │ regular Turbo Pascal 7.0....CHECK IT OUT! │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: MXT_110A.RAR
- │ MAXterm v1.10a, The way to give any BBS a │ Magic Name: MAXTERM
- │ 640x480x256 SVGA graphical user interface │ Updated: 02/22/97
- │ complete with full digital sound. No need │ Size: 400K
- │ to switch to a new BBS package to keep up │
- │ with the times! MAX Graphics is a drop in │
- │ addition to any BBS that gives your users │
- │ capabilities and features impossible with │
- │ other graphical terminal emulations! Best │
- │ of all, since the "MAXscript" language is │
- │ humanly readable and based on text files │
- │ just like RIP, MAX Graphics can be added │
- │ to your BBS totally free of charge! Super │
- │ small terminal program!!! Can actually be │
- │ stripped down to use only 250KB of space! │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: MXP_110A.RAR
- │ MAXpaint 1.10a is the original MAX screen │ Magic Name: MAXPAINT
- │ designer. Completely mouse driven program │ Updated: 02/22/97
- │ allows you to create MAX Graphics screens │ Size: 335K
- │ with complete ease of use. More advanced │
- │ icon editor than MAXterm, automatically │
- │ converts MAXscript screens to MAXcontrol │
- │ and back again, and more. If you are one │
- │ of the many sysops who have implemented │
- │ MAX Graphics into your BBS, then you need │
- │ this program! Get it today and get MAX'd! │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: MXU_130A.RAR
- │ MAX-Update v1.30a is a FREEWARE door that │ Magic Name: MAXUPDATE
- │ automatically updates a caller's MAXterm │ Updated: 02/22/97
- │ terminal program, and graphics resources. │ Size: 235K
- │ This program eliminates the need for you │
- │ to notify users to download new versions │
- │ of the terminal program, or to download a │
- │ new graphics resource .PKG file when ever │
- │ you change your screens or add a new door │
- │ to the system. MAX-Update can be run as a │
- │ regular door, or can be run in Front End │
- │ Mode between your BBS and Mailer. If you │
- │ do not run a mailer, then it is suggested │
- │ you run it in a PRELOG.BAT batch file.... │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: MXD_V110.RAR
- │ MAXdetect v1.10 is a basic little utility │ Magic Name: MAXDETECT
- │ to do nothing more than detect the remote │ Updated: 02/05/97
- │ caller's graphics capabilities, then exit │ Size: 150K
- │ with a specific DOS errorlevel. Great for │
- │ sysops that need to do any pre-logon file │
- │ copying in preparation for MAX callers... │
- │ ----------------------------------------- │
- │ Freeware, do-what-you-want-with-it-ware │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: MXS_V150.RAR
- │ MAXsound v1.50 - Drop in upgrade for TDK, │ Magic Name: MAXSOUND
- │ MAXterm, MAXpaint, and any MAX door with │ Updated: 02/12/97
- │ local graphics and sound support. Allows │ Size: 65K
- │ the program to not only support VOC sound │
- │ files, but also *.WAV, *.AU, *.SND, Amiga │
- │ SVX and IFF sound files, plus limited MOD │
- │ support as well. Do-What-You-Want-With-It │
- │ freeware from BBS Utiliteez Software..... │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: PDRV_110.RAR
- │PDrive! v1.10 is a freeware protocol driver│ Magic Name: PDRIVE
- │that is multi-tasker friendly. Ever noticed│ Updated: 07/25/96
- │how DSZ/GSZ almost brings your other nodes│ Size: 100K
- │to a complete stand still? Not with PDrive!│
- │PDrive is freeware and can be included with│
- │any program you write if you don't have the│
- │tools or experience to write protocols into│
- │programs. Fully command line driven, needs│
- │no configuration. Zmodem, Ymodem, YmodemG,│
- │Xmodem, Xmodem1K. Supports UART, Fossil and│
- │DigiBoard IO plus non-standard IRQ settings│
- │as well. Returns error levels depending on│
- │how the program exits...And it's 100% Free!│
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: QS_V160.RAR
