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- A Subsidary Of LA-Soft
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- MAXterm ß2.01
- The Original MAX Graphics Compatible Terminal Program
- Copyright 1995-Current * Larry L. Athey * BBS Utiliteez Software
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀
- ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀
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- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The Universal Multimedia Interface For BBS Software
- Copyright 1995-Current * Larry L. Athey * BBS Utiliteez Software
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Information Regarding MAX Graphics:
- ───────────────────────────────────
- Notice is hereby given that the MAXscript/MAXcontrol/MAXcolor language,
- and MAXterm are products of BBS Utiliteez Software and are protected by
- US copyrights listed with the US Library Of Congress (1996)....
- No changes, additions, subtractions, or other modifications shall be made
- to MAXscript/MAXcontrol/MAXcolor language or the MAX Graphics development
- kit without express written permission from Larry L. Athey, BBS Utiliteez
- Software, Alliance, Nebraska, USA....
- The MAXscript/MAXcontrol/MAXcolor language may be used in any BBS or Door
- software 100% royalty free. You are also allowed to implement full local
- graphics viewing in any BBS or Door software 100% royalty free. However,
- any program that uses the MAXscript/MAXcontrol/MAXcolor language *MUST*
- bear the MAX Graphics/BBS Utiliteez Software copyright notice....
- Example: MAX Graphics and the MAXscript/MAXcontrol/MAXcolor language is
- (C) 1995-Current * Larry L. Athey * BBS Utiliteez Software
- Disclaimer:
- ───────────
- MAX Graphics, MAXscript/MAXcontrol/MAXcolor and MAXterm are by no means
- copies of, or otherwise plagiarized remote graphics methods used by any
- other BBS software. Even though MAXterm responds to a few commands used
- by RIPscrip and other RIP capable BBSes, this is by no means any kind of
- a copyright infringement of the RIP technology. If it was, then I'm sure
- that Pat Clawson of TeleGrafix would have notified me by now....
- Yes, there are some similarities between MAX Graphics and some other BBS
- graphical user interfaces, yet this is still not any kind of a copyright
- infringement either. Since I have ran about every graphical BBS out there
- from DOS to Windows platforms, I'm bound to create things in the image of
- my own memory. Even the authors of other graphical BBS packages have told
- me where they got their ideas....Other graphical BBS packages....So don't
- worry if someone tells you "Gee, your BBS looks a lot like Shotgun BBS or
- RoboBOARD/FX", all similarities if any are 100% within copyright laws....
- ....End of disclaimer....
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Guarantee:
- ──────────
- Ha Ha Ha Ha....Guarantee? Okay, if this program breaks, I guarantee that
- you get to keep both pieces....How's that? :)
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The Contributors:
- ─────────────────
- This is a list of people who contributed to the cause of beta testing the
- MAX Graphics related programs and the TDK door development kit. Although
- there were more people who applied to be beta testers, most of these beta
- sites never posted anything in the support echo, so I don't consider them
- to have made any contribution to the cause. But, these people stood by me
- and my efforts without a single sour word, and never threw in the towel..
- Many people apply to be a beta tester for new programs and never think of
- the qwerks involved in testing untested software. So they quickly give up
- and avoid beta testing like the plague. Beta testing requires a person to
- do nearly as much work (if not actually more) as the programmer themself.
- Programs can't evolve without testers actually running the program and at
- least trying to make it work even with the bugs in it. True beta testers
- don't seem to know the meaning of the phrase "I give up", and that's what
- makes being a program author worth while. I couldn't give a damn if I get
- one more program registration in my life, so long as there are dedicated
- common sense thinking people like this standing by you, it's worth while!
- Let's here it for the people that refused to say "I give up"!
