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- ┌────────── ┌─────────── ┌───── ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐
- ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── │ Creators of "The Comm Router"! │
- ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── │ │
- ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── │ Now the official managers of │
- ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── │ "BBS Utiliteez Software" │
- ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── │ │
- ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── ┌─── │ Stephan Pollack [CEO] │
- ┌────────── ┌─────────── ┌───── │ Doug Harrington [Chief Programmer] │
- │ FidoNet 1:285/703 - utilz@bbc.net │
- Online Development Incorporated │ Support BBS/FAX: 308-762-2239 │
- └─────────────────────────────────────┘
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- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The Universal Multimedia Interface For BBS Software
- Copyright 1995-1997 * Larry L. Athey * BBS Utiliteez Software
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Now available from the Online Development Incorporated BBS!
- 1:285/703@FidoNet / 411:1500/0@ivNET / (308)762-2239
- Provide your BBS callers with capabilities and features otherwise impossible
- with normal RIP, ANSI, AVATAR, NAPLPS, ASCII, ETC terminal emulations! We're
- not here to convince you that MAX Graphics is better than your existing BBS
- interface(s), give it a test drive, kick the tires, and see just how easy it
- is to add that "Multi-Media Appeal" to your existing BBS and doors! Graphics
- and sound is only a small part of the picture, the door capabilities through
- the use of MAX Graphics and the MAXterm program is just simply *Unmatched*!!
- MAX Graphics is a remote caller SVGA graphical user interface that supports
- full online digital sound. Any BBS, or BBS door, capable of detecting remote
- RIP capabilities, and sending RIP screen files can support MAX Graphics. You
- can also support both MAX and RIP in the same BBS simply by pasting your MAX
- screen files to the end of your RIP screen files! No need to completely drop
- RIP support from your BBS since both terminal programs will only respond to
- the screen file (script) commands that they were written to recognize!
- If your BBS doors are RIP compatible, then chances are that you can drop MAX
- screens or MAX commands into them and give your users full SVGA graphics and
- digital sound thoughout your BBS in its entirety!
- There is no need to be intimidated by the concept of adding SVGA screens to
- your BBS, anybody can make professional looking menus and screen files with
- MAXpaint without the need for any artistic talent whatsoever!!! Creating MAX
- screens actually requires less work and effort than creating ANSI screens!!!
- See the list of files shown below, these are all you would need to add this
- new interface to your BBS. If you are not a programmer, then you won't want
- the last file in the list. There are even more MAX related files available
- from the BBS who's phone number appears at the beginning of this message but
- the files shown below are all you need to get you started MAXing your BBS!!!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MAXterm v1.10a, The way to give any BBS a File Name: MXT_110A.RAR
- 640x480x256 SVGA graphical user interface Magic Name: MAXTERM
- complete with full digital sound. No need Updated: 02/22/97
- to switch to a new BBS package to keep up Size: 400K
- with the times! MAX Graphics is a drop in
- addition to any BBS that gives your users
- capabilities and features impossible with
- other graphical terminal emulations! Best
- of all, since the "MAXscript" language is
- humanly readable and based on text files
- just like RIP, MAX Graphics can be added
- to your BBS totally free of charge! Super
- small terminal program!!! Can actually be
- stripped down to use only 250KB of space!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MAXpaint 1.10a is the original MAX screen File Name: MXP_110A.RAR
- designer. Completely mouse driven program Magic Name: MAXPAINT
- allows you to create MAX Graphics screens Updated: 02/22/97
- with complete ease of use. More advanced Size: 330K
- icon editor than MAXterm, automatically
- converts MAXscript screens to MAXcontrol
- and back again, and more. If you are one
- of the many sysops who have implemented
- MAX Graphics into your BBS, then you need
- this program! Get it today and get MAX'd!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MAX-Update v1.30a is a FREEWARE door that File Name: MXU_130A.RAR
- automatically updates a caller's MAXterm Magic Name: MAXUPDATE
- terminal program, and graphics resources. Updated: 02/22/97
- This program eliminates the need for you Size: 235K
- to notify users to download new versions
- of the terminal program, or to download a
- new graphics resource .PKG file when ever
- you change your screens or add a new door
- to the system. MAX-Update can be run as a
- regular door, or can be run in Front End
- Mode between your BBS and Mailer. If you
- do not run a mailer, then it is suggested
- you run it in a PRELOG.BAT batch file....
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TDK (The DoorKit) v1.34 is the first door File Name: TDK_V134.RAR
- development kit of its kind! This is the Magic Name: DOORKIT
- original MAX Graphics compatible door kit Updated: 01/01/97
- and is guaranteed to always be 100% up to Size: 750K
- date with the MAX Graphics specification!
- Also supports ANSI/TTY/RIP/AVATAR as well
- as full local SVGA graphics viewing. This
- kit is 100% FREEWARE, includes all source
- code, sample programs, and all units are
- fully commented. This kit is dependent on
- the UltraBGI graphics development kit and
- Requires Borland Pascal 7.0 w/Objects, or
- regular Turbo Pascal 7.0....CHECK IT OUT!
- NOTE: The magic name DOORKIT will get both TDK_V134.RAR and ULTRABGI.RAR,
- ULTRABGI.RAR is required for all local SVGA graphics operation.....
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- For more information contact: Doug Harrington Jr. (utilz@bbc.net)
- These files are also available from:
- ------------------------------------
- BBS: Arti BBS: Sysop Central
- Phone: 903-758-ARTI Phone: 773-583-0489
- Fido: 1:398/2 Fido: 1:115/583
- Baud: 28800 Baud: 33600
- SysOp: Walter Cade SysOp: Dan Jones
- E-Mail: support@artibbs.com E-Mail: dan.jones@ivsoft.com
- FTP: ftp.artibbs.com FTP: ftp.ivsoft.com
- /BBS_Misc_Utilities_&_Goodies/ /pub/bbsutilz/
- http://www1.ridgecrest.ca.us/~sprice/maxgraphics.html
- http://www.danbbs.dk/~alexie/max/max.htm
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Stephan Pollack [CEO]
- Douglas Harrington Jr. [Chief Programmer]
- Online Development Incorporated
- 921 Box Butte Ave.
- Alliance, NE, 69301
- FAX/BBS #: (308)762-2239
- FidoNet : 1:285/703
- Internet : utilz@bbc.net
- http://www1.ridgecrest.ca.us/~sprice/maxgraphics.html