- │ QWKE Silver v1.60 is an offline mail door │ Magic Name: SILVER
- │ that is compatible with any BBS that uses │ Updated: 11/25/96
- │ a JAM, Squish, Hudson or Fido style *.MSG │ Size: 350K
- │ message base. Supports both QWK and QWKE │
- │ mail packet formats. The QWKE mail format │
- │ overcomes the 25 character limit that QWK │
- │ suffers in name and subject fields, plus │
- │ provides your users with more flexibility │
- │ and remote maintenance than the BlueWave │
- │ format does. Has 5 built in protocols so │
- │ there is no need for DSZ/GSZ, easy setup, │
- │ autodetects ANSI, RIP, and MAX Graphics, │
- │ and a whole lot more........CHECK IT OUT! │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: VQWK_121.RAR
- │ VESA-QWK v1.21 is a SuperVGA offline mail │ Magic Name: VESA-QWK
- │ mail reader program like no other. Offers │ Updated: 11/25/96
- │ you the flexibility of QWK and QWKE mail │ Size: 240K
- │ packet compatibility. Directly supports │
- │ the QWKE Silver offline mail door as well │
- │ as any other QWKE compatible offline mail │
- │ system. Completely mouse driven interface │
- │ similar to OS/2 or Windows, supports over │
- │ 65000 taglines, user customizable message │
- │ signature, and most of all, EASE OF USE!! │
- │ Only requires DOS & SVGA video capable of │
- │ 640x480x256. All new message editor, plus │
- │ support for Shotgun/MAX/RoboBOARD color │
- │ codes and even lower memory requirements! │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │ File Name: MAX_V170.RAR
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ Magic Name: MAX-MENU
- │ Max-Menu v1.70 is the ultimate BBS front │ Updated: 11/01/96
- │ end menu system and/or multi-level door │ Size: 575K
- │ manager. What all does Max-Menu do? "What │
- │ doesn't it do" should be the question! If │
- │ you have tried BFE, MetroCore, BBS Switch │
- │ or any other front end menu system which │
- │ just seems to be too complicated/limited, │
- │ then Max-Menu is for you! SysOps that run │
- │ a lot of doors prefer Max-Menu over other │
- │ door managers because of its power packed │
- │ door managing capabilities. Supports four │
- │ message base formats, online chat, built │
- │ in protocols, grafitti wall, you name it! │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: MQ_V110A.RAR
- │ Mystery Quote v1.10 is a random quote of │ Magic Name: QUOTE
- │ the day screen generator for any BBS. Not │ Updated: 08/29/96
- │ only does it create ASCII and ANSI screen │ Size: 200K
- │ files, it also creates SVGA screen files │
- │ compatible with Shotgun Professional BBS! │
- │ All screens and colors can be customized │
- │ by the sysop, and comes bundled with over │
- │ 2000 quotes covering every topic you can │
- │ imagine. Adding your own quotes requires │
- │ nothing more than a plain text editor.... │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: DATA220A.RAR
- │ The DataDoor v2.20a is probably the most │ Magic Name: DATADOOR
- │ advanced file download door available. It │ Updated: 10/24/96
- │ is probably even easier for your users to │ Size: 540K
- │ understand than your BBS's file menu. You │
- │ can provide files from Hard Disk, CD-ROM, │
- │ Data Tape, and about any other media type │
- │ imaginable. Tosses messages to the sysop │
- │ when offline files are requested and also │
- │ to the user when offline files are ready │
- │ for them to download. Supports ANSI, RIP │
- │ and the all new MAX Graphics. There's too │
- │ many features to list in this small area, │
- │ download it today and judge for yourself! │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: ROBOT110.RAR
- │ LA-Robot v1.10 - is a utility that allows │ Magic Name: LA-ROBOT
- │ you to send group netmail and UUCP mail │ Updated: 09/01/96
- │ automatically, and completely hands free. │ Size: 110K
- │ Maintains two separate address lists for │