- Name: BBS: Phone:
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Brad Larned (1:205/400) The Fresno Online BBS 209-276-3657
- Sean Price (1:205/46) Sanctuary From The Law BBS 619-377-3611
- Chris Martin (1:219/308) The Mars Station BBS 760-254-3012
- Bob Wingender (1:284/11) The Oak Tree BBS 417-581-0868
- Chet Rhodes (1:151/124) Hawkmoon's Realm 919-556-8363
- Larry Thrasher (1:3612/650) The Night Thrasher BBS 904-937-9144
- Thomas Wells (1:3621/1) Renegade's Hideout 615-326-5597
- Timothy Barney (1:2622/3) The Gravel Pit 814-942-1552
- Cliff Williams (1:112/124) The City Of Thought 904-645-8850
- Jon Parise (1:2606/421) Infinite Twilight 908-637-8243
- Arthur Stark (1:395/670) Top's Diamond Mine 254-542-8783
- Ronald Schlegel (1:110/1065) Dynasty BBS 937-258-1030
- David Raasch (1:280/285) Let It Shine Online! 816-461-2290
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- NOTE: These names appear in no particular order, they are only listed here
- as the names appear in my MAX Graphics area message base....
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- One Quick Note Before We Start:
- ───────────────────────────────
- I'm going to apologize ahead of time in case any part of this documentation
- seems kind of vague. I'm a programmer, not a teacher, so all I can do is my
- best. Plus, it appears that there is a world wide campaign to abolish the
- reading of any and all documentation, so I really don't spend a whole heck
- of a lot of time writing any documentation any more. If for some reason you
- can't understand what a certain feature does by reading this document, all
- I can suggest is that you tinker around with that feature for a while until
- you understand what it's actually doing. Hands on experience is always the
- best teacher and most effective way of learning something new....
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- System Requirements:
- ────────────────────
- IBM or compatible PC with a 386 or better (Preferably Better) CPU. MAXterm
- has been tested on as small as a 386/SX40 and as high as a Pentium 133. If
- you are running a 386, you can expect MAXterm to run a little slow, sorry.
- DOS 3.0 or greater, no special operating system required. This program will
- also run perfectly in a DOS session under MS Windows or OS/2 as well.
- 480K (or greater) free conventional memory.
- 1 Meg (or greater) free XMS or EMS memory.
- SVGA video card with at least 1 Meg of video RAM. If your video chipset on
- your video card is not directly supported by this program, you will need to
- make sure your video card is at least VESA compatible. If your video card
- does not have an on board VESA BIOS, you will need to load the VESA driver
- TSR that came with your computer or video card before running this program.
- Keep in mind that running MAXterm in generic VESA mode will result in slow
- performance.
- Configuring your video card's chipset is done through the MAXVIDEO.CFG file,
- which is a plain text file with the video chipset ID number on the first
- line of the file. Below is a list of the supported chipsets and their ID
- numbers:
- ID - Video Chipset Brand/Series
- ────────────────────────────────────────
- 0 - Attempt To Auto Detect Chipset
- 1 - Generic VESA Support
- 2 - Ahead A series
- 3 - Ahead B series
- 4 - ATI 18800
- 5 - ATI 18800-1
- 6 - ATI 28800/38800/68800/88800
- 7 - Chips & Technologies 82c451/455/456
- 8 - Chips & Technologies 82c452
- 9 - Chips & Technologies 82c453
- 10 - Genoa 6000 series
- 11 - Oak OTI-067
- 12 - Paradise PVGA1a
- 13 - Paradise WD90C00/WD90C10
- 14 - Paradise WD90C11/30/31/33
- 15 - Trident 8800 series
- 16 - Trident 8900/9000 series
- 17 - Tseng ET3000 series
- 18 - Tseng ET4000 series
- 19 - Video7
- 20 - Cirrus Logic 5400 series
- 21 - S3
- 22 - NCR 77C22/77C32
- 23 - Oak OTI-077
- 24 - Oak OTI-087
- 25 - Type 25 (Reserved)
- 26 - Cirrus Logic 6400 series
- 27 - Advance Logic 2000 series
- If you select ID #0 and get nothing but garbage when you fire up MAXterm,
- this usually means that MAXterm could not detect your video chipset, nor
- could it auto detect VESA compatibility either. If you have also tried to
- load a VESA driver TSR in advance and are still having no luck, you will
- need to force VESA support ON by placing a number 1 on the first line of
- the MAXVIDEO.CFG file. If this still doesn't work, it is obvious that the
- MAXterm program will not work with your video card. In this event, please
- send me the specifications on your video card so I can see if there is a
- chance that direct support can be added for it.
- You will need to have shareware or registered copies of ARJ, LHA, PKWARE,
- and RAR archivers on your system located in your "Archiver Path" in MAXterm.
