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- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The Universal Multimedia Interface For BBS Software
- Copyright 1995-Current * Larry L. Athey * BBS Utiliteez Software
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Now available from the USA MAX Graphics HQ-BBS!
- 1:14/703@FidoNet / (308)762-2239
- Provide your BBS callers with capabilities and features otherwise impossible
- with normal RIP, ANSI, AVATAR, NAPLPS, ASCII, ETC terminal emulations! We're
- not here to convince you that MAX Graphics is better than your existing BBS
- interface(s), give it a test drive, kick the tires, and see just how easy it
- is to add that "Multi-Media Appeal" to your existing BBS and doors! Graphics
- and sound is only a small part of the picture, the door capabilities through
- the use of MAX Graphics and the MAXterm program is just simply *Unmatched*!!
- MAX Graphics is a remote caller SVGA graphical user interface that supports
- full online digital sound. Any BBS, or BBS door, capable of detecting remote
- RIP capabilities, and sending RIP screen files can support MAX Graphics. You
- can also support both MAX and RIP in the same BBS simply by defining other
- language directories in the BBS and letting the user select their preference
- at logon time.
- If your BBS doors are RIP compatible, then chances are that you can drop MAX
- screens or MAX commands into them and give your users full SVGA graphics and
- digital sound thoughout your BBS in its entirety!
- There is no need to be intimidated by the concept of adding SVGA screens to
- your BBS, anybody can make professional looking menus and screen files with
- MAXpaint without the need for any artistic talent whatsoever!!! Creating MAX
- screens actually requires less work and effort than creating ANSI screens!!!
- See the list of files shown below, these are all you would need to add this
- new interface to your BBS. If you are not a programmer, then you won't want
- the last file in the list. There are even more MAX related files available
- from the BBS who's phone number appears at the beginning of this message but
- the files shown below are all you need to get you started MAXing your BBS!!!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MAXterm ß2.01, The way to give any BBS a File Name: MXT_B201.RAR
- 640x480x256 SVGA graphical user interface Magic Name: MAXTERM
- complete with full digital sound. No need Updated: 06/29/97
- to switch to a new BBS package to keep up Size: 380K
- with the times! MAX Graphics is a drop in
- addition to any BBS that gives your users
- capabilities and features IMPOSSIBLE with
- other graphical terminal emulations! Best
- of all, the MAXscript language is humanly
- readable unlike RIPscrip! MAXterm is now
- even faster than before, more compact and
- uses less memory than ANY other graphical
- terminal program! Best of all MAXterm can
- be used as an external protocol as well!!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MAXterm Plug-Ins ß2.01 is an archive that File Name: MXT_P201.RAR
- contains plug in modules for use with the Magic Name: PLUG-INS
- MAXterm SVGA terminal program. Contained Updated: 06/29/97
- in this archive is a MAX screen viewer, a Size: 205K
- MAX icon editor, a MAX v1.XX to MAX v2.XX
- screen file convertor, and a complete MAX
- tutorial/reference file. Installation is
- easy, just copy all of the files in this
- archive to the MAXterm program directory.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MAXpaint ß2.00 is "The" MAX screen, icon, File Name: MXP_B200.RAR
- image, and mouse cursor designer program. Magic Name: MAXPAINT
- So many functions that it's impossible to Updated: ??/??/97
- list them all in this limited space. Main Size: ???K
- features include "Full" mouse navigation,
- 256 color mouse cursor designer, graphics
- image slicer, MIF (MAX Image File) saver,
- MAX icon editor, and a high quality MAX
- screen editor with intelligent MAX syntax
- checking. Now even faster than before, NO
- MORE BGI GRAPHICS CODE! Now operates more
- like MS Windows or IBM OS/2 complete with
- a drag and drop graphical user interface.