- │ netmail and UUCP (Internet) addresses. It │
- │ has a mouse and/or keyboard driven config │
- │ interface for ease of use and a whole lot │
- │ more. Not just another netmail robot!!!!! │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: FBBSV110.RAR
- │FILESBBS.EXE is a utility which creates a│ Magic Name: FILESBBS
- │FILES.BBS from any directory you specify on│ Updated: 02/11/96
- │the command line. Will extract the DESC.SDI│ Size: 50K
- │or FILE_ID.DIZ from any ZIP, ARJ, LZH, or│
- │RAR archive. If no description is available│
- │the program will let you manually enter the│
- │description or skip the file all together..│
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: SGS_V120.RAR
- │SG-Stats v1.20 is a utility package for use│ Magic Name: SG-STATS
- │with Shotgun Professional v1.35 or greater.│ Updated: 08/29/96
- │Processes your log files and creates fancy│ Size: 185K
- │ASCII,ANSI & SVGA statistical bar graphs to│
- │display to your callers. All screen colors│
- │are completely customizable by the sysop.│
- │Creates 6 bar graphs and a top user screen.│
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: FINAL140.RAR
- │ The Final Word v1.40 - is a grafitti wall │ Magic Name: FINAL
- │ for Shotgun Professional that allows your │ Updated: 10/30/96
- │ users to leave their words of wisdom for │ Size: 135K
- │ others to see before log off. Writes all │
- │ activity to your log files so you'll know │
- │ who wrote what on the wall. Creates ASCII │
- │ ANSI, SG, and MAX #LOGOFF.* screens. All │
- │ colors are completely sysop customizable! │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: FDSG_110.RAR
- │ FrontDoor To Shotgun v1.10 reads your log │ Magic Name: FDTOSG
- │ file from FrontDoor or similar mailer and │ Updated: 08/29/96
- │ updates your LASTCALL.DAT in Shotgun Pro │ Size: 130K
- │ to show inbound netmail and file request │
- │ calls in your Last 10 Callers screen..... │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: SGMSG110.RAR
- │ SG-Mail To Shotgun v1.10 reads your logs │ Magic Name: SGMTOSG
- │ from SG-Mail to show inbound netmail and │ Updated: 08/29/96
- │ file request calls in your Last 10 Caller │ Size: 130K
- │ screen in Shotgun. Includes an editor so │
- │ you can edit the LASTCALL.DAT if needed.. │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: SG-PAGE.RAR
- │ SG-Page v1.10 is a drop in pager kit for │ Magic Name: SG-PAGE
- │ Shotgun Professional that asks users for │ Updated: 03/09/95
- │ a reason when paging the sysop. This is a │ Size: 40K
- │ kit of script, screen and batch files you │
- │ simply install in Shotgun. Supports ASCII │
- │ ANSI, RIP and SVGA modes. -=>FREEWARE<=- │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: SE_V150A.RAR
- │ Sig-Edit v1.50 is a door specifically for │ Magic Name: SIGEDIT
- │ Shotgun Professional that allows callers │ Updated: 10/08/96
- │ to edit and preview their signature files │ Size: 310K
- │ online and in color. Best of all, callers │
- │ can now have up to 27 signatures rather │
- │ than just one! Allows callers to upload & │
- │ download signature files, full color code │
- │ and global system variable reference, and │
- │ complete online help. One great utility!! │
- │ ----------------------------------------- │
- │ Also includes SG-Tag as a bonus! │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: FBM_140A.RAR
- │ The FileBox Manager v1.40 is a utility to │ Magic Name: FILEBOX
- │ make managing user personal file boxes in │ Updated: 08/29/96
- │ Shotgun a breeze. Completely mouse driven │ Size: 100K
- │ program eliminates the need to create any │
- │ directories or DIZ files manually. Great │
- │ utility for Shotgun SysOps who have other │
- │ things to do besides editing text files!! │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴─────────────────┐ File Name: SYS_UP!.RAR
- │Sys-Up Version -9.02E+16 is a door for use│ Magic Name: SYS_UP!
