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- A Subsidary Of LA-Soft
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- About BBS Utiliteez Software:
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- In Case You Didn't Know:
- ────────────────────────
- Contrary to what some people would like to believe, BBS Utiliteez is not
- some wannabe commercial software development company...It is only a name
- given to a line of programs written by a HOBBIEST programmer. I've never
- had any intentions EVER of being some kind of a professional BBS or Door
- author, simply because there is no such thing...BBS and Door software is
- for hobbiests, real professional programmers don't waste their time with
- with greasy kid's stuff like BBS and Door software. If anybody claims to
- be a professional BBS or Door author, the least I can do is laugh at the
- choice of words that they use to describe themself...
- Larry L. Athey - AKA: Satan Of The BBS World:
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────
- Yes, that's true...I've been dubbed as the Satan of the BBS world simply
- because I'm not one of those passive little pussies that always lets the
- whiners and ego-maniacs of the BBS world push me around...How dare I say
- anything in response to a flame message using the same tone as the clown
- who cast the first stone?...Sorry, just because a person is a programmer
- doesn't mean that they are obligated to let people constantly kick them
- in public without kicking back. Bummer, life is hard, if you feel you've
- got to flame someone in public, then expect to get the favor returned by
- tenfold. If the concept of that is un-nerving, then I would say that you
- should keep snotty assed messages to yourself, and re-think what you are
- about to type in a message to someone first...
- The Bogus F.B.I. and Legal Scams:
- ─────────────────────────────────
- I'm sure if you've ever read any messages in the "Fight-0-Net" echos and
- LoseNet LoserGroups (ie: FidoNet and UseNet NewsGroups), you've probably
- seen messages where one guy claimed that he had the F.B.I. after my ass,
- because he claimed that I sent him and his wife death threats via e-mail
- (Amusing isn't it?). It's my obligation to tell the public that the scam
- blew up in his face. The F.B.I. found out that he had a friend log on to
- my BBS under a bogus name and send the messages to him using the UUCP to
- Internet e-mail feature in my BBS...He did indeed receive those messages
- that he claimed to have received, but he received them because he wanted
- to receive them...This was all done because of a childish little revenge
- tantrum that he wanted to throw, but it blew up in his face...
- Then there is the matter of these Squirtgun BBS (ie: Shotgun BBS) sysops
- all pissed off because I abandonned the Squirtgun BBS package, then went
- out on my own and came up with my own SVGA GUI for BBS software. I'm not
- going to bother listing names here because if you know one Squirtgun BBS
- Kronie, you know them all...At any rate, the author of Squirtgun BBS got
- all pissed off at me over this, and intentionally changed the structures
- of his data files, to insure that all of my third party utilities would
- no longer work with his BBS package (Oh darn, and I care because?). When
- he and the rest of the Squirtgun BBS Kronies saw that I didn't give a
- rat's ass one way or the other about this, they all jumped on the brown
- noser bandwagon and decided to spread every lie and rumor you can think
- of. Everything from me spreading illegal source code, to spreading some
- hacked key for Squirtgun BBS, to saying that every legal organization in
- the US and Canada was coming to get me. Well, I'm still waiting, so far,
- nothing. They're just swinging on Brent Shellenberg's balls so they have
- something to hold on to while they bury their heads up his ass...
- Final Notes:
- ────────────
- As far as suggestions for programs go....I am always open to suggestions
- and ideas for new features so long as they come from the "SysOp" of the
- BBS running the program...If you are the SysOp of the system running the
- program and have an idea for a feature that will benefit other SysOps &
- Users running the program, I'll put it on the wish list....If this seems
- to be a popular suggestion, then it will be implemented ASAP....Program
- features are decided on a first come - first serve basis and their level
- of importance to other SysOps and the public....
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Official Distribution/Support Sites:
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- BBS: USA MAX Graphics HQ-BBS (Home BBS and Support Site)
- Where: Alliance, Nebraska
- Phone: (308)762-2239 (Fax & Data Calls and File Requests)
- Info: Call here for the latest bug fixes and online examples
- Baud: 33600
- SysOp: Lawrence Athey
- E-Mail: 1:14/703@FidoNet, maxgfx@juno.com
- WWW: http://home.att.net/~maxgfx
- BBS: The MARS Station BBS (Official BBS Utiliteez Distribution Site)
- Where: Yermo, California
- Phone: (619)254-3012 (Data Calls and File Requests)
- Info: Freq here for latest MAX and BBS Utiliteez files.
