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- A Subsidary Of LA-Soft
- This warning isn't actually a warning per-se, this is actually a
- notice to you to tell you that if you have encountered messages
- from Alan McNamee (amcnamee@bert.cybernw.com) and/or Mike Jordan
- (mjordan@europa.com or mike.jordan@comm-dat.com or 1:105/314)
- stating that _ANY_ BBS Utiliteez Software programs contain some
- kind of imbedded virus or the file VIRUS.COM, this is a farce!!!
- Mike Jordan has been on a mission since December of 1996 to try
- and discredit BBS Utiliteez Software and kill off MAX Graphics
- for his own childish reasons. He has even resorted to saying he
- has "E-Mail Death Threats" from me which he has turned over to
- the Oregon FBI...This is an example of how far he will go to try
- to kill off something clearly better than his programming skills
- will ever allow him to create.
- Now this clown has resorted to getting other people to post all
- off these falsified claims so he doesn't get his hands dirty. If
- you encounter a message from anybody saying there is an imbedded
- virus in any of my programs, please get solid verified proof of
- this virus. The best way to obtain proof of this is to send the
- program to the company shown below:
- McAfee Associates, Inc. (408) 988-3832 Office
- 2710 Walsh Avenue (408) 970-9727 FAX
- Santa Clara, California (408) 988-4004 BBS (48 lines)
- 95051-0963
- U.S.A. USR HST/v.32/v.42bis/MNP 1-5
- support@mcafee.COM InterNet
- GO MCAFEE CompuServe
- McAfee America Online
- McAfee Associates is more than willing to provide you with full
- results of their evaluation of any program rumored to contain a
- virus or trojan horse. The absolute _WORST_ thing a person could
- ever find in any BBS Utiliteez Software executable is the phrase
- "VIRUS.COM" which is from a routine in my door development kit
- that simulates a fake Telix download of that file and then drops
- carrier on the user. It is 100% _IMPOSSIBLE_ for this routine to
- to cause any damage to your machine or the remote machine. Until
- just recently, people just regarded this as a "Humorous Routine"
- and never gave it a second thought. But, thanks to the efforts
- of people who have entirely too much time on their hands, I have
- been forced to include this warning in all of my archives so you
- will know who to believe and who not to believe....Thank You....
- - Larry L. Athey * BBS Utiliteez Software * LA-Soft -