- │by visiting sysops on a Shotgun Pro v1.35+│ Updated: 08/29/96
- │BBS to allow them to automatically upgrade│ Size: 115K
- │their access when you are away from your│
- │computer. The door is configurable enough│
- │by you so that your regular users or other│
- │sysops of any calling area you choose can│
- │not upgrade their access. Requires callers│
- │to have complete BBS information in their│
- │user record before they can be upgraded.│
- └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: WD_V140A.RAR
- │The BBS WatchDog v1.40 is a utility package│ Magic Name: WATCHDOG
- │for Shotgun Pro v1.30+ which processes your│ Updated: 08/29/96
- │activity logs and posts up to 16 messages│ Size: 250K
- │to your users depending on log events. You│
- │can deactivate any message of your choice│
- │simply by deleting the MSG##.TXT file you│
- │do not wish to use. Utility also credits a│
- │user's time and byte bank for uploads, you│
- │can demerit/suspend users for any amount of│
- │days for too many carrier drops and it will│
- │create a news screen showing the last users│
- │to drop carrier. Posts system error logs to│
- │the sysop as a message too! │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ BBS Utiliteez Software │
- ├────────────────────────┴──────────────────┐ File Name: AF_V110A.RAR
- │ The AllFiles Generator v1.10 - Similar to │ Magic Name: AF-GEN
- │ SGLIST.EXE, but different. Great utility │ Updated: 08/29/96
- │ for Shotgun SysOps with an ever changing │ Size: 100K
- │ file section such as 3rd party developers │
- │ or SysOps with a Planet Connect Satellite │
- │ System. If SGLIST.EXE doesn't do the job │
- │ for you, give this one a "Shot" instead.. │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- --==> BBS Utiliteez <==--
- +++++++++++ The War Dialer! v1.10 +++++++++++ File Name: WDIAL110.RAR
- The War Dailer is a basic program to dial all Magic Name: DIALER
- numbers in any prefix you specify and makes a Updated: 04/17/96
- note of whether the number is a: Modem, Fax, Size: 55K
- Voice Number, Busy, or Unassigned Number. It
- helps you find any BBS or other online system
- in your calling area. Not exactly a practical
- program, it was actually an experiment that I
- thought somebody else might be able to use or
- just get a kick out of. Completely FREEWARE!!
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- --==> BBS Utiliteez <==--
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ File Name: WC_UD120.RAR
- WC-Update is a utility package to update Magic Name: WCUPDATE
- the USERREC.BIN system drop file created Updated: 01/13/96
- by Wildcat 4.11 or above when using The Size: 115K
- DataDoor or The TapeDoor. Utilities are
- also included to allow these two doors
- to post messages in your Wildcat message
- bases when users request offline files &
- when you have prepared their files for
- download. This utility package prevents
- your users from logging on to your BBS
- and going to the door to download their
- daily limit of files, and then returning
- to the BBS to do the same thing again...
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 100 Percent F R E E W A R E!
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- --==> BBS Utiliteez <==--
- The SendNote Utilities Version 1.02a File Name: SN102A.RAR
- For use with Jeff Bisson's RomDoor v4.0 Magic Name: SENDNOTE
- and above. Now you can use RomDoor with Updated: 12/25/95
- any generic DOOR.SYS type BBS and still Size: 90K
- have automatic messages posted to you
- when files are requested, and to the
- user when requests are ready. Will work
- with JAM, Squish, Hudson, Ezy, and Fido
- *.MSG message bases. Great utility for
- RoboBOARD, Shotgun, RemoteAccess, Etc..