- If you don't have any of these, you will need to get them before you can
- run this program. If these utilities do not exist in your Archiver Path you
- will not be able to unpack or re-package graphics resource packages.
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- F.Y.I.:
- ───────
- One thing to keep in mind about MAXterm is that its original intention was to
- be an external protocol, rather than a complete terminal program. Most people
- are too fond of their existing ANSI terminal program to part with it which is
- why MAXterm doesn't have all the bells and whistles of other programs. If the
- terminal program you use has the capability to run external protocols, or run
- external script/batch files, you would be wiser to strip MAXterm down and run
- it that way instead. See "COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS" for more information....
- My priorities are the advancement and development of the MAX script language
- interpreter, MAXpaint, TDK (The MAX Graphics Door Development Kit) and my BBS
- package Max-Menu (FS). MAXterm in my opinion is merely a utility, it is by no
- means meant to be a competitor/replacement for the more popular ANSI terminal
- programs out there today. MAXterm is only intended to be a compact and basic
- online MAX script language interpreter which requires the absolute minimum of
- memory and does not require a hot rod system to operate. There is no need to
- send me messages telling me that MAXterm is limited....It's suppose to be....
- On the other hand, if you are a Pascal programmer and are interested in going
- to work on an advanced version of MAXterm, I can make special arrangements to
- make the MAXterm units outside of the commercial units available to you....
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Installation:
- ─────────────
- Before this program can continue installing, you will need to know a few
- things about your system in advance. First of all, the default archiving
- method used by MAX products is PKZIP, you will need to know the path to
- PKZIP.EXE and PKUNZIP.EXE ahead of time. If these already exist in your
- DOS path, the installation program will automatically find them for you.
- You will also need to know the comport number and IRQ that your modem is
- attached to. This program will default to UART communications as well as
- to a 38400 baud locked port speed. You can change these settings to suit
- your system as needed.
- Lastly, if you have a "SoundBlaster" compatible sound card installed you
- will need to know the port hex address, IRQ, and DMA channel of the card
- as well. This information is usually available in your AUTOEXEC.BAT, or
- if you run MS Windows, check the "Control Panel" settings for your sound
- card to obtain this information.
- To continue, simply copy the contents of this archive to any directory of
- your choice. Run SETUP.EXE with no parameters and the program will do all
- of the work for you, and be sure to follow *ALL* on screen instructions!!
- Repeat this process when upgrading from a previous version of MAXterm....
- Installation Problems:
- ──────────────────────
- Major changes have been made from MAXterm v1.XX to MAXterm v2.XX, and the
- installation procedure is one of the major changes. A lot of sysops, web
- masters, and CD-ROM manufacturers process files with "Upload Processors"
- and there are quite a few of them that think it's wise to convert any and
- all internal archives to their favorite archive format. BZZZT!!!...NOT!!!
- This was causing problems with people trying to install MAXterm and then
- being blasted with messages saying that the program couldn't find any of
- the icon libraries because the person they got it from converted the file
- DEFAULT.PKG to DEFAULT.ZIP or some other archive format. MAXterm is fully
- dependent on the SETUP.EXE to install the program, and now file names and
- their CRC32 values are verified to prevent any possible tampering. So now
- you can rest assured that when you install MAXterm, you will always have
- an authentic installation archive. The only way to assure that SETUP.EXE
- is authentic is to get your MAXterm archive directly from the author, but
- hopefully people will find better things to do than to tamper with that..
- ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ Program Tips and Troubleshooting: ║
- ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- Windows 95 Tips, From The Explorer:
- ───────────────────────────────────
- 1. Open Explorer
- 2. Find the DOS file executable you are interested in. In this case that
- 3. Right click one time on the *.EXE and a quick menu will open up.
- 4. At the bottom will be an option called "Properties". Left click it.
- 5. A menu set with tabs at the top will pop up. The default one is the
- "General" menu. Beside it is one called "Program", left click it.
- 6. At the bottom of this screen is a button labelled "Advanced".
- Left click it.
- 7. There will be 3 items highlighted on this page. Click on the one that
- says "Prevent MS-DOS-based programs from detecting Windows."
- 8. Be sure to set your idle sensitivity as far to the left as possible.