- Baud: 28800
- SysOp: Stephen Christopher (Chris) Martin
- E-Mail: 1:219/308@FidoNet, martinsc@juno.com
- BBS: The Night Thrasher BBS (Official BBS Utiliteez Distribution Site)
- Where: Cantonment, Florida
- Phone: (904)937-9144 (Data Calls and File Requests)
- Info: Freq here for latest MAX and BBS Utiliteez files.
- Baud: 28800
- SysOp: Larry Thrasher
- E-Mail: 1:3612/650@FidoNet, yrral@spydee.net
- BBS: The Oak Tree BBS (Official BBS Utiliteez Distribution Site)
- Where: Ozark, Missouri
- Phone: (417)581-0868 (Data Calls and File Requests)
- Info: Freq here for latest MAX and BBS Utiliteez files.
- Baud: 33600
- SysOp: Bob Wingender
- E-Mail: 1:284/11@FidoNet, classa@juno.com
- BBS: Infinite Twilight (Home of nstSoft Software)
- Where: Great Meadows, New Jersey
- Phone: (908)637-8243 (Data Calls and File Requests)
- Info: MAX Graphics OS/2 Development Site
- Baud: 33600
- SysOp: Jon Parise
- E-Mail: 1:2606/421@FidoNet, jon@interpow.net
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Official Registration/Distribution Sites:
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- USRegsite/Wisconsin:
- ────────────────────
- Postal Address: Ordering Information:
- USRegsite Voice : 1-414-406-9233
- Attn: Dan Jones BBS/FAX : 1-414-406-9234
- 2410 Eastman Ave. #3 FidoNet : 1:139/583
- Green Bay, WI 54302 Web Site : http://www.usregsite.com
- FTP Site : ftp://ftp.usregsite.com
- Voice Hours: E-Mail : sales@usregsite.com
- Mon-Fri: 6:00p - 10:00p (CST)
- Sat/Sun: 12:00a - 10:00p (CST)
- Orders accepted by phone, mail, e-mail, fax, or BBS (Charge Door).
- Credit Cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.
- Personal Checks, Money Orders, or Cashier's Checks accepted; make
- payable to Dan Jones.
- Purchase Orders from Schools, Businesses, or Government Agencies
- welcome. Terms: 2% 10 days, Net 30 days
- Wisconsin residents add 5.50% Sales Tax
- ARTI-BBS/Texas:
- ───────────────
- BBS: ARTI-BBS (20 Nodes - Wildcat5/Platinum Xpress/Windows NT/ISP)
- Where: Longview, Texas
- Phone: 903-758-ARTI [2784] (Data Calls and File Requests)
- Fax: 903-758-6311
- Info: Online registrations via credit card or online checking/savings.
- Baud: 33600
- SysOp: Walter Cade
- E-Mail: 1:398/2@FidoNet, 1:398/9@FidoNet, walter.cade@artibbs.com
- FTP: ftp.artibbs.com
- WWW: www.artibbs.com
- Telnet:
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- Also, all BBS Utiliteez Software programs written for Shotgun BBS are
- now officially out of my hands. The source code to these programs was
- sold to an undisclosed individual who may or may not revive them, his
- decision is based wholely on the attitudes of the people who's names
- appear in the below...
- If you are one of the many registered owners of Shotgun BBS Utiliteez
- and don't want to see your program become abandonware, then you might
- want to send netmail to the people listed below and tell them to make
- a public apology to Larry Athey, BBS Utiliteez Software, LA-Soft, and
- the MAX Graphics graphical BBS user interface...
- Brent Shellenberg (1:140/146)
- Tony Campbell (1:270/1001)
- Robert Stoner (1:270/1000)
- Steven Lager (1:253/234)
- David Aldridge (1:112/2715)
- Rickey Parrish (1:340/206)
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- Not just software....It's a computer enhancement!
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Contact: 1:14/703@FidoNet Or: USA MAX Graphics HQ-BBS │
- │ 411:1500/0@ivNET (308)762-2239 │
- │ 121:101/2@AllianceNet FAX or Data Calls │
- │ maxgfx@juno.com ANSI/ASCII/MAX (No RIP) │
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