- No More Keys!....Written by Larry Athey
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- --==> BBS Utiliteez <==--
- +++ RomDoor Online CD-ROM Changer +++ File Name: CD_CHNGR.RAR
- Together Into INTRO.BBS. Yes It's Size: 40K
- Another One Of Those Cheezie Little
- Utilities For Running Jeff Bisson's
- RomDoor On Anything Besides A Wildcat
- BBS. Great Little Utility, No More
- Keys!!!........Written By Larry Athey
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- --==> BBS Utiliteez <==--
- Chops 52 Line DOOR.SYS Down To 31 Lines File Name: DROP_CHP.RAR
- Nothing Special About This Utility. Use Magic Name: DROPCHOP
- With DOOR.SYS Only Type Doors That Lock Updated: 12/25/95
- Up When You Feed Them Too Much DOOR.SYS Size: 35K
- Extremely Useful For Running Wildcat
- Doors On Other Than A Wildcat BBS, Such
- As Jeff Bisson's RomDoor When Set For
- Generic DOOR.SYS BBS.....By Larry Athey
- ***** Best Of All, It's FREEWARE! *****
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- --==> BBS Utiliteez <==--
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ File Name: NO-NLN10.RAR
- NO-NLN.EXE is a utility to be used with any Magic Name: NO-NLN
- BBS that allows aliases or single names and Updated: 09/02/96
- writes "NLN" in the last name field of the Size: 65K
- files. Most doors don't realize this means
- "No Last Name" and use it as a last name of
- any user with only a single name or alias.
- This utility gets rid of that problem once
- and for all. Just type NO-NLN or NO-NLN /?
- on the command line for usage instructions.
- Oh yeah, run it before you run the door. :)
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- F R E E W A R E!
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- --==> BBS Utiliteez <==--
- +++++++++ The Tosser Version 1.03 +++++++++ File Name: TOSS103.RAR
- The Tosser is a menu driven utility which Magic Name: TOSSER
- allows you to toss any text file into your Updated: 01/01/96
- Jam, Squish, Hudson, EzyCom, and Fido *.MSG Size: 115K
- message base. Also allows complete command
- line operation which lets you toss an ASCII
- bulletin screen created by a door game. You
- can also toss your BBS log files into your
- message base before they get deleted or
- reset in your nightly maintenance routine.
- Tons of uses! Created using Mark May's OOP
- Message Base Programming Units. Try it out!
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Rick Schaefer's (1:2255/140) Utiliteez For BBS Utiliteez Software
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% File Name: RSRA2QS.RAR
- * RSRA2QS Conversion * Magic Name: RSRA2QS
- * * Updated: 06/30/96
- * Converts the RA's MESSAGES.RA * Size: 25K
- * to the MSGAREAS.DAT file used *
- * by Larry Athey's QWKE Silver *
- * offline mail door. *
- * *
- * By Rick Schaefer *
- * *
- * Registration $5 *
- %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%
- %*%* DDRAUPD.ZIP by Rick Schaefer *%*%
- A utility to update the EXITINFO.BBS File Name: DDRAUPD.RAR
- created by RemoteAccess after a user Magic Name: DDRAUPD
- exits The DataDoor<TM>. This prevents Updated: 11/20/95
- your users from being able to download Size: 36K
- their daily limit of bytes and files
- from The DataDoor<TM> and then going
- back up to the BBS, and doing the same
- thing all over again. Now you can keep
- an exact record of how many files and
- bytes your users download each day....
- Post-Card-Ware, register by sending in
- a post card of your home town.........
- %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*
- %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*
- DataDoor Utiliteez, By Rick Schaefer File Name: DDCDON10.RAR
- %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%* Magic Name: DDCDON
- DDCDON will read your users security level Updated: 05/05/96
- (via the DOOR.SYS dropfile) and update the Size: 45K
- DEFAULT.TXT file used by The DataDoor to
- identify which CD is currently on-line. It
- will ONLY update the DEFAULT.TXT file if,
- 1). It's a CD Drive, and 2). If the user's
- security level is high enough to be able
- to "See" the CD currently on-line.........
- %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*