- 9. Click OK to exit....You are done....
- Windows 95 Tips, From A Desktop Shortcut:
- ─────────────────────────────────────────
- 1. Right click on the desktop shortcut for the program in question. (If you
- haven't made one already then you can perform the following steps during
- the shortcut setup).
- 2. At the bottom of the quick menu that will appear will be an option
- labelled "Properties". Left click it.
- 3. This menu will default to the "Program" tab. (note: the "General" tab is
- not available from the desktop icon.)
- 4. Go to step 6 above and contine.
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Modem Initialization:
- ─────────────────────
- Please do "NOT" rely on the default modem settings created when you install
- MAXterm, this is just a "Get By" set up. There is no such thing as a global
- compatible modem setup, so please read your modem's manual to find out what
- your actual initialization string is.
- The AT&F&C1&D2H0W2S95=2 is nothing more than a generic modem init string to
- tell a modem to kick back the actual connect rate, rather than your locked
- port speed when you call a BBS. Your modem may or may not require it, also,
- it is most likely that your modem will require more commands. This is just
- here to make sure the MAXterm uses the actual connect speed for calculating
- transfer times in uploads and downloads.
- Also, some modems have this feature (?) that makes it kick back a "RINGING"
- when waiting for a BBS to answer. This may interfere with the operation of
- MAXterm when dialing because the "RING" part of "RINGING" might be mistaken
- for an incoming call and may cause MAXterm to abort the dialing screen...If
- your modem does this, please refer to your manual to see what command will
- disable this feature in order to remedy the problem.
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ANSI Emulation:
- ───────────────
- On some slower systems (386/SX Models) you will notice the ANSI emulation in
- SVGA mode is extremely slow. This isn't a bug or a shortcoming in MAXterm,
- it's merely a side effect of trying to make SVGA graphics do something that
- it was never intended to do. In graphics mode, fonts don't have a background
- color, so the program first needs to block out the character space with the
- current ANSI background color, then plot the letter over top of that block..
- This is where the system drag comes from....
- If you are using a slower machine, or if you have an older SVGA video card,
- you will want to set the ANSI emulation selection in your dialing directory
- entries to "Text Mode". This will force MAXterm to switch all the way back
- to text mode when a BBS or a BBS door jumps into ANSI mode. While in text
- mode ANSI, MAXterm will look like any other ANSI terminal and will totally
- eliminate the drag associated with ANSI and SVGA graphics.
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Special Batch Files:
- ────────────────────
- MAXterm makes use of four special batch files to handle specific functions
- that you can customize. These batch files are listed below as well as their
- purpose and how MAXterm executes them. These batch files are also created
- automatically by SETUP.EXE if they do not currently exist.
- BROWSER.BAT - Any time MAXterm receives the HTML_Browser() command, this
- batch file is called with the name of an HTML file on the
- command line. The HTML file will have to exist in MAXterm's
- \SESSION\ subdirectory.
- TEXTEDIT.BAT - If you select "1 TEXTEDIT.BAT" from the "Other Stuff" menu
- in MAXterm, this batch file is executed with the path & file
- name to edit. You will be prompted to enter the file name in
- MAXterm before this batch file is called.
- SCRNVIEW.BAT - If you select "2 SCRNVIEW.BAT" from the "Other Stuff" menu
- in MAXterm, this batch file is executed with the path to the
- \SESSION\ subdirectory on the command line as well as a file
- name to view. You would put a MAX Graphics screen file viewer
- executable in this batch file.
- ICONEDIT.BAT - If you select "3 ICONEDIT.BAT" from the "Other Stuff" menu
- in MAXterm, this batch file is executed with the path to the
- \SESSION\ subdirectory on the command line. You would put a
- MAX Graphics icon editor executable in this batch file that
- expects a path to resources on the command line.
- Other Batch Files:
- ──────────────────
- MYUNARC.BAT - These batch files are used to call a custom archiver of your
- choice, these batch files can actually be named anything you
- wish. Both of these batch files are called from the \SESSION
- directory and the current PKG file in use is passed as the
- first command line parameter, "> NUL" is the second parameter
- which is used to suppress direct screen output.