- Just an all around better paint program!!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MAXupdate v1.51 - is a FREEWARE door that File Name: MXU_V151.RAR
- automatically updates a caller's MAXterm Magic Name: MAXUPDATE
- terminal program, and graphics resources. Updated: 06/29/97
- This program eliminates the need for you Size: 315K
- to notify users to download new versions
- of the terminal program, or to download a
- new graphics resource .PKG file when ever
- you change your screens or add a new door
- to the system. MAX-Update can be run as a
- regular door, or can be run in Front End
- Mode between your BBS and Mailer. Program
- now verifies resource CRC32 values before
- updating and TDK source code is included,
- as well as a BBS waiting for caller unit.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TDK v1.35 is the BBS door development kit File Name: TDK_V135.RAR
- that does it all and then some! Saves you Magic Name: DOORKIT
- precious time while writing doors because Updated: ??/??/97
- tons of the most commonly needed routines Size: ???K
- are already written in TDK! Full support
- for MAX Graphics, as well as ANSI, AVATAR
- TTY and RIP. Comm routines support Fossil
- UART and DigiBoard. Automatic logging and
- trapping of expected & unexpected errors.
- Simply too many features to list in this
- in this small amount of space. All source
- code is included, and best of all the kit
- is 100% totally FREEWARE! The most you'll
- ever spend is your time to download it!!!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- For more information contact: maxgfx@juno.com
- MAX Graphics Programs Are Also Available From:
- ----------------------------------------------
- http://home.att.net/~maxgfx
- http://www.ridgecrest.ca.us/~sprice/maxgraphics.html
- http://www.danbbs.dk/~alexie/max/max.htm
- BBS: USA MAX Graphics HQ-BBS (Home BBS and Support Site)
- Where: Alliance, Nebraska
- Phone: (308)762-2239 (Fax & Data Calls and File Requests)
- Info: Call here for the latest bug fixes and online examples
- Baud: 33600
- SysOp: Lawrence Athey
- E-Mail: 1:14/703@FidoNet, maxgfx@juno.com
- WWW: http://home.att.net/~maxgfx
- BBS: The MARS Station BBS (Official BBS Utiliteez Distribution Site)
- Where: Yermo, California
- Phone: (619)254-3012 (Data Calls and File Requests)
- Info: Freq here for latest MAX and BBS Utiliteez files.
- Baud: 28800
- SysOp: Stephen Christopher (Chris) Martin
- E-Mail: 1:219/308@FidoNet, martinsc@juno.com
- BBS: The Night Thrasher BBS (Official BBS Utiliteez Distribution Site)
- Where: Cantonment, Florida
- Phone: (904)937-9144 (Data Calls and File Requests)
- Info: Freq here for latest MAX and BBS Utiliteez files.
- Baud: 28800
- SysOp: Larry Thrasher
- E-Mail: 1:3612/650@FidoNet, yrral@spydee.net
- BBS: The Oak Tree BBS (Official BBS Utiliteez Distribution Site)
- Where: Ozark, Missouri
- Phone: (417)581-0868 (Data Calls and File Requests)
- Info: Freq here for latest MAX and BBS Utiliteez files.
- Baud: 33600
- SysOp: Bob Wingender
- E-Mail: 1:284/11@FidoNet, classa@juno.com
- BBS: Infinite Twilight (Home of nstSoft Software)
- Where: Great Meadows, New Jersey
- Phone: (908)637-8243 (Data Calls and File Requests)
- Info: MAX Graphics OS/2 Development Site
- Baud: 33600
- SysOp: Jon Parise
- E-Mail: 1:2606/421@FidoNet, jon@interpow.net
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- Not just software....It's a computer enhancement!
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Contact: 1:14/703@FidoNet Or: USA MAX Graphics HQ-BBS │
- │ 411:1500/0@ivNET (308)762-2239 │
- │ 121:101/2@AllianceNet FAX or Data Calls │
- │ maxgfx@juno.com ANSI/ASCII/MAX (No RIP) │
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