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- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- MAXterm ß2.01
- The Original MAX Graphics Compatible Terminal Program
- Copyright 1995-Current * Larry L. Athey * BBS Utiliteez Software
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- System Requirements:
- ────────────────────
- IBM or compatible PC with a 386 or better (Preferably Better) CPU. MAXterm
- has been tested on as small as a 386/SX40 and as high as a Pentium 133. If
- you are running a 386, you can expect MAXterm to run a little slow, sorry.
- DOS 3.0 or greater, no special operating system required. This program will
- also run perfectly in a DOS session under MS Windows or OS/2 as well.
- 400K (or greater) free conventional memory.
- 1 Meg (or greater) free XMS or EMS memory.
- SVGA video card with at least 1 Meg of video RAM. If your video chipset on
- your video card is not directly supported by this program, you will need to
- make sure your video card is at least VESA compatible. If your video card
- does not have an on board VESA BIOS, you will need to load the VESA driver
- TSR that came with your computer or video card before running this program.
- Keep in mind that running MAXterm in generic VESA mode will result in slow
- performance.
- Configuring your video card's chipset is done through the MAXVIDEO.CFG file,
- which is a plain text file with the video chipset ID number on the first
- line of the file. Below is a list of the supported chipsets and their ID
- numbers:
- ID - Video Chipset Brand/Series
- ────────────────────────────────────────
- 0 - Attempt To Auto Detect Chipset
- 1 - Generic VESA Support
- 2 - Ahead A series
- 3 - Ahead B series
- 4 - ATI 18800
- 5 - ATI 18800-1
- 6 - ATI 28800/38800/68800/88800
- 7 - Chips & Technologies 82c451/455/456
- 8 - Chips & Technologies 82c452
- 9 - Chips & Technologies 82c453
- 10 - Genoa 6000 series
- 11 - Oak OTI-067
- 12 - Paradise PVGA1a
- 13 - Paradise WD90C00/WD90C10
- 14 - Paradise WD90C11/30/31/33
- 15 - Trident 8800 series
- 16 - Trident 8900/9000 series
- 17 - Tseng ET3000 series
- 18 - Tseng ET4000 series
- 19 - Video7
- 20 - Cirrus Logic 5400 series
- 21 - S3
- 22 - NCR 77C22/77C32
- 23 - Oak OTI-077
- 24 - Oak OTI-087
- 25 - Type 25 (Reserved)
- 26 - Cirrus Logic 6400 series
- 27 - Advance Logic 2000 series
- If you select ID #0 and get nothing but garbage when you fire up MAXterm,
- this usually means that MAXterm could not detect your video chipset, nor
- could it auto detect VESA compatibility either. If you have also tried to
- load a VESA driver TSR in advance and are still having no luck, you will
- need to force VESA support ON by placing a number 1 on the first line of
- the MAXVIDEO.CFG file. If this still doesn't work, it is obvious that the
- MAXterm program will not work with your video card. In this event, please
- send me the specifications on your video card so I can see if there is a
- chance that direct support can be added for it.
- You will need to have shareware or registered copies of ARJ, LHA, PKWARE,
- and RAR archivers on your system located in your "Archiver Path" in MAXterm.
- If you don't have any of these, you will need to get them before you can
- run this program. If these utilities do not exist in your Archiver Path you
- will not be able to unpack or re-package graphics resource packages.
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Installation:
- ─────────────
- Before this program can continue installing, you will need to know a few
- things about your system in advance. First of all, the default archiving
- method used by MAX products is PKZIP, you will need to know the path to
- PKZIP.EXE and PKUNZIP.EXE ahead of time. If these already exist in your
- DOS path, the installation program will automatically find them for you.
- You will also need to know the comport number and IRQ that your modem is
- attached to. This program will default to UART communications as well as
- to a 38400 baud locked port speed. You can change these settings to suit
- your system as needed.
- Lastly, if you have a "SoundBlaster" compatible sound card installed you
- will need to know the port hex address, IRQ, and DMA channel of the card
- as well. This information is usually available in your AUTOEXEC.BAT, or
- if you run MS Windows, check the "Control Panel" settings for your sound
- card to obtain this information.
- To continue, simply copy the contents of this archive to any directory of
- your choice. Run SETUP.EXE with no parameters and the program will do all
- of the work for you, and be sure to follow *ALL* on screen instructions!!
- Repeat this process when upgrading from a previous version of MAXterm....
- Installation Problems:
- ──────────────────────
- Major changes have been made from MAXterm v1.XX to MAXterm v2.XX, and the
- installation procedure is one of the major changes. A lot of sysops, web
- masters, and CD-ROM manufacturers process files with "Upload Processors"
- and there are quite a few of them that think it's wise to convert any and
- all internal archives to their favorite archive format. BZZZT!!!...NOT!!!
- This was causing problems with people trying to install MAXterm and then
- being blasted with messages saying that the program couldn't find any of
- the icon libraries because the person they got it from converted the file
- DEFAULT.PKG to DEFAULT.ZIP or some other archive format. MAXterm is fully
- dependent on the SETUP.EXE to install the program, and now file names and
- their CRC32 values are verified to prevent any possible tampering. So now
- you can rest assured that when you install MAXterm, you will always have
- an authentic installation archive. The only way to assure that SETUP.EXE
- is authentic is to get your MAXterm archive directly from the author, but
- hopefully people will find better things to do than to tamper with that..
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- To Obtain An Authentic Copy Of This Program:
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Contact: 1:14/703@FidoNet Or: USA MAX Graphics HQ-BBS │
- │ 411:1500/0@ivNET (308)762-2239 │
- │ 121:101/2@AllianceNet FAX or Data Calls │
- │ maxgfx@juno.com ANSI/ASCII/MAX (No RIP) │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