- DOWNLOAD.BAT - These batch files are used to call custom upload/download
- protocols. These batch files are called with no parameters
- whatsoever, so you may wish to obtain a program to read the
- :\MAXTERM\SESSION\MAXINFO.DEF drop file before this batch
- file is called. There are simply too many different types
- of protocol drivers out there to add specific command line
- parameters. These batch files are also only called when the
- program is in "Text" ANSI mode.
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Remote MAX Detection:
- ─────────────────────
- If you call a BBS that happens to be running a lot of MAX compatible doors,
- and the door cannot detect MAX capabilities in your terminal program, there
- are a couple things that will cause this.
- First of all, the speed of your computer. If your computer takes more time
- to save the screen and fire up the ANSI emulation window than it takes for
- the BBS or BBS door to start up, then you need a faster computer. You can't
- expect MAXterm to work correctly on some old 386/SX20, simply because those
- computers were never designed to handle multimedia applications.
- Secondly, the sysop of the BBS you are calling could very well have some
- kind of an error in their configuration. A lot of times this error can be
- caused by something as simple as the sysop not having enough delay in the
- program startup/detection, or an error in their program's comport settings.
- You will have to work with your sysop to find the root of the problem, it
- is usually just a simple oversight that needs to be corrected.
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Command Line Parameters:
- ────────────────────────
- MAXterm can be used in conjunction with any other terminal program that will
- allow you to drop to DOS, run external scripts, or run external batch files.
- You may wish to strip MAXterm down if this is how you intend to run it. Only
- the files that start with MAX (ie: MAX*.*) need to be kept. By stripping it
- down, MAXterm will occupy about 250K of drive space. However, depending on
- the systems you call, it can occupy more space when the systems you call
- automatically update your graphics resources. Good thing the resources are
- stored in compressed format eh? :)
- To start up MAXterm already online, use the following command line:
- MAXTERM.EXE ONLINE [Dialing Directory Entry Number]
- Or:
- MAXTERM.EXE ONLINE 10 (For BBS #10 in your dialing directory)
- The reason for the "Dialing Directory Entry Number" is because the BBS you're
- calling may have a specific resource package that needs to be unpacked first.
- This also automatically assigns your name and password for that system to the
- F9 and F10 keys. If no entry is specified, DEFAULT.PKG will be used instead,
- but MAXterm will not repack the resources upon exiting.
- There is also an alternative to using the dialing directory entry number on
- the command line. You may also use the first 8 letters of the file name of
- the graphics resource package you wish to unpack. Some people find this to
- be easier to remember than the dialing directory entry number.
- Example: MAXTERM ONLINE MYBBS (Forces MAXterm to use MYBBS.PKG)
- Unfortunately this method has a drawback. With this method, you cannot send
- your name and password using the F9 and F10 keys. This method also disables
- the "MAX Auto-Logon" feature that may be supported by some BBS packages.
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Special Note:
- ─────────────
- Even though MAXterm is not RIP compatible, it does rely on two RIP commands
- for screen clearing, and for flipping the program between ANSI and Graphics
- modes. If you enter a BBS or a Door that detects RIP and locks itself into
- RIP mode, you won't see anything on your screen.
- To get around this problem, there is a function assigned to the F2 key that
- toggles the program's "RIP Fake Mode". Toggling this to "OFF" tells MAXterm
- not to send the RIPSCRIP015400 back to the host system when it receives the
- ESC[! command that detects RIP capabilities in your terminal program.
- MAXterm also has the capability to fake out BBS/Door programs that query
- the remote for RIP icon files. Since MAXterm makes no use of RIP icons, it
- will tell a BBS/Door program that the icons actually do exist so long as
- the "RIP Fake Mode" is activated. This is done because there is no reason
- for MAXterm to take the time to download icons that it won't read anyway.
- If you are unsure about whether a BBS or a Door supports MAX Graphics, call
- the BBS in normal ANSI mode and ask the SysOp what percentage of their BBS
- is MAX compatible. If no part of their system is MAX compatible, you might
- want to upload a copy of the MAXterm program to them so they can see all of
- the advantages it has over their existing RIP interface.
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- F-Keys In MAXterm:
- ──────────────────
- F1 - Pops up the F-Key help menu.
- F2 - Toggles the "RIP Fake" mode on and off.
- F3 - Drops carrier and stays in terminal mode.
- F4 - Drops carrier and exits terminal mode.
- F5 - Pops up the upload queue menu.
- F6 - Pops up the download menu.
- F7 - Pops up the ASCII upload menu.
- F8 - Performs a shell to DOS.
- F9 - Sends the name stored in the current dialing directory entry.
- F10 - Sends the password stored in the current dialing directory entry.
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- SysOp Tips:
- ───────────
- You may customize the MAXterm archive to suit your BBS, the only required
- files in the MAXterm archive are SETUP.EXE, and MXT.RES, You may actually
- add other files to this archive as well so users will always have all of
- the required resources for your BBS, and so your BBS number automatically
- appears in the user's dialing directory.
- To make your BBS number automatically appears in the dialing directory you
- simply place a copy of the MAXPHONE.DIR in your MAXterm archive. All you
- do is fire up MAXterm, create a dialing directory for your BBS, save your
- changes, then exit the program. Copy the file MAXPHONE.DIR to a temporary
- directory on your hard drive containing SETUP.EXE, and MXT.RES, and then
- make an archive of the files. When the user installs MAXterm, the custom
- dialing directory will be used instead the the one SETUP.EXE creates.
- To add your resources to the program, make sure that the dialing directory
- entry you created shows any Board ID other than "DEFAULT", and then create
- an archive (preferably ZIP format) containing all of your resources using
- the file extension ".PKG" (ie: MYBBS.PKG). Place this file as well as the
- files SETUP.EXE, MXT.RES, and MAXPHONE.DIR in any temporary directory and
- make an archive of all of them.
- Changes from MAX v1.XX to v2.XX:
- ────────────────────────────────
- If you have done this in the past with any 1.XX versions of MAXterm, you
- probably just added all of your resources to the DEFAULT.PKG file. Due to
- problems encountered with this technique, DEFAULT.PKG is now a permanent
- archive and its CRC32 value is always checked to prevent tampering. This
- is also done to insure that when any of the ICON_LIB.* icons are updated,
- MAXterm will always display the correct icons. Now when MAXterm unpacks
- its resources, it first unpacks the resources for your BBS, indexes all
- of the resources, then unpacks the DEFAULT.PKG file to make sure all of
- the correct default icons exist.
- In programs such as MAXupdate, LaunchPad, and any other program that has
- built in MAXterm resource updating, you already know that these programs
- originally sent a MAXTERM.EXE and MAXTERM.OVR to the caller when it had
- detected an outdated version of MAXterm. This has changed in v2.XX, you
- now send the caller a SETUP.EXE and MXT.RES instead. This was changed in
- order to *Attempt* to overcome botched terminal updates. Now when MAXterm
- finds a MXT.RES file in its download directory, it will create a flag on
- the hard drive indicating that the program needs to be updated before it
- will run. If MAXterm sees the file C:\MAXTERM\UPDATE.FLG upon startup, it
- will halt with an error message on the screen telling the caller to run
- the SETUP.EXE located in their download directory. MAXterm will also exit
- with this same error message after the carrier is lost to make sure the
- user doesn't attempt to call back with the outdated version of MAXterm...
- Pseudo Network Spool Connections:
- ─────────────────────────────────
- MAXterm has a new feature that allows you to test MAX compatible BBS doors
- locally on your machine complete with local SVGA graphics. This requires a
- multi-tasker of some kind such as Windows 3.1, Windows 95, or OS/2. You'll
- need to create a dialing directory entry that has no phone number in it so
- MAXterm will know that it is suppose to use the spool connection. What you
- do is first start up the door in one DOS session instructing it to use the
- spool connection and point it to the :\MAXTERM\SPOOL\ path, then start up
- MAXterm in another DOS session, select the dialing directory entry for the
- spool, and then click on the "Dial" button. That's all there is to it....
- MAXterm Plug-Ins:
- ─────────────────
- There is also an archive available that contains a MAX screen file viewer
- and a MAX icon editor. The file naming convention for this is MXT_P###.*
- where the ### is the current version. The programs contained in the archive
- are automatically called by the SCRNVIEW.BAT and ICONEDIT.BAT batch files
- that MAXterm creates upon installation. This archive also contains a full
- MAX command/implementation reference file as well....
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The MAXINFO.DEF Drop File:
- ──────────────────────────
- When a BBS or a door send the MAXecute command to your terminal program, it
- will create a special drop file for the MAXecutable program to read...Below
- is a line by line definition of the MAXINFO.DEF system drop file:
- 1. The user's name stored in the current dialing directory entry.
- 2. The user's password stored in the current dialing directory entry.
- 3. Use SoundBlaster: "TRUE" or "FALSE" (without quotes).
- 4. Current .PKG file name in use with no .PKG extension.
- 5. Program upload path.
- 6. Program download path.
- 7. System archiver path.
- 8. System default archiver (1=ZIP, 2=LHA, 3=ARJ, 4=RAR, 5=Custom).
- 9. Custom archiver batch file name.
- 10. Custom unarchiver batch file name.
- 11. Custom external protocol upload batch file name.
- 12. Custom external protocol download batch file name.
- 13. Current comport in use (1 to 8).
- 14. Current comport hex address (0 for standard address).
- 15. Current comport IRQ (0 for standard IRQ).
- 16. Current comm device (1=UART, 2=Fossil, 3=DigiBoard).
- 17. Current comport port speed (ie: locked port rate).
- 18. Current connection speed (ie: caller's actual baud rate).
- 19. Current comport input buffer size in bytes.
- 20. Current comport output buffer size in bytes.
- 21. Using hardware flow control: "TRUE" or "FALSE" (without quotes).
- 22. Modem initialization string #1.
- 22. Modem initialization string #2.
- 22. Modem initialization string #3.
- 23. Modem answer string.
- 24. Modem on hook string.
- 25. Modem off hook string.
- 26. Modem dialing string.
- For more information on MAXecutables, please pick up a copy of The DoorKit
- or otherwise known as "TDK". It is available on most BBSes and CD-ROMS as
- well as a few random places on the internet. The file naming convention is
- TDK_V###.RAR or whatever archive format it has been converted to.
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Questions & Answers:
- ────────────────────
- Q: For some reason I can't get MAXterm to display on my screen normally,
- sometimes it displays appearing to be all scrunched up at the top of
- the screen, and other times I just get garbage. How do I fix it?
- A: Look at the list of supported chipsets in MAXTERM.DOC, if your video
- chipset is listed, edit the file MAXVIDEO.CFG with a text editor and
- put your chipset's ID number on the first line. If it isn't listed,
- then you should put a number 1 in there to tell the program that you
- wish to use generic VESA compatibility. The drawback to using generic
- VESA support is that it is slower than direct chipset support, but it
- will still allow MAXterm to work on nearly every video card out there.
- Q: Why is it that if I am running MAXterm in a DOS session under OS/2 and
- use the ALT-ESC to switch windows, it sometimes locks up MAXterm or it
- just screws up the display?
- A: That's just the nature of OS/2, Windows will do the same thing. Unless
- an SVGA program is written to use the operating system's actual desktop
- and resources, you will run into problems when switching sessions. What
- is happening is that the operating system is resetting the video DAC's
- (What holds the current color palette settings) for the new session and
- not setting it back to the MAX palette settings when returning. You may
- notice that other SVGA programs do not do this and the reason for that
- is because they are using your video card's default palette. To reset
- the program to the MAX palette, simply drop to DOS and then return....
- Q: For some reason I seem to have a problem getting MAXterm to work with
- the SIO fossil driver under OS/2. I can connect to a BBS and if they
- are running the MAXupdate program, it can't detect my resources right
- and auto Zmodem downloads don't seem to work. Any suggestions?
- A: Yes, set your terminal to use UART instead of Fossil. I'm still trying
- to figure out what the problem is with MAXterm and SIO. I had the same
- problem with RoboBOARD's FX-Term and Shotgun's SGT terminals with SIO
- and OS/2 as well. This could be a bug in the Async-Pro communications
- library used in MAXterm, or it could just be a DOS session setting in
- OS/2. All I know is that setting the program to use UART fixes this...
- (This may also apply to 32 bit fossil drivers for Windows 95 as well.)
- Q: Sometimes when I fire up MAXterm, I don't get anything but a bunch of
- BIG garbage characters on the screen. It doesn't do this every time,
- it just seems to be a random thing. Any idea what causes this?
- A: Yep, that's another one of those bugs in Windows 95. It seems to go
- away after replacing the stock Windows driver for your video card with
- a manufacturer supplied driver. The only time this will happen is when
- something else is hogging the CPU and MAXterm can't sync up with your
- vertical retrace. If this happens, just press ALT-O, then ALT-Q, then
- start up the program again.
- Q: For some reason when I move the mouse over certain parts of the screen
- really fast, it leaves garbage on the screen. Any way to fix this?
- A: I can almost guarantee you that are running Windows 95 judging by the
- description of the problem. I run Windows 95 on one machine and OS/2
- on the other. The Windows 95 machine did the same thing to me until I
- replaced my mouse driver and video driver. You'll need a manufacturer
- supplied mouse driver and video driver to overcome this problem. The
- only reason this happens is because Microsoft only makes an *attempt*
- to write fully compatible drivers, if you want to make sure that you
- have a fully accurate and fully compatible driver for your specific
- hardware, you absolutely *must* go to the manufacturer for it.
- Q: Every time I try to run MAXterm, it bombs out and says that there is
- no DEFAULT.PKG and refuses to run. What happened here?
- A: Either you or the sysop of the BBS you got MAXterm from have deleted
- the package of the default system icon libraries. This archive is the
- the one that contains the main ICON_LIB.* icon libraries, without any
- of these icons, MAXterm will refuse to run. In this case, you should
- obtain a new MAXterm archive directly from the author and re-install
- the program.
- Q: For some reason when I call a BBS, the BBS can detect that I'm using
- MAXterm, but their MAX compatible doors can't. It's like I'm stuck in
- this never ending blank SVGA screen and the only way to get out if it
- is to drop carrier on the BBS. How do I fix this?
- A: You obviously need a faster computer. Most 386/SX models are way too
- slow when it comes to saving SVGA screens. What's happening is that
- the BBS is telling your terminal to kill all the active windows and
- open up the ANSI Emulation window. Well, by the time your machine is
- done doing all of that, the BBS and the door have already swapped out
- and ran through the autodetection phase. It is recomended that you
- don't run MAXterm on anything less than a 386/SX40 with a minimum of
- 2 megs of RAM (500K Conventional and 1 Meg EMS/XMS memory free).
- Q: For some reason MAXterm is locking up DesqView and causing DesqView
- to perform erratically. I can run the LOD terminal under DesqView with
- no problems. How does a person cure this?
- A: Simply don't run MAXterm under DesqView....DesqView wasn't designed
- to run any programs in 640x480x256 mode. Even though QuarterDeck has
- attempted to remedy this shortcoming, they've never been successful.
- The LOD terminal program is actually only a VGA terminal even though
- it says it is SVGA, so it will run fairly decent under DesqView. The
- only real remedy is to shut down DesqView and run MAXterm from DOS.
- Q: What would cause me not to have any sound? I have a SoundBlaster card
- installed and all of my dialing directory entries are set to use the
- SoundBlaster.
- A: Your settings for your sound card under the "Other Stuff" menu are
- incorrect, your sound card is actually not SoundBlaster compatible,
- or you are unfortunate enough to have one of those substandard PnP
- sound cards. Plug-N-Play hardware has yet to really reach a standard
- level and is subject to erratic performance. You would be better off
- to go back to your ISA setup until PnP becomes reliable and stable.
- Q: When ever I set MAXterm to use the SoundBlaster and a BBS sends the
- command to play a sound file, it either locks up my system, or it
- makes the SoundBlaster "BLAST" noise out of it. How do I fix this?
- A: Even though your sound card may say it is SoundBlaster compatible, it
- actually may not be. Be sure that your sound card settings under the
- "Other Stuff" menu are actually correct. If they are indeed correct,
- then I would have to say that your sysop is trying to use compressed
- sound files and their sample resolution simply cannot be determined.
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- For an authentic copy of this program, see below:
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Contact: 1:14/703@FidoNet Or: USA MAX Graphics HQ-BBS │
- │ 411:1500/0@ivNET (308)762-2239 │
- │ 121:101/2@AllianceNet FAX or Data Calls │
- │ maxgfx@juno.com ANSI/ASCII/MAX (No RIP